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Hi Trainman,

I would like to run two trains on the same loop automatically stopping and starting the trains.  I have a basic understanding per this article 

However, it does not give specific specs for these electrical components. Other sources of information have outdated part numbers. I have a basic understanding of relays but not a clue as to rectifiers and capacitors.


It's refreshing to hear that someone wishes to do some simple track and signal controls using the old-fashioned methods. I have been designing, installing, and enjoying relay controls for 50 years. If there's anything you wish to discuss you may email me privately and I will give you as much, or as little, help that you ask for.  Unfortunately, I have been spoken to harshly here several times by "experts" who like to dispute most anything. They make the interchange of ideas tedious. Therefore, my policy is to have private conversations with folks who want to learn how to do these things the right way.  Dale is no longer an old-school electricity advocate here on this public forum for much the same reasons, but he is always willing to help privately, I've heard.


There is hardly a feature or action that you can't get working with relays and the associated hardware.  Recently, I revived an old circuit that I designed while daydreaming at my real job several decades ago.  It's a crossing signal circuit for two-directional travel, that can simulate the real thing, regardless of speed or length of trains. It uses 9 relays (!). There are very fine electronic circuit boards that will accomplish the same things, of course. You will hear from the folks who like them better than relays. It's a matter of ease and taste.


Since relays, capacitors and diodes are so inexpensive, there's no reason not learn this technique, if for no other reason than just to say that you know how to do it.


info (at) SIBTA (dot) com



Originally Posted by RRRRJohn:

Thank you for the information rtr

You are welcome. Although I am all command control (DCS & Legacy) I do enjoy the conventional block control systems just as much. You can do simple things or very complicated things. While I also like the electronics, it is all very interesting to me which ever control method is used.


Originally Posted by Arthur P. Bloom:

It's refreshing to hear that someone wishes to do some simple track and signal controls using the old-fashioned methods. I have been designing, installing, and enjoying relay controls for 50 years. If there's anything you wish to discuss you may email me privately and I will give you as much, or as little, help that you ask for.  Unfortunately, I have been spoken to harshly here several times by "experts" who like to dispute most anything. They make the interchange of ideas tedious. Therefore, my policy is to have private conversations with folks who want to learn how to do these things the right way.  Dale is no longer an old-school electricity advocate here on this public forum for much the same reasons, but he is always willing to help privately, I've heard. 


After I posted the link to Dale H's blog, I got to thinking I have not seen him posting here lately and got to wondering if he was ok. From what you say I take it he is still well. I am really sorry to hear he is not posting as much, I always enjoyed his posts. I almost suggested to the OP to email him, but I didn't want to get him any unsolicited requests. Anyway good to hear he is ok.


I also enjoy your posts on conventional relay control, I am sure some here still appreciate the information on the old school methods of controlling things. I would like to someday set up a small table of track to be able to fiddle with conventional relay and block controls. Think it would be fun. I have done some relay related stuff many years ago and always have liked it. Been a long time and I have to really think about these things now, seemed much simpler back in the '80s when I was a lot younger.

The basic concept of using relays is that insulated outside rail sections are used to trigger relays to operate, to hold, or to release, depending upon the design of the circuit, as metallic wheels bridge from the constantly-powered outside rails to the insulated rail.


There is no reason that this method cannot be employed on a layout that is using a command control system.  In fact, real railroads, even electrified ones like the former PRR and subway systems, use essentially the same control rail methods without interference from their traction circuits, which have voltages ranging from 600 Vdc to 12,000 Vac.

One implementation of a traditional block system with insulated rails and relays would have a train trip a relay that would turn off the block behind.  If there was a command locomotive in the block that was powered down, then that loco would have power cut while it is running and not go through normal shut-down.  How will that command loco come up when power is restored?  Can the command loco be programmed to handle this scenario?



I am using the isolated rail method for some crossing gates and things like that. I don't know how you would be able to do block control of engines like you are talking about with command control stuff in command control mode? I don't know about Arthur, but Dale H was running conventional only on his layout. He had some very interesting things going on that he had posted about on the forum previously, and he posted drawings and other information as is posted on his blog.


I just got back in the hobby a few years ago and was considering trying to do something like block control and going all conventional. However, I just couldn't resist the command control and the electronics end of the hobby so I went that route instead. Bought an MTH starter set and it has grown from there.

Here's a simple method for controlling two trains on the same track that was published in PS 1962. The pictures illustrate pretty clearly how it works.  Whistle tenders will obviously need to be disconnected or they will sound continuously.  Space inside your loco will need to be allocated for a single diode to compliment the supply diode.


Each train will respond to its own throttle in this system!







Images (3)
  • diode1: schematic diagram
  • diode2: Photograph
  • diode3: Supply diodes
Last edited by rkenney
Originally Posted by RRRRJohn:


I'd like to thank you all for your feed back. I am a child of the 50s and have always had trains. The bulk of my roster is post war and MPC.  I would prefer to attempt a control system that complements the era.  Old school, yes but so am I! 


I'm with you I prefer the elegance of the simple PW solutions that were used in the 50's.


Search the Popular Science archives as posted above, you will be amazed at some of the setups that were described for model trains.

I wish you all the luck in the world trying to get it to work with engines with electromechanical E-units. Even a solid state E-unit such as what Williams has/had might be a tad easier, since if you leave the power off for a while, you know what direction the engine will go. Unfortunately its not standard. I think MTH PS2 engines, when run in conventional mode, have a 'standard' direction too. Lionel TMCC might too, but for the life of me I can't remember, its been so long since I have run one conventional.


If you really want to do this, you might have to switch to DC operation. That is a lot of time on modifications that would reduce the resale value of your postwar engines unless you can put it all back the way it was.


There are these neat devices called micro PLCs that could help, but if you aren't familiar with relays, capacitors, diodes, I would recommend against it. I'm fond of Siemens Logo! 24VDC units at work, and I once goofed around with them at home, but I am too busy goofing off on the computer to get serious about it. Other companies make them too. Idec? Koyo? Allen-Bradley? Moeller?


Personally I would take gun runner john's advice. Or the MTH equivalent. (I Forgot, which is better, Ford, or Chevy?)

Here are a couple of Lionel publications that might help too. I think there is info on blocks in there and a lot of other good postwar information too.


The 1954 version was posted by Susan Deats in the Electrical forum under the "Electrical Reference Materials & Manuals" thread that is a sticky at the top of the Electrical forum.


I can't remember who posted the 1965 version so I can't give proper credit here, sorry. I think it also may have been Susan Deats, was thinking I got these both from the same place, but I don't see the 1965 version listed in her post over in the electrical thread. Sorry, I just don't remember?


Last edited by rtr12

If by "old school" you mean to stay true to the technology of the era such as fabricating your own relays by winding wire around nails to make a relay electromagnet (or whatever), then the hobby is a big tent and there are many ways to enjoy it.


If you are willing to take advantage of component technology advances such as modern relays, capacitors, rectifiers and such but still use the fundamental old school techniques, then you can accomplish what you want for, say, $10-20 and there have been OGR articles about this (or Dale H's blog as noted earlier).


As noted, one question to resolve is what your particular engines do after power is removed to stop them using the old-school method.  When power is re-applied does the engine stay stopped, go forward or backward, etc..  That will depend on what engines you have and the kind of reversing-units they use, and then whether you are willing to modify the engine or track voltage system to accomodate this.  So more specifics on your engines would be useful.


Separately, wrt the command issue. one block relay method is to reduce (not remove) the voltage so there's just enough voltage to keep the electronics alive but not enough to move the motor.  This may or may not work for your particular command engine.  If you are willing to make small modifications to the engine, you can insert a small cut-off relay between the electronics and the motor to only remove motor power.  This way the electronics (sounds, lights) continue running and when the cut-off relay is disabled the engine starts moving again.  So the idea is the controlled block sends a localized signal to the local engine to activate the cut-off relay.  Or you can insert a string of diodes between the electronics and the motor so when you drop track voltage the electronics stays alive but the motor gets a greatly reduced voltage that is not enough to move it.  Again, this depends on what exact command electronics are in your engine.



I run conventional and there are a couple of books that are very helpful. Besides the basics they include information on automatic train control using relays.

They are volumes 1 & 2 Wiring Your Lionel Layout by Peter Riddle published by Greenberg and The Lionel Train Book with a wide variety of information.

All are out of print but an internet search should find them.



I will try to explain the construction of two train operation on a loop.


My layout is conventional control and I use relay operated isolated sections of track to control two of my three loops to operate two trains per loop.   This has been in operation since 1977 when the layout was built in Kingston, Jamaica.  To show how this works see youtube video below which shows two train operation on the outer loop only.


I used the Lionel Book referenced earlier as “Lionel Train and Accessory Manuel” 1954 but a later addition called  “Lionel Train and Accessory Manuel “Copyrighted in 1975 but it is the same. 


Page 35 of the 1954 ed shows the circuit.  I use a 12 vac relay with signal pole double throw contacts (good for at least 10 amps) and only use one set of contacts. The relays are triggered by a single section of isolated track on one outside rail with the train wheels making contact with isolated track and the common outside rail on the other side of the section (see pg 37 of 1954 ed).


 I installed a feed from the transformers variable voltage output to isolated 5 or 6 section of track, where the train stops, with 5 ohm, 25 watt adjustable resistor to allow a couple of volts to go to the section to keep the e units from cycling (see pg 31 of the 1954 ed).


To allow trains to operate in both directions in the loop I have two isolate 5 to 6 sections, one on each side of the trigger sections where the relay gets it signal. I select the direction with a single pole double throw slide switch that lets me select which isolated 5 or 6 section will be controlled and thus the direction.  (Note the trigger section must always be ahead of the isolated section). 


I also have single throw switch in the 12 vac line to the relay of each loop to turn off the relay when not in operation.  The relay reverts to send power to the 5 or 6 isolated section when power is off of the relay.


Hope this helps.  Two train operation is lots of fun but you must keep the trains somewhat balanced as to operating voltage so that a lighter train can not over run a slower one before it reaches the trigger section!




Picture showing control panel switches for Two Train Operation per loop switches.  In and Out refer to inner loop system and outer loop system. 


Top Red reset button on LW trans circuit breaker with red light tripped indicator to right of button.


1 trans and 2 trans switch allows red light LW to run whole board, or when to 2 trans to allow red light LW to run main board inside loop only.  And Green lighted LW to run main outside loop and all of new board. 












Images (1)
  • 001
Last edited by Choo Choo Charlie
Originally Posted by rkenney:

Here's a simple method for controlling two trains on the same track that was published in PS 1962. The pictures illustrate pretty clearly how it works.  Whistle tenders will obviously need to be disconnected or they will sound continuously.  Space inside your loco will need to be allocated for a single diode to compliment the supply diode.


Each train will respond to its own throttle in this system!






PS 1962 what was that if you dont mind me asking?


I never actually tried the system posted in that article.  It does look plausible and intrigued me, but I realize as well that you are going to have to run pretty much full throttle just to get any motion out of your locos!


I'd be curious enough to try it some time just to find out how much more throttle (voltage) is needed.   

Originally Posted by rkenney:

Here's a simple method for controlling two trains on the same track that was published in PS 1962. The pictures illustrate pretty clearly how it works.  Whistle tenders will obviously need to be disconnected or they will sound continuously.  Space inside your loco will need to be allocated for a single diode to compliment the supply diode.


Each train will respond to its own throttle in this system!






That's how the old Eldon slot car sets worked. Very reliable operation. You're right; it will definitely drive whistle tenders crazy.

Originally Posted by rkenney:

Here's a simple method for controlling two trains on the same track that was published in PS 1962. The pictures illustrate pretty clearly how it works.  Whistle tenders will obviously need to be disconnected or they will sound continuously.  Space inside your loco will need to be allocated for a single diode to compliment the supply diode.


Each train will respond to its own throttle in this system!






That circuit may independently control two trains but in addition to requiring modifications to your engines and whistle/horn units, it won’t do what the OP wants to do which he stated in his 2nd posting above “I would like to run two trains on the same loop automatically stopping and starting the trains”.  The key word is “automatically”.


So it’s back to the “old school” such as Choo Choo Charlie’s layout or by following the diagrams in the post-war operating manuals like that 1965 manual posted above (BTW to rtr12: that is a scan of my copy which I had posted a year or so ago). 


I noticed that Charlie used 12-volt AC relays which simplifies the circuit and wiring.  When building a previous layout many years ago I got lucky and found some 12-volt AC DPDT relays at a local electronic surplus store which I’m still using.  They don’t carry them any longer.  I’m sure Arthur Bloom and the other “older” telephone guys are familiar with those relays! 


And Charlie added a useful extra twist to allow operation in either direction. 



My intent was not to suggest that the Popular Science diode article would provide automatic control, merely to present some interesting methods.


In fact, my first reply suggested a Popular Science article that provided automatic block control.  In it the author presents instructions to build what are essentially SPDT latching AC relays with which he controls individual blocks.





Lionel did provide this automatic stop and go feature for a single train in their 132 Station.  The wiring diagram is shown below.





Images (2)
  • Capture1
  • 132Station

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