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Ted,   Not sure what year that Plymouth is as I was never a big Plymouth guy. Had to pick this one up though because I like the idea of a vintage wagon. And yes, I think I am going to try a two tone paint again on this one.

Mike, sometimes the dinky trucks have 17 mm tires. Use a caliper and measure one of the leftovers that you have.

Hello everyone, great pictures all.  Love that '52 Studebaker Cruiser these were great cars ... my BF in high school had a '57 Hawk with 3 duces on the V8.  My offering today happened just by chance.  Took the wife to her antique booth and discovered a small flea market in the parking lot.  Found this guy for $2 so couldn't resist.  Its a 1953 Buick Century convertible and unlike my '54 Chevy I posted awhile back this on has the top down!  Carpetrainman, you said you liked the GM soft yellows so this one should please you.

Here she is in a soft cream yellow with tan leather interior.

Buick 1

Here is a shot with the door opened to show more of the interior.  Both doors open as well as the hood, although the engine is not modeled very realistically, just overall chrome.

Buick 2

Here is the front view, I need to find some headlight lenses but its otherwise nearly perfect.  Just look at that bumper, in solid steel on the real car that thing might weigh nearly as much as my Honda!!

Buick 3

Here is a shot showing the full interior.  Take a close look at the dash board.  My recollection is that it is indeed fairly accurate showing the multi function push buttons in the center on each side of the radio grill.

Buick 4

Finally the rear view.

Buick 5

So there is my car of the day.  Not bad for $2 if I say so myself.  Its perfect year for my layout which is sort of in the "steam to diesel" transition period of the late 50's to very early 60's.

Happy weekend everyone, best regards


Don, you're right about the car and the color....GM's finest hour  Appealing color combo with the tan interior...curious to know what brand diecast is the Buick posted?

@lee drennen posted:

Thanks for the complement Mike. Mike just measured the inter “The Hole”Diameter of the tires in inches for me I think I have some I’ll give you

Hi Lee, the best I can tell it inter hole is 5/16th of an inch.  I Just had a little time to check, I hope to get back out to the train room in a little bit as the CEO doesn't care for NASCAR and I can watch it and work on my fire engine.

It's very cool you have the photo of your dads truck with your big brother! Back in 1964 before July I was inside after July I was t the most 6 months LOL

Joel, I am guessing the outside! LOL

Last edited by mike g.
@JDFonz posted:

Ted,   Not sure what year that Plymouth is as I was never a big Plymouth guy. Had to pick this one up though because I like the idea of a vintage wagon. And yes, I think I am going to try a two tone paint again on this one.

Mike, sometimes the dinky trucks have 17 mm tires. Use a caliper and measure one of the leftovers that you have.

Looks like a 1957-58 always like these Plymouth’s

Lee, great restoration "re-do" on the cab above...looks like the real thing...being your dad's truck right above, you must be the little blond guy up on the cab??

All you guys, coach, Lee, Ted, Joe are putting me to shame with the great restoration work you do...I'm hoping when more of my layout is complete, I'll give the restoration challenge a try

Ted, keep those "Model U's" comin'...great detail work on those, and nothing like a 50's Roadmaster convertible

Thanks for the complement Paul. That punk blonde kid is my brother I didn’t come along till 4 years later. He’s really not a punk now he’s my best friend we’re really close.

Carpetrainman / Paul :  There is no brand name per se on the car.  Underneath on the black plastic frame is embossed a logo of sorts, showing a large wide "S" with horizontal lines flowing from the left side to give the appearance of the letter moving fast.  The id also shows what I expect is the manufacturers model number... SS 5727 and of course..."Made in China". Since I did not get a box, that is all the information I have.


ok guys here is goes, MM/IN/ and Fractions! LOL

so the tire size is as fallows:

Inside                         Outside

8.90mm                    20.80mm

0.332in                     0.8200in

5/16th                    107/128

I this all makes sense!

Plus what is the best way to polish an old window to try and make it look new again?

Last edited by mike g.

Ok Mike,

on the bay search for dinky fire truck 955 tires. You should get some 20mm tires that come up. If that isn’t good, just search 20 mm dinky tires and you will have your choice.

my windshield trick goes like this. I rub polishing compound on the windscreen with my fingers. Then make sure you have it all wiped off. Then dip the windscreen in pledge clear floor polish, which I use, or future floor polish. I set it on a paper towel and let it dry overnight. You’ll have new glass.

if you want to see the results, go back to page 54 of this thread and check out the before and after of the ambulance I restored.


@rattler21 posted:

An Internet search will give you a lot of information for the period between the merge and closing.  Joh

That's exactly what I did, right after I posted.  Lots of information.  I should have asked Lee, if he ever sees any Diamond Reos'.  The last ones I recall was back in the early 70s at our public works dept.  Quite a fleet of all Diamond Reos'... I always like them for some unknown reason'... Maybe the name..................

That's exactly what I did, right after I posted.  Lots of information.  I should have asked Lee, if he ever sees any Diamond Reos'.  The last ones I recall was back in the early 70s at our public works dept.  Quite a fleet of all Diamond Reos'... I always like them for some unknown reason'... Maybe the name..................

Ted I once owned a 1968 114 the first year when Diamond T And Reo merged. I’ll find a pic of it for you.

I’ve been wanting to share some of these for awhile. However, I was on a “hot streak” in terms of vehicles  ive picked up so wanted to share all at once, but then health issues also precluded me from posting. There’s still some more to share but have yet to take pictures. Sorry some of these are fuzzy- they were taken awhile ago Nd didn’t properly download back on to my phone

Leading off- a 1/43 1998 United Nations Military Police Land Rover Defender 90 with Italian Flags  by Grani & Partners(they have an affiliation with Deagostoni, apparently). It’s really tough finding United Nations vehicles that are in North America so I was very happy to land this one!


I recently stopped by a Dollar General and found quite a few 1/43 BBurago “Street Fire” cars(I’ve shared the Jaguar and Mustang already, I believe). Even if they weren’t only $3 a pop- these are pretty nice cars. Here are my two most recent buys from there- a nice black with silver Audi R8.


And a Red 2017 Corvette


From ebay- Corgi Classics Bedford van with Civillian Auxillary fire services(CAS) markings. The CAS was established in the U.K. post-WWII to aid emergency services in the event of nuclear attackA2CD4A6B-232A-42B6-AAF6-E43312AEFD67

From my inherited collection- Matchbox Superkings camper and a Dinky Toys Aston Martin.


This Dinky Toys Hudson Sedan, from my inherited collection, in addition to the above Aston Martin & some other Dinky Toys, has kind of sent me on a Dinky Toys binge lol. Simple and two-toned, but there’s just something about it that I really love. 67704B33-35FA-44FB-B001-63ECC90F2CB92F1CCC97-0273-4F4C-8F58-E3C7BB17BDA5

Finally have incorporated the remaining 2 vehicles from my Corgi 50th anniversary Battle of Britain set on to my layout.

Morris Minor RAF Van arrives at UN checkpoint0B446397-D4CC-4135-8E23-71B38D0D37A5

RAF Bedford coach dropping off troops at the “barracks”(a Hafner passenger station)7A6735D5-B77C-4437-9C28-F32C9AA9ABCB

hopefully more to come later today!


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WOW Steve that is quite the collection! I really like the modern stuff as that what is I model on my layout. But you sure can't knock the older stuff either! There both sharp looking!

Well guys before I called it a day yesterday I was able to get the body and all the parts cleaned for me restore. Now I have  to wash everything and then I might just bake them to dry them before painting. just to speed things up. LOLIMG_20210307_142551309IMG_20210307_142603198IMG_20210307_142610693_HDRIMG_20210307_142616674

I got up this morning and ordered tires, they say they should be here next Monday!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!


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@lee drennen posted:

Mikey. That Mercedes Roadster is sweet.

Steve. You have a lot of nice vehicles in that picture line up.

Mike. That is very a very clean casting you did a great job on it I hope this is not your last restoration for your layout.

Thanks Lee, we will see how the reinstall of everything goes. It could be my first and last LOL but I doubt it.

@lee drennen posted:

18705BC8-F3F9-4A12-BA3F-9AAE9A85A14DPiggyback’s are starting to arrive at the Turkey Branch Layout. This is a old Toosietoy International R-160 Cabover with Don Mills wheels that  I Custom painted and decaled. The trailer is a Lionel O27 trailer that I also Custom painted and decaled with Revell 1/48 Tanker wheels.

Looks good Lee, But I think your going to need a lot more! Maybe even some lowboys to carry the dozer for all the dirt work! LOL

Mike, the fire truck is looking good. Looks like you have fallen down the dinky rabbit hole! I’ve been there since the pandemic started. I must be on my 40th restoration by now. I just love how these toys have held up so well, and the fact you can get replacement parts. The restorations are almost a hobby in itself

@JDFonz posted:

Mike, the fire truck is looking good. Looks like you have fallen down the dinky rabbit hole! I’ve been there since the pandemic started. I must be on my 40th restoration by now. I just love how these toys have held up so well, and the fact you can get replacement parts. The restorations are almost a hobby in itself

Joel, one thing I have to admire is the paint that is still on the cars really doesn't want to come off! I fallowed the instruction for my paint remover and had to apply it 3 times! LOL

One of the wheels is part broken, but I don't thing I want to take it apart as it still holds a tire on it. I will take a photo later and post it here for any ones thoughts!

@mike g. And @lee drennen thank you for the compliments- but I must say, I wish I had the customization & restoration skills that you both have!

Mike- I happen to have that Dinky Fire engine and it’s in nice shape- but the way your going with yours, you’re gonna blow the original outta the water!

Lee- absolutely love the work you did with that o-27 Trailer And the tootie cab- paint is exquisite! The trailer sits very prototypically as well.

I’be dabbled in some rolling stock restoration and am currently in the midst of my first vehicle repaint/restoration. It first, What I will say I am decent at is model soldiers. Don’t mean to veer off course, but I am proud of my work on these and they compliment my military vehicles well:

Took this confederate soldier:


Middle French foreign legion as prototype7D484EDE-6B5E-4C9D-94F2-92503DD1F2C4

to create:


Just need to fix the middle portion of the waist- it should be tan.

In terms of vehicles, I’m looking to convert this late model tootsie into a U.N. Vehicle. It was originally purple and really, best word I can think of is “funkadelic”:


Again- much admiration for the skills you guys have! Hopefully, with practice, I can get to a level that’s at least decent.


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As I said- there were some items I picked up that I didn’t get a chance to post before and I’d also like to show some of the fuzzy pictures more clearly, I’ll start with the former:

Maisto 1/43 1998 Mercedes S500. always loved this model of the S-class, the prototype was much maligned(was made during the Daimler Chrysler years). Regardless, I’m very impressed with this model by Maisto- exterior is splendid and there is decent interior detail as well.


This next one I really love(also a big Land Rover fan) and at just over 10cm it’s length matches the prototype at 1/43 scale. Dinky Toys # 604; Land Rover 109 series 2a Explosive Disposal Unit.


Also there’s some History behind this one- produced for only 2 years(76-77) apparently not a big seller due to it coinciding with a violent period of The Troubles in Northern Ireland. It’s missing The orange paper up front that the back has  and  the plastic robot bomb disposal unit. That said, I must say I feel I got this for a steal


And the back pop’s off:


Here’s a nice complimentary piece I’ve had since I was a kid. It’s undersized but neat nonetheless. Dinky toys #670 armoured car:


Finally took this one out of the package(from Pop’s Collection)Dinky Collection by Matchbox 1958 Studebaker Golden Hawk. Adjacent is the BBurago “hot streets” Audi R8 shown much clearer:


Another clearer shot with one I forgot to post previously. RAF Ford Zephyer MK2(the 3rd from the Corgi Battle of Britain 50th anniversary set). Next to that is the Corgi Classics Bedford CAS Fire auxillary services personnel carrier and on the right is the RAF Bedford coach.


(On another note-This part of my layout is a mess- it’s undergoing some changes now that I have my AIu and Turnouts working correctly)

the BBurago “Hot Streets” 2017 Corvette Stingray:


And finally- I’m posting this to solicit some help- could anyone tell me where I could find tires for this 623 Dinky Army Wagon?


Actually, is there a source for tires for this era of diecast in general?I also have 3 matchbox superkings and a Dinky Super Toys that need tires as well. Would love to get some tires on this Horsevan, too. But the army wagon would be my priority:


Any help would be greatly apprecIated!


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@mike g. posted:

Joel, one thing I have to admire is the paint that is still on the cars really doesn't want to come off! I fallowed the instruction for my paint remover and had to apply it 3 times! LOL

One of the wheels is part broken, but I don't thing I want to take it apart as it still holds a tire on it. I will take a photo later and post it here for any ones thoughts!

Mike'.. Excellent job removing the paint.  And you are correct'.. I have a Corgi Chevy that I have soaked three times in paint remover, and still has paint on it that just won't come off.  What brand paint remover did you use?   It came out good'...

You'll find that krylon or Rustoleum plain primer gray, works best.  I also use the Krylon sprays for the final coates. 

I think if you use a good brand crazy glue, you can repair the broken wheel.

You are doing a heck of a job'... I don't think this will be your last restore'.

I cant wait to see your fire engine when finished'... 😁

Hey Mike, I don’t think I’d do a thing with the broken wheel. I think once you have the tire on you’ll hardly see it.

Steve, as far as tires go, I buy a lot from ravenrose413 on the bay.

But if you want, just in the search on the bay put in Dinky tires 855, or whatever the model number is you are looking for. Trucks are generally 17 or 20mm, dinky cars are 15mm with smooth rubber although there are some dinkys that are smaller, I think they are 12mm. Corgi cars are 15 mm but have treads on them.

Don, that is a very nice find'... And yes those Buicks were heavy beasts.. But they rode as nice a the caddy of the day'.. my mother had a 56 Roadmaster convertible, snow white, red leather interior, black top... and she had a heavy foot'...😁

Ted, here's a '53 I found on the layout...forgot it was down on N. Main St...  It's the lone "Dinky" on the layout...!  Nice quality...

Don, your post above showing the Buick yellow convertible put the idea in my mind to go it is...

Buick Yel 3Buick Yel 5Buick Yel 2


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Last edited by Capetrainman
@StevefromPA posted:

@mike g. And @lee drennen thank you for the compliments- but I must say, I wish I had the customization & restoration skills that you both have!

Mike- I happen to have that Dinky Fire engine and it’s in nice shape- but the way your going with yours, you’re gonna blow the original outta the water!

Lee- absolutely love the work you did with that o-27 Trailer And the tootie cab- paint is exquisite! The trailer sits very prototypically as well.

I’be dabbled in some rolling stock restoration and am currently in the midst of my first vehicle repaint/restoration. It first, What I will say I am decent at is model soldiers. Don’t mean to veer off course, but I am proud of my work on these and they compliment my military vehicles well:

Took this confederate soldier:


Middle French foreign legion as prototype7D484EDE-6B5E-4C9D-94F2-92503DD1F2C4

to create:


Just need to fix the middle portion of the waist- it should be tan.

In terms of vehicles, I’m looking to convert this late model tootsie into a U.N. Vehicle. It was originally purple and really, best word I can think of is “funkadelic”:


Again- much admiration for the skills you guys have! Hopefully, with practice, I can get to a level that’s at least decent.

Steve Thanks the for the complement I hand pained the blue on the International. That figure looks great and I had that Tootsietoy car when I was kid it always reminded me of a dirt track racer like the ones that raced here at home.


Mike, once you install the tire on that wheel, you can fill in the gap with some puty, or a build up of white glue.  Let dry and paint it.....☑

Joel, thanks for chiming in with specs and sellers of the tires..👌 

Paul, that is a nice looking Dinky'... Haven't seen that one before'.. Good looking fotos as well'... And I don't mean just the cars....😁👍

Quartergauger - thanks for the compliment on my Buick.  My wife's Aunt, who used to befriend us both when we were teenagers, had a red / black '57 Roadmaster, 4 door "convertible".  What a beast but OH So SMOOTH on the road!.

Carpetrainman / Paul...yes that one of yours is certainly a duplicate of mine, except the color.  Yours is much closer to true yellow whereas mine is a sort of soft yellow/cream.  Maybe its the picture color making the difference or perhaps mine is somewhat faded due to age or sun...who knows.  Looks good though!


IMG_20210309_185429806_HDR [002)                                      'TWO MORE FOR THE ROAD'

The weather is predicted to hit 64 degrees in the Tri State ARea on Thursday'.  So, I'm hoping to be able to undercoat these two beauties out on the deck.  Speaking of paint, the corgis have the toughest paint to remove.

These two, a 51 Packard, and 59 Chevy are both Corgi.  I have soaked them, in  paint remover for several days, three times.  Sanded, and steel wolled, and still have paint I cant remove..... This is as good as it gets... Spray booth on Thursday'....🤪IMG_20210309_185429806_HDR [002)


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Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

I like it Joel''',  Looks great'.. I really like that chrome paint'.. I have three metallic silvers in acrylic. There nice but as nice as what you have.. What are the particulars on the chrome paint.. I need to get some''''.....😀

After much research, it looks like a 1959 Suburban Wagon.  The grills, side trim and rear lights match up exactly'...

Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

Hi Ted, Thanks for the kudos. That chrome paint is amazing. It comes in a pen form. Not sure of a name brand as I picked it up at Model Empire in Milwaukee.

It might be liquid chrome. I was astonished with the results. I’ve never seen a chrome paint that actually looked like chrome. A little spendy, $11.00 for the pen.

@lee drennen posted:

Ted. You really need a Hobby Lobby in your area. Mine is about 15 minutes away. Have you used them on any of your vehicles?

No Lee, I wish we had one, but we don't.  No hobby shops either.  They all went belly up a few years ago'.. But it was always difficult to get scratch building supplies.  I get almost everything online. With the exception of a few things in Michaels..  I have spent a lot of money on shipping.. Too much. but I have no choice, or go with out it...

Joel the wagon turned out looking great! I like the idea of the Chrome pen. I will have to see what I can find around here if not on the net.

Well I got a coat of paint on my fire engine and I really don't know if I like the dark red, its all I had on hand that would work. I had a can of lighter red but the can wouldn't spray! Anyways here are a couple photos.



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Forty Rod,

Sharpie has gold, silver, and, I believe brass (or bronze?) markers sold separately or as a set.  Staples stocks them.

My time is booked through the weekend but I've been meaning to try the silver one on some 1:43 models with side mirrors that the manufacturers painted over.

I can report that they work well on plastic amd the metallic effect seems "true" for the width. The tips are the usual narrow Sharpie marker width, so good for small detailing.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

@mike g. posted:

Joel the wagon turned out looking great! I like the idea of the Chrome pen. I will have to see what I can find around here if not on the net.

Well I got a coat of paint on my fire engine and I really don't know if I like the dark red, its all I had on hand that would work. I had a can of lighter red but the can wouldn't spray! Anyways here are a couple photos.


Mike that turned out great looks like a smooth paint job

@JDFonz posted:

Hate to say it Mike, but the second one looks a little pink to me. But you know if you like it, that’s all that matters. On your windscreen did you try the floor polish trick? It works great and you’ll have enough in the bottle for about 4000 vehicles!

Hi Joel, Like I said I have no problem painting it again! Just putting it out there. The second color  matches closer to one I already have on hand, or at least it did when it was wet. I haven't looked at it since I painted it this morning. I will check it out.

As for the window, I haven't tried the floor polish yet as we have none here. LOL

By the way, keep in mind that different monitors or screens may show colors in a photo differently.  For example, my laptop shows the nicely matching side-by-side fire trucks with a slight cast (only because I had a hint to look for it , while my big monitor that the laptop is connected to shows a nice solid red.  Your (color) mileage may vary depending on your display.


Forty Rod,

Sharpie has gold, silver, and, I believe brass (or bronze?) markers sold separately or as a set.  Staples stocks them.

My time is booked through the weekend but I've been meaning to try the silver one on some 1:43 models with side mirrors that the manufacturers painted over.

I can report that they work well on plastic amd the metallic effect seems "true" for the width. The tips are the usual narrow Sharpie marker width, so good for small detailing.

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Yeah, but the tips are humongous.  Hard to de small detailed work with them.

Hi guys thanks for your opinion's I think I am going to leave it the color it is now, but I still have a lot to do. After looking at it there is a bunch of detail from the hose reals on both sides the pump panel on the back, and the hose beds on each side of the pump panel. LOL not to mention the front grill and head lights. I think I will wait till I get my liquid Chrome pen I ordered from Amazon.

One thing I am bummed about is that even with the light coat on the bottom the imprint of Dinky disappears, I guess I will get over it!

I hope you all have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend!

Joel, thanks for the idea, I will give it a try.

Paul, wonderful scene and great looking Chrysler!

Lionlman. Nice car, I an old Buick wagon that I learned in, floated like a ship in water going down the road! LOL

Well I got my tires yesterday, but I am no where near ready for them, but its nice to know I have them now! Not bad, but not great either at $1 per tire.

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