Hi Everyone,
I am having a problem with my Atlas 4-4-2. When it is off, I can push it down the track with no problem. Also, when it is in Neutral, and when it is in forward or reverse, with no throttle applied it will push without a problem. When I apply throttle, it does not go anywhere. I can push it along, and it will click really loud until it starts moving on its own around the track. Then it will be really slow for a while-then speed up alot and get quieter. If I then stop it, I can use it like it has no problem. Last night, I took it out and it ran perfectly each way for a half an hour, with varying speeds and directions. I turned it off and back on, and it just worked perfectly. Then I turned it off and came back to it an hour later. It had this problem again. It has always had this problem and hasn't been dropped or anything. Sometimes the problem will happen right away, other times it will wait. But, If it starts working right, I don't think it go bad until after I turn it off for a while.