Thanks for the kind words on my 1:1 scale Jeep, I wasn't sure where to put that but I wanted it here...
Naturally, I have a few O scale Jeeps (and other US vehicles that are correct for stateside 1943) on my layout:
Lee. Thanks for posting your 1.1 Jeep and also the ones on your layout both are beautiful and you should be proud
Ron. Love that video with your vehicles very realistic. Thanks for stopping by
Mel. Your Jeep looks great also thanks for posting it
Patrick. Nice pic looks like you bought the new Bullnose Kenworth I have about 3 of them now. I’m working on one making it a tandem axle. Don’t forget the International emeryville will be out soon by the same company IXO
Gary. Thanks for posting and the heads up! I really like that background that shell station reminds me of the one in my home town of Flat River, Mo. the building is still there but doesn’t look like it once did thanks for the memory
Thanks Lee, The Shell station was created from a $1.00 broken large Plasticville gas station. It is a copy of the Shell at the end of our street growing up in Detroit. That building is still there as an auto repair place.
That jeep driver better be careful. The A Team is more dangerous than the missile.
I finally got a chance to do some modeling'. I can't believe it was back in April, when we were discussing the 1955 Willys Aero Bermuda'.. I had to build a small diorama to show case this little beauty. I must say this is the best detailed die cast model I have, I think the detailing is second to none and as good if not better than Franklin Mint, Brooklyn, Match Box Classics, etc. The glass is the best I've seen. They detailed the vent window locks, and dash board features. I am very impressed with this company, Esval Models. the one I have is 215 of 250,limited edition. Also first time I paid $100.00 plus for a 1:43 die cast car. I will admit the quality is worth it. The Bermuda is the most desired collectable classic car of all the Willys , as it was produced only one year. They sold for just under $2,000.00 in 1955. Today if you are lucky to find one, fully restored, it will run well over 200K..
Let's take a ride in the country'..
I have been wondering and waiting for when you were going to post this. The model and diorama are excellent.
MELGAR posted:QG48,
I have been wondering and waiting for when you were going to post this. The model and diorama are excellent.
Thanks so much Mel'. It has just been one thing after another. But finally some free time for what's really important'... (LOL)... I must say I just researched the Esval web site. They are a premiere model company'.. Surprised we haven't heard more about them. As you know I bought this car back in April. I just took it out of the box on Friday and was blown away with the detail. if a modeler likes the european cars of the 30s, they would like what Esval offers'...
The Willys Aero has no styling excesses. Just a simple and elegant design. The model looks to be exceptional as well.
MELGAR posted:The Willys Aero has no styling excesses. Just a simple and elegant design. The model looks to be exceptional as well.
You are absolutely correct mel'. Elegant and simple'.. I think that is why it is appealing. It is surprising that sales of them wasn't greater. But 1955 was a record year for GM and their best year to date for overall sales in one model year. By 1957 it was pretty much over for all the private labels. Now days, all those private labels are worth small fortunes.... in the collector car circles..
QuarterGauger, that is one magnificent car!
Looks like you did QG48 what a beautiful car and thanks for posting
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
I finally got a chance to do some modeling'. I can't believe it was back in April, when we were discussing the 1955 Willys Aero Bermuda'.. I had to build a small diorama to show case this little beauty. I must say this is the best detailed die cast model I have, I think the detailing is second to none and as good if not better than Franklin Mint, Brooklyn, Match Box Classics, etc. The glass is the best I've seen. They detailed the vent window locks, and dash board features. I am very impressed with this company, Esval Models. the one I have is 215 of 250,limited edition. Also first time I paid $100.00 plus for a 1:43 die cast car. I will admit the quality is worth it. The Bermuda is the most desired collectable classic car of all the Willys , as it was produced only one year. They sold for just under $2,000.00 in 1955. Today if you are lucky to find one, fully restored, it will run well over 200K..
Let's take a ride in the country'..
That is one fantastic model Quarter Gauger 48.
One would think it is the real thing, thanks for sharing.
Here is a model of the MG that I had in the '70's. I would live to buy another but I don't think my body can still bend in a way to get in and out of it.
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Wow, I love that Willys Aero model!
This is one of those things that will sometimes make me wish I modelled the postwar era, as I'm a fan of anything Willys (which, contrary to popular belief, was pronounced, "Willis," and not, "Willies") ever produced*. I've always been a fan of the Willys Aero, even though I've never seen one in person.
Not a fan of all the current hot rod pre-war car conversions, though...
* I have a 1944 Willys MB 'Jeep' in the garage
P51! and LIONELSKI, Thanks very much for your very nice comments'. It is always nice after spending time working on a project and then posting, and the next day receiving positive accolades from the very talented fellow O gaugers on this forum. Of course this is a thread for car and truck lovers as well as trains.
The Aeros series in 52 was the Eagle through 54, in 55 the introduced the Bermuda hoping to save their line of medium sized cars. The Bermuda came with 115 HP six and 4 speed hydramatic tranny standard. It was a consortium of the many labels out that year. it had features of the Hudson Jet, Caddy tail lights in Pontiac type rear fenders and front end that looked like a Mercury. Was a great perky economical automobile. Problem was too many other similar ones out there with greater name recognition. Shame really it didn't get a better chance, as it was a very well made dependable car'.... Take a look on the net, you'll be surprised what collectors are paying for these when one can be found'.... I sure wish I had one'...
Patrick. My friend you are too kind
John. that MG looks great always like that car
Lee. How about drop us a few more pics of your willys keep on your layout
Hi Guys
Yes I know its 04:00 in the morning here but I cannot sleep.
I have a mixture of 1:43 and 1:50 cars, some I bought from Amazon here in the UK the 1:50 scale come from china and have lights built in, I modified one of these and painted (badly) and turned it into a police car, by adding a flashing red/blue 3mm led. ( not shown) I also have a couple of woodland scenics cars, A truck and a police car this has a red light on the roof. Again I have not added these to my photos yet
I am still in the process of adding a few more yet, but being limited on space?????
I hope you like the pics? sorry if I have duplicated any but I am old and now tired.
Happy railroading
Hi Guys
It's now 8:00 in the morning and I didn't get much sleep so sitting here with a cuppa, and thinking about this subject, we seem to forget that trains need goods and passengers, although from what I have seen on here, none of you guys seem to fit in this category 😀 however I do get in my head, how do people get to their destinations, and where are they going after? Is there a back story to your transport? I have as I said have a few cars and a bus, so what's going on in your scenery? I have an open topped car with young girls, one sitting on the back, a crate of booze in the car being pulled over by the police, they are holding up the traffic, the farmer needs to get his produce to market, office workers now late for work,etc. I have shown this video on another section on here, but it does illustrate the back story, I hope.
Happy modelling and I hope you guys sleep better than me.
Lionel man UK posted:Hi Guys
Happy railroading
Hi Lionel man UK,
I hope you can get in some serious napping today. I especially enjoyed your bus bound for Niagara Falls and the Lynde fork lift scene.
In case you haven't come across it, there's a post on this forum devoted to "little people" doing all kinds of fun things on their layouts :-). And, for moving goods, you can't beat Trumptrain's Team Track Tuesday posts.
I for one only have a carpet layout, which presently is taken up. But my cars and people were always knee deep in what the locals call "shag grass". Talk about traffic jams and stalled deliveries!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
I really like the trucks I could do with one of those.
Ideally do not have the space, btw. I have replaced the station with a diner, which I modified sometime ago, and it has the right footprint now due to the increase in curve from 060 to 072. I will post a video later when I have had a nap, and my meds.
Happy railroading
lionel UK. I started this thread for vehicles only so it wouldn't interfere with the main stream of trains that's why you don't see many train subjects here. Keep posting your vehicles the don't have to stay on your layout just to post here snap a shot on the layout and put it away if you choose. BTW I like that tear drop camper
Patrick. thanks as always to help keep this post alive I agree with the rest your trucks and that boxcar looks great keep posting
lee drennen posted:
Lee, thanks for posting this pic.
Funny how it brought up a memory that I forgot I had.
In the late 50's I remember my Dad pulling up (the one and only time he did this) in front of our apartment in a truck much like this. He let me and my friends in the cab. I was very proud of him.
I understand about the vehicles and not the trains, it really is great to see the "other side" of the tracks so to speak. I did take a few more photos that I will post later.
Since putting in the 072 track I had to abandon the camper trailer park and substitute a station instead. So more cars will be added soon. I sometimes feel it's less about trains and more about the scenery and vehicles etc.
Anyway thanks for the postings and photographs.
Happy railroading.
I really like your fork truck and the crossing across the rail, I have a job making mine look realistic but I guess its only me who sees it.
I only wish I had all that room. Still I can dream.......
Happy modelling and thanks for sharing
Essex UK
John. What a great story thanks for posting it. My dad once told me my grandpa almost bought a White 3000 one time but it had a Diesel engine
Erine. that's what we're about here the other side of the tracks thanks for posting
Patrick did you add the body to the 1950 Chevy? It looks like the old Ertl tractor cab,
coach joe posted:Patrick did you add the body to the 1950 Chevy? It looks like the old Ertl tractor cab,
Coach Joe - I actually bought the 1950 Chevy truck ( assuming the one shown with the Packard boxcar ) from a vendor at a small train show in Arbutus Maryland some years ago. Other than the paint job, I don't think the model itself was ever customized. I have another 1950 truck by Lionel that looks identical except for the paint job.
John, Tomlinson Run, Lee Drennen , P51, Quarter Gauger: Thanks for you kind words about my post with the Packard Show Stopper boxcar. The boxcar is a Weaver product. Weaver evidently made these Packard boxcars in mass at one time. I picked mine up of E bay for about $10.00 a few years ago. Weaver also made these kinds of boxcar cars in bearing the names of other auto manufacturer's names too including Studebaker and I think ... Tucker.
Patrick, I'll have to keep an eye out on the bay to see if I can find these cars. I love the old label ads on refers, especially the automobile ads'...
Thanks Patrick for the info on that RR car
Thanks guys for all your post this week I really enjoyed it
You are welcome Lee'. It's a great thread to be part of'.. and everyone makes terrific contributions... and we all get along well, and respect each others work'...
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
You are welcome Lee'. It's a great thread to be part of'.. and everyone makes terrific contributions... and we all get along well, and respect each others work'...
Yes you are so right QG48 there’s a bunch of great people on this thread and very respectable I really appreciate it. I hope to get some new pics and Trucks done soon I have a couple White 3000 trucks just about done. Once again thanks to all of you
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
I finally got a chance to do some modeling'. I can't believe it was back in April, when we were discussing the 1955 Willys Aero Bermuda'.. I had to build a small diorama to show case this little beauty. I must say this is the best detailed die cast model I have, I think the detailing is second to none and as good if not better than Franklin Mint, Brooklyn, Match Box Classics, etc. The glass is the best I've seen. They detailed the vent window locks, and dash board features. I am very impressed with this company, Esval Models. the one I have is 215 of 250,limited edition. Also first time I paid $100.00 plus for a 1:43 die cast car. I will admit the quality is worth it. The Bermuda is the most desired collectable classic car of all the Willys , as it was produced only one year. They sold for just under $2,000.00 in 1955. Today if you are lucky to find one, fully restored, it will run well over 200K..
Let's take a ride in the country'..
Quarter Gauger 48, That is one heck of a model! Simply a work of art and your photos are excellent. Enjoy!
Hi guys
Until I saw this thread, I didn't realise it was okay to mix 1/43 with 1/50 cars, (sorry you guys say automobile) I have a mixture to. I managed to find some pre-lighted cars on Amazon, I painted one to look like a police car.
Kelp up the great works and even better photo's and thank you for sharing.
Ernie Essex UK
I love that police car you did a great job! I don’t know if you know this or not but but your 1/43 vehicles in the back of your layout and your 1/48-1/50 in the front so they won’t look out of place if done right they will look the same scale.
Nice Trumptrain,
Looks like the lumber used with Lionel's 264 Fork lift lumber loader. Was that accessory used somewhere in this lumber transfer process?
One of the best working accessories in both the postwar and LTI versions
Nice-looking depot, CoolHand. Did you make it or did Lionel sell them like that?
Lionelski posted:Nice Trumptrain,
Looks like the lumber used with Lionel's 264 Fork lift lumber loader. Was that accessory used somewhere in this lumber transfer process?
One of the best working accessories in both the postwar and LTI versions
Thanks John! Actually the lumber is balsa wood. I do have the Lionel Moe and Joe automatic lumber car and the lumber pieces for that are very similar to the ones I used in the scene. I never owned the lumber loader only the barrel loader. I've always heard the Lionel lumber loader was a great accessory though.
CoolHand. Thanks for posting very nice looking freight docks.
Ron. Great looking vehicles really like that police car
Paul. Nice looking salvage yard and I like that old IH Transtar
That looks great Paul!
Very nice I have about 8 of these and I have 3 I’ve custom painted. I always thought this truck looked odd for a B61 after I studied it it’s actually a B67 (short nose of the B61) I will post some pics of the ones I’ve custom painted later thanks for posting
What to do on the very last day of summer'.. in the city'. Friends and family take a ride and have a gathering at their favorite highway picnic rest area.
A talk with uncle Harry, Mother keeps an eye on things', when not enough benches, sit in the open back crew bed', pick up'.. Young love, and a stolen kiss... Uncle Charles decides to take a nap before heading back to the city...
A wonderful last day of summer was enjoyed by all . One last stop on the way home for ice cream'...
Quarter Gauger:. Who made that early thirties Ford pickup, in what scale?
colorado hirailer posted:Quarter Gauger:. Who made that early thirties Ford pickup, in what scale?
That's a funny story. A few years back, I ordered a bunch of 1:43 diecast cars on the bay from a guy in Russia. I thought it would be cool to have cars actually made in Russia. It took well over a month to receive them. And guess what, they were all made in China. I think it is supposed to be a 1932 ford. The only markings on the bottom, is stamped, made in China.
However, Kevin Macomber, Narrow Gauge model supply, has a very similar one on his web site... And I believe he told me it was also an import from Russia'...
love those pics. Also like that safari wagon
Quarter Gauger - I absolutely love your story and the parade of pics that go with it!! Very creative The old weathered Ford pick up is AWESOME!! Did you weather it? Also love that red Pontiac!
That "Ford" pickup may supposed to be a 1933-34. ('32 and '35 Ford pickups were distinctly different) Henry Ford provided dies to build vehicles to the Soviet Union, for the early 1930's...not sure if that began in the 1920's with Model T dies, but Model A and later, again not sure for how long. I have a couple of Russian "school buses" that are twins for Model A Fords. One l will repaint to a school bus when l find out what color they were in rural Colorado in 1940....(some places had different colors than today's and pond scum green are a couple l have seen) and other l hope to power and put on rails as a railbus.
trumptrain posted:Quarter Gauger - I absolutely love your story and the parade of pics that go with it!! Very creative
The old weathered Ford pick up is AWESOME!! Did you weather it? Also love that red Pontiac!
Thanks very much Patrick'... as you are the master at having busy people on the layout, your approval is very much appreciated'... I had you in mind when setting up the shots'...
In the mid 1950s, the Union Pacific was so busy with their TOFC entity ,they began hiring contract drivers that owned their own rigs to haul UP trailers. UP would provide the trailers'.. This in an effort to enhance their rapid delivery and pickup service, mainly for manufactures that had no access to railheads.
Here, a husband and wife share time behind the wheel as they haul for the UP'..
Great looking pics guys!
Mustang. Thanks for posting and the great tip
Lee. Thanks for posting some more of you “Jeep” pics those ones on your layout look so convincing
Paul. Love that REA Freight Terminal and trucks
QG48. Great story and it’s the truth when the U.P. In DuPo IL. Would get behind hauling “Piggybacks” they would hire us to help out. By the way my wife hates riding in a truck
QUARTER GAUGER, another excellent scene. Great subject matter.
Patrick. Love those pics of you reefer truck. My mom and dad had a Studebaker just like that.
trumptrain posted:
Hey patrick, when I was 7 in the 3rd grade, my Dad had a 1951 Studebaker champion in the exact color as the one above. When it was real cold out, it would never start. It was fine at 35 degrees and up... He had many cars, and many were and still are my favorites. The three that still stand out are the stude, a Hot, fast, jet black 54 Mercury, and the 58 ford 351 4 brl V8, twin exhaust, that I took my drivers test with. I almost failed as the examiner claimed the car was a little fast for a driving test'...
lee drennen posted:CoolHand. Thanks for posting very nice looking freight docks.
Ron. Great looking vehicles really like that police car
Paul. Nice looking salvage yard and I like that old IH Transtar
Lee, I’m glad you like my transfer dock. It still needs to be painted. The fun part about that Lionel piece is now the man pushing/pulling the hand truck is on a momentary switch. The action is now independent of the dock lights.
CoolHand posted:lee drennen posted:CoolHand. Thanks for posting very nice looking freight docks.
Ron. Great looking vehicles really like that police car
Paul. Nice looking salvage yard and I like that old IH Transtar
Lee, I’m glad you like my transfer dock. It still needs to be painted. The fun part about that Lionel piece is now the man pushing/pulling the hand truck is on a momentary switch. The action is now independent of the dock lights.
That’s a very nice touch I like it even more with the lights
Coolhand, I really like the looks of the 7up truck/trailer .. Nice dock'
Paul, great looking scene'... Rheingold ', enjoyed a few of those years ago'..
👍🏻😎thanks, Ted
In the early '70s, I worked at a gas station that had a Power Wagon wrecker. That was an amazing truck. One time I used it to push start an 18 wheeler. That will $50 please.
We had them in the first Infantry Div. we used them for heavy vehicle recovery . They weren't fast, but they could push and pull just about anything...
Paul. Thanks for posting that beautiful Power Wagon very impressive
John. I’ve been thinking about buying one of those thanks for posting and don’t stay gone so long I’ve missed you
Paul. Love those Fire Trucks if you ever need some fire apparatus look up Don Mills Models he’s been adding new fire equipment all the time
what a active week on the thread this week thanks for supporting it and keeping it going health and strong.
Our Divco milk trucks were navy blue with cream lettering. By far better looking than Polk's in 1940s Indy. And we also had 1947/48 Chevy sedan panel delivery trucks in light brown and orange. I think it was a tobacco house that made home deliveries for cigars. They were always polished and no damage to them permitted.
Following the theme of DIVCO trucks, this one is lettered for the local dairy in Washington DC in the 1950's. I custom made the decals, based on an old milk box I had. I have no idea if Thompson owned DIVCO's. But I think it looks cool:
Great looking Divco Guys! Sorry this was before my time. The only milk truck I remember was a neat looking Foremost Dairy cabover day cab White Freightliner delivering at our local IGA store.
Welcome Aboard GTR nice looking Vehicles on your layout can you get some up close shots of them? We would like to see them