If I understand the problem here. Atlas Model Railroad Co. had been
using Sandra Kan Mfg. to produce it's product lines. Sandra Kan was
initially purchased by JP Morgan Partners in 2004 and sold again
to Kader Holding in 2008/2009. Kader Holdings is the proprietary manufacturer
of Bachman and other brands. Shortly after Kader's take over most of
Sandra Kans clients, including Atlas and Lionel had their contracts revoked and
were left with out a manufacturer. Why did Kader Holdings unilaterally drop Sandra Kans clients? My guess would be in order to gain competitive advantage for it's Bachman line by choking off the competition. Since O scale trains are such a niche market by
dollar volume, this is a difficult problem. It would be great if Ken Haedrich,
from Atlas or a rep from another manufacturer could give us more insight/details on how
their efforts to retool from this are progressing and what their current plans for
their O scale divisions are and what are realistic time lines for the return to the market place. I believe that being up front with the consumer will go along way to build
band loyalty and patience among their customers.