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Hey Ted, those headlights look great! Nice work!👍

Funny I just finished not ten minutes ago some final painting and “jewel headlights” on my Corgi Triumph Herald. And here you are knocking them out of the ballpark! I think my Herald will be complete tomorrow, so I can post some pics. And I can’t believe that Mike, sending you that fire truck! What an awesome guy! Way to go Mike, you are what makes this forum so great! 👍👍😎

7EC520C2-5354-4FFD-B8C7-BC5A46EC659C97F6C403-4252-4B9F-A0B7-15955BC44F1AMike. What a nice gift to Ted that truck is beautiful and to give it away to a friend makes it more beautiful you guys here are one of the best.

Cor. Thanks for the update can’t wait to see the wet stuff and that other kit is something else I had one years ago but sold it just too many small parts for my arthritis hands

Ted. Those cars look great I hope to get back at the bench soon but I’ve been busy getting ready to plant the garden and cleaning around the Chicken pen and these hatch this week and two more. Care on.


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@JDFonz posted:

Hey Ted, those headlights look great! Nice work!👍

Funny I just finished not ten minutes ago some final painting and “jewel headlights” on my Corgi Triumph Herald. And here you are knocking them out of the ballpark! I think my Herald will be complete tomorrow, so I can post some pics. And I can’t believe that Mike, sending you that fire truck! What an awesome guy! Way to go Mike, you are what makes this forum so great! 👍👍😎

Not the best photos Jowel.  (cell phone). I wanted to let you know , that Kwik paint stipper is the best,  I soaked three cars in a covered glass dish over night.  Completely spotless in the AM. One was Corgi. It's no wonder it was sold everywhere....

And that Mike',  what a nice surprise indeed.  and I must say the photos do it no justice.  Mike did a beautiful restoration on that engine'.. He is quite a guy'...

🐰 Happy Good Friday to all'.

I'm sitting here looking at a  beautiful Dinky European style Fire Engine that was restored by Mike G, Forum member'.  This surprise came early this morning  in the mail .  What a nice surprise 😲 it was to receive an unexpected package containing this terrific little gem.

Mike did a great deal of work on this Dinky, and as his first restore performed a phenomenal job.  Thank you Mike for such a nice Easter present'...😀👍


Mike, you did a superb restoration job on the fire truck, and very generous of you to gift it to a friend!  Ted, especially, knows good work when he sees it

Thanks for the nice words everyone! I enjoyed doing the fire truck and liked how it turned out. But it is the wrong era for my layout and I thought it would fit right in on Ted's layout. I wanted him to have it as he is always giving positive motivation on restore jobs and without him, Joel, Paul, and Lee I would have never tried it. The best part for me was being able to share it with someone who I thought would really enjoy it! Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!

Here’s my resto job on the Corgi Triumph Herald,  I’m super happy with the results. The paint came out nearly perfect, and I detailed the engine as well.F2DBFC16-AE85-4C06-87FA-E91394E96DE7E923ED38-7E30-4EDA-91A0-B78C70B3491052C61B23-FFE1-420D-8327-DB5F73DEE9372FD1D07E-67E1-4750-B7CD-C10370FED6736C2D58AC-BA47-401C-8970-F509DE2D0772i also sanded the headlights flat so I could install jewels for headlights. Ted, you’re familiar with that. I think this is my new favorite.



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@JDFonz posted:

Here’s my resto job on the Corgi Triumph Herald,  I’m super happy with the results. The paint came out nearly perfect, and I detailed the engine as well.F2DBFC16-AE85-4C06-87FA-E91394E96DE7E923ED38-7E30-4EDA-91A0-B78C70B3491052C61B23-FFE1-420D-8327-DB5F73DEE9372FD1D07E-67E1-4750-B7CD-C10370FED6736C2D58AC-BA47-401C-8970-F509DE2D0772i also sanded the headlights flat so I could install jewels for headlights. Ted, you’re familiar with that. I think this is my new favorite.


Wow WE, Joel, what a beauty'.. A perfect paint job'.. I love 💚 the color.  It certainly is among one of the favorites. Fabulous resto Jowel. A great little car from England. The models as well as the real ones'...😁 ANd the jewel headlights add an extra touch of quality and class...

Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

Wow JD. That looks fabulous and so UK too and your welcome for the post anytime I get something like that from one of our sponsors I’ll post it for you guys.

Mike post it if you get it.

Guys we’re going to be at 100 pages before you know it. I can’t believe it and it’s all because you kept it alive and more keep posting.

@JDFonz posted:

Ok Ted, I’ll give you a free pass! I thought you got those eyes fixed up? Or just one right now.

🤓I had the left eye done twice'.. two weeks after the first procedure, there were micrscopic cataract particels that had to be removed, required another procedure.  SInce then the Retina is swollen, and I'm on all kinds of drops.  I go to eye clinich once a week.  Have to wait for the right to be done after the left is all healed up.. another few months... I'm told... [in the words of Jack Nicholson"] Never a F$$$ING Break"...🤬

You folks have inspired me with your fire apparatus.  Unfortunately, I don't have the space for that nice Chicago example.  But I did see a small fire truck in CVS recently and so picked it up.  Lately, their models have been 1:34 or so.  Because this one looked so much smaller, I took a chance on it.  It's by Junye Toys Ltd, China.  It reminds me of what we call forest trucks around here -- compact fire trucks that are good for navigating through New England woods.

Here's Jed, the brakeman -- an Artista figure -- for size comparison.  Jed tends to be on the slim/small size compared to most of their figures:

The cab is metal but the truck body is plastic with metal details inserted into it.  The hose spins.  I've found photos of this cab with a ladder body attached instead.

Can someone help date or guess what year/make/model this is supposed to represent?  Thanks!

Because it's plastic and maybe not prototypical, I may use this as my first weathering attempt.



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Last edited by TomlinsonRunRR

I got interrupted by a phone call ... here's my next fire apparatus offering.  Again, from CVS a few years' back.  It's a 2013 Ford F-150 SVT SuperCrew Raptor.  I have yet to paint the mirrors and am debating whether to use silver paint or my new silver Sharpie marker.  There's great detailing on this Kinsmart truck.  The bottom says 1/46.  This photo shows the Raptor with a Priesner figure (1/43).  He's a conductor but could pass for a fireman in my opinion.

Great graphics!  With opening doors and tailgate.

Tomlinson Run Railroad


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Joel, fabulous work on the Triumph Herald! Sure looks like a top of the line shop paint job and to pay the extra to have the engine done! WOW!

Cor, The tractor sure is looking good. Reminds me of the days back in the corps! If your not going to be putting it all on a train I would l thing you should be fine with the length. But then again I haven't built any like you and Lee! Also outstanding job on the Ford flatbed!

Tom, good looking fire engine and truck! I am thinking you have been bitten by the Fire apparatus bug! LOL

Lee, nothing to post.

I hope everyone has or had a great Easter Sunday!

Thanks Mike, appreciate the positive comments.  Cor, the paint job on the truck looks very good. A well done job. Tom, I’m liking your fire apparatus, the Ford is way too modern for my layout, but it looks good. The China fire truck is screaming work on me. It looks kind of cool but needs a once over.

I've got a fire truck in the works myself, should be ready to post within a few days. I’m blaming Mike for giving me the fire truck bug!

Happy Easter everyone'..🐰 Nice work being shown on the thread'.. Here is a tip I learned from Lee Dremel, the original poster of this thread'.. 0000 STeel Wool, used to buff out the metal on the Corgi's and the Dinky's.  After being paint stripped and a soap and water bath. You can see the difference after steel wool buffing and just stripped and washed..  Really makes a very big difference, when applying your undercoating'...



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@JDFonz posted:

Thanks Mike, appreciate the positive comments.  Cor, the paint job on the truck looks very good. A well done job. Tom, I’m liking your fire apparatus, the Ford is way too modern for my layout, but it looks good. The China fire truck is screaming work on me. It looks kind of cool but needs a once over.

I've got a fire truck in the works myself, should be ready to post within a few days. I’m blaming Mike for giving me the fire truck bug!

Joel, I am glad to hear you have a fire truck in the works and you can blame me all you wish. But just so were being honest here I would have to put the blame really on You, Ted, and Lee the starter of this thread for getting me in to trying a restore and I wanted to try something I hadn't seen yet! So let me help you  out here a little!

Guilty at corruption!

Joel        Ted       Lee

I want you all to know I forgive you all! LOL


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Happy Easter everyone'..🐰 Nice work being shown on the thread'.. Here is a tip I learned from Lee Dremel, the original poster of this thread'.. 0000 STeel Wool, used to buff out the metal on the Corgi's and the Dinky's.  After being paint stripped and a soap and water bath. You can see the difference after steel wool buffing and just stripped and washed..  Really makes a very big difference, when applying your undercoating'...


Ted I missed that tip. Thank you so much for sharing that again! Really makes a difference!

Yes indeed Mike, we are guilty as charged'... But really, Lee is the main culprit, as he started this entire thing with his truck building.  Then Joel came along with his restores! And I had no choice but to jump on the bandwagon.  I found the restores to be enticing, and  no way out. And finally you joined in, making it a gang of four... and now I see some new additions of fire apparatus  by members, making you just as guilty...........😁   

Yes indeed Mike, we are guilty as charged'... But really, Lee is the main culprit, as he started this entire thing with his truck building.  Then Joel came along with his restores! And I had no choice but to jump on the bandwagon.  I found the restores to be enticing, and  no way out. And finally you joined in, making it a gang of four... and now I see some new additions of fire apparatus  by members, making you just as guilty...........😁   

Thanks Ted, but I have one thing that none of you have claimed as of yet which will let me off the hook of any guilt before and after this. I claim Mental Instability (lack of stability; the state of being unstable.) There for not knowing what I was getting into! LOL But between just you and I, I truly enjoy what goes on here!

@mike g. posted:

Joel, fabulous work on the Triumph Herald! Sure looks like a top of the line shop paint job and to pay the extra to have the engine done! WOW!

Cor, The tractor sure is looking good. Reminds me of the days back in the corps! If your not going to be putting it all on a train I would l thing you should be fine with the length. But then again I haven't built any like you and Lee! Also outstanding job on the Ford flatbed!

Tom, good looking fire engine and truck! I am thinking you have been bitten by the Fire apparatus bug! LOL

Lee, nothing to post.

I hope everyone has or had a great Easter Sunday!

I know Mike I got to get back on the bench

@JDFonz posted:

Yes Ted the polishingdoes make quite a difference. Looks like those two are coming along. Were you able to find tires for the T-bird?

Ha Mike, Too funny, looks like a wanted poster! The Three Amigos!

No Joel, I couldn't find any.  So I restored them'.. you'll see what I mean when I post it finished up.. It's ready for the undercoating  shop.  The Bird also had a motor in it.  I didn't remove it, and the stipper melted it... I have no replacement'... but an open bonnet and no motor...😁

@mike g. posted:

Joel, I am glad to hear you have a fire truck in the works and you can blame me all you wish. But just so were being honest here I would have to put the blame really on You, Ted, and Lee the starter of this thread for getting me in to trying a restore and I wanted to try something I hadn't seen yet! So let me help you  out here a little!

Guilty at corruption!

Joel        Ted       Lee

I want you all to know I forgive you all! LOL

Looks like the Apple Dumpling gang to me

@JDFonz posted:

Ha, you guys are killing me! Am actually laughing to myself! Ted it sounds like you really have your hands full with that ‘bird. Flat tires, melted motor, geez!

sounds like a real challenge.


It is a challenge Joel, but I think that's part of misstick that makes these restores intriguing and such fun.. I think the bird will be a real stunner when finished....

OKAY' Joel'... you did a heck of restoration job on this apparatus!!. Where did you find the new decals'.., they look great.  The jewel tail lights make the rear stand out'... Nice job'...We've accumulated quite a collection of fire engines on the thread'... Again to windy to spray paint today.  Another day behind schedule'... and my customers are up in arms'...👺

Thanks Mike and Lee for the kind words. Ted, found the decals on the bay, but they came from the U.K.  It was under $5.00 for them with shipping so I had to get them. Red Jewels from my wife’s craft room. She does a lot of card making and such. I don’t have anything else in the works right now.......have to go looking again.

here some trucks and stuff from my collection


a wespe kit , 1/48


a M9 trailer, from Wespe , 1/48


a revell kit (honest John), rebuild to a wood logger


the truck is from Smith /ASAM 1/48 (white metal) and the trailer is the left over from the revell kit

the deck is maid with real wood



a dirty pipe layer ,dozer from norscot, 1/50


a Mack truck from Don mills, 1/48


an other mack ,also from Don Mills

more pictures later



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Joel. Thanks we all here enjoy your post and I’m glad you have stopped here

Cor. Very nice pics and I’m glad you also started posting here from the old days at the 2 rail forum. Here every one can post from all forums. I really like those LJ Mack’s Don does a great job I’ve known Don for about 25 years now and I’ve had lots of good talks with him. Unfortunately the other day when I talked to him he said he’s slowing down on building custom trucks.

@moonlicht posted:

here some trucks and stuff from my collection


a wespe kit , 1/48


a M9 trailer, from Wespe , 1/48


a revell kit (honest John), rebuild to a wood logger


the truck is from Smith /ASAM 1/48 (white metal) and the trailer is the left over from the revell kit

the deck is maid with real wood



a dirty pipe layer ,dozer from norscot, 1/50


a Mack truck from Don mills, 1/48


an other mack ,also from Don Mills

more pictures later

Cor've got some nice equipment above...the weathered, flat finish on the tractors looks dump truck...

@lee drennen posted:

045842D0-7F8C-4354-8AA2-78DB30D199C7E247D21D-8C53-4B4F-9454-9C52DF6F9DC4A63B805C-5EC3-456A-90A0-DC923046454FThe Postman dropped this off yesterday. Ted I finally got one at your price I think. Box looks like it’s been wet and the chrome is oxidized on the Right side.

Lee, that "hook and ladder' looks familiar...I think the postman dropped one here too?  I paid Ted's price too, but couldn't get the free truck for sure.  It's my first Corgi on the layout...i just have to figure where to put it?

Paul Dave. Yes it’s nice been waiting for one to pop up on the bay for a decent price no free shipping like Ted either. Ted needs to get a discount from that seller for advertising his item lol.

Well you know me I already have plans to change mine up already the pumper is almost done then I’ll get started on this one.

Just got an order from DD...

Nice '53 beige Chevy pickup with opening doors and "baby moons".

Couple of street machines - '67 Z/28 and '68 Shelby K/R.

Pick of the litter is this 1950 Bullnose Kenworth tractor that was advertised for $15.00 off due to a bent front axle (it was severely bent on delivery) . I just pried one wheel off and straightened the axle with pliers and a vise and it's good as new. It also came with a nice plastic/lexan case. Now I need to find a trailer to go with it.



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BC869201-F9F2-4F73-A42E-2E56A416FB76Richie nice Bullnose and a bit of History behind it. The owner of the real truck lived 20 minutes from my house. He and his Dad  ran identical trucks #1 and #4 Bob the son ran #4 both were parked after they both retired at Bobs house on Highway U. near my house I use to visit Bob amazing stories of trucking he would tell. He passed away in 2006. They were well known as the “Circus Fleet” here’s a pic from Bob’s Obituary that’s Bob and his dad I will post some I took at his house on one of my visits.


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Last edited by lee drennen

       👩🏽‍🚒                    Help Wanted          👨🏽‍🚒

O Gauge Volunteer Firemen'  Needed . Apply to Chief, Lee Drennen.  Due to the increase in fire apparatus donations, we now have four ladder Trucks and four brand new Pumpers, requiring new Firemen to man the equipment'... We are diverse, Atrista, Pizer, Woodland Scenics, Model U and all others welcome to apply'...🚒

It's really funny we have four ladders trucks.  Mine was actually on the vintage collectable thread.  I don't think he knew what he had.  I've seen them selling as much as $125.00 on the Corgi/Dinky pages.

A little chrome pen action will take care of any oxidation on yours... How did you disconnect the trailer from the tractor?  Mine does not come apart...👩🏽‍🚒

I'm considering putting the Corgi "hook and ladder" on North Main Street with the ladder extended up on an MTH large office building with a fireman on the ladder attempting to rescue an office worker in distress...we'll see.  The truck is brand new and in perfect condition...the seller I bought from did not pop-up in a direct search on the big auction site, but was displayed under the search results in a small square with a picture and short description...this often happens.  Seller mentioned having 10 of same item?  

Last edited by Capetrainman

It's really funny we have four ladders trucks.  Mine was actually on the vintage collectable thread.  I don't think he knew what he had.  I've seen them selling as much as $125.00 on the Corgi/Dinky pages.

A little chrome pen action will take care of any oxidation on yours... How did you disconnect the trailer from the tractor?  Mine does not come apart...👩🏽‍🚒

Ted grab the trailer and pull back while holding the truck should come apart

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