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Grandpa waits for the local beer train to come by to show his grandson...meanwhile, the local party guy  drove his '55 Bel Air off the road.  He's not having an easy time explaining his lack of attention to the trooper!

Gramps took the '48 Buick Roadmaster out for a spin today with the nice weather.  Ted will like the '48 Buick

Buick Roadmaster 2

That is a very cool scene Paul'.. Great stuff'...✔👍😁 and yes, love the Buick'... I also like that'[looks like a 49 crestline Ford].. You have some really great cars'...

The popular Saturday night rally's will be starting up soon, given the warm temps back east!  New participants are expected to display their cars this year.  It's a great venue because the local mayor gives the "Show 'Em Off" car club a special permit to close off the road 'til midnight...the local establishments sure enjoy the spike in business for sure...

Rally June 11


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  • Rally June 11

I agree Steve...there's not much scenery production in the asphalt jungle on North Main Street  I'm in the process of landscaping my latest addition to the layout with lots of green grass, mountains, a lake...but still have plenty of cars and figures there!

front End Fri 17Corgi 3"

"The Four Corgi's..."


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  • front End Fri 17
Last edited by Capetrainman

The "Boss" was in early on this warm spring morning last week, pulling up in his '57 Olds Super 88 gold convertible...his admin assistant greets him in the parking lot, while the landscapers are busy getting the place ready for business visitors later in the day.  The employees nicknamed the Boss "Mr. Goldfinger" because of the color of his car and his desire to keep a low-profile in

Olds 4 E


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  • Olds 4 E
Last edited by Capetrainman

Wow some great cars here!

Paul you always seem to be in the right place to catch all the action in town! But I need you to do me a favor and tell me the Pizza guy didn't get fired? I haven't seen him yet this spring! LOL

Ted, Bob S. has quite the collection of cars and some fine sales ladies working for him! I bet things don't last long there! LOL

Nice cars,'s Grandpa and his Roadmaster viewing the driving mishap from the other side of the tracks...  The color and detail on both your cars is beautiful...

Buick Roadmaster 1

Thanks Paul, still waiting on another unit.  (BTW)  do you ever go to Healy News?  They carry many model train magazines'.....  If you go there, ask for Sally, the owner, she is a friend of mine and a very nice person.. She will order any special magazine you want'... 

Ted, thanks for the tip...haven't been there but will check it out sometime!

The "admin assistant" shows off her purchase of a lightly used '65 Impala SS to the "boss"... a little friendly competition for him with his gold '57 Olds Super 88 convertible...

Impala 5

I don't know Paul,  That Olds is in a class all by it self'.. LOL.. (BTW) do you have stock in DC Direct???😁👍

The first GM  "Rally Night" of the season was held last night at Morrison Door after hours...two Vettes showed up for the season's kick-off.  The pizza guy heard that "Mike" was asking for him, and he expanded his offering this year to a "Vegetarian" pizza for those diet conscious car-buffs.

None of the GM participants would admit to inviting the "Chrysler" guy and his wife. Of course, the senior couple were welcomed by all.  On a side note, there was talk last night of moving the future rally's to "Bob's General Store" on the other side of town because the lot was bigger and the owner serves a variety of cold ones (a hit on warm summer nights).  Last night's rally could be the last one at Morrison's...  stay tuned...

Rally New 4Rally New 5


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  • Rally New 4
Last edited by Capetrainman

Great tow truck and great staging with autos in many of the previous posts.   I too love cars and want to integrate them into my layout.   I have a semi-large ARMY TRAIN that I have filled with flatbeds and various MILITARY vehicles and such and have never been able to find a GAMMA GOAT.    I was assigned to one in the 1980's when I was in the army and would love to find one to put on a flatbed.   Seems the only one out there is a kit that is too big on the bay.   I'd love to fine one in that 1/48-1/50 range ALREADY BUILT.   I'm not a very good model builder.  



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Coach Joe, You have to come clean after a statement like that. What do you know about the Roscoe Diner?  I have eaten there countless times. I covered that whole area for Honeywell for 10 years and did the school there. Then started my boiler business and did more work at the school and many other commercial customers in that area. Back in the late seventies, there was still quite a bit of the old NYO&W left. I did spend time touring the old rite-of-way and many of the old buildings and tunnels.

@42trainman posted:

Great tow truck and great staging with autos in many of the previous posts.   I too love cars and want to integrate them into my layout.   I have a semi-large ARMY TRAIN that I have filled with flatbeds and various MILITARY vehicles and such and have never been able to find a GAMMA GOAT.    I was assigned to one in the 1980's when I was in the army and would love to find one to put on a flatbed.   Seems the only one out there is a kit that is too big on the bay.   I'd love to fine one in that 1/48-1/50 range ALREADY BUILT.   I'm not a very good model builder.  


😁 You may not be a great model builder, but you sure built a very nice layout.. Beautiful curves and straights...  I think I saw a Ggoat kit on a European web site.. Check out Great Britain model web sites. Their big on American military equipment'..

Djer's "lightly" used sports cars dealership is now open for business...customers were knocking down the doors even before the car lot was striped and the fence installed to keep out the grazing horses from the farm across the way...standing by the front steps, Djer seems to have everything under control as customers browse...

Djer 2


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  • Djer 2
@Richie C. posted:

The "Young's" truck is a 1/43 scale 1932 panel delivery made by ERTL as part of a vintage vehicles series. I believe there were 7 different variations - Oil-O-Matic, Winn Dixie, Chicago FD and possibly Harley that I know of. The sun visor and spare tire are nice details. Great find.


@Richie C. - how about that?!!  I just looked at it as a truck that I found at a train show that happened to have a personal connection to me.  Thanks for that informative background information.!!!

I just now looked at the box - it has 'Vintage Vehicle' as the label and it does say 'made by Ertl.  I never read any of the stuff on the box but thanks to your comments I just did.  On the back of the box is a somewhat big description of it.


@mike g. posted:

Nice cars guys!

@walt rapp Nice find, I would even love to have something like in real life!
@Capetrainman Paul I know, Don't worry as you and Ed know along with many others I have almost as many autos as I do rail cars! I say almost as I just bought some TTX well cars! LOL

Mike, you have many great cars and pieces of heavy equipment, trucks, etc. on your layout, as I recall.  Once you get settled in your new location, hope you'll start a new layout.  Looking forward to seeing it for sure...!

The asphalt contractor just finished striping the parking lot at "Bob's" General Store today...rumors have it "Bob's" will be hosting this years Saturday night car rallies.  Bob's is located right across the tracks from "Sunset" Farms.  Other than an occasional "moo" from the resident cows or a whistle and fumes from a freight train passing by, Bob's parking will be a great place for the car buffs to show off their prize wheels this summer...

Last edited by Capetrainman

Mike, thanks...I believe the pizza guy is walking toward the green Buick with the hood up...the driver had a no start and the Ford wagon can't seem to get the jump the group ordered pizza!   This is the pizza guys first delivery to "Bob's General Store," the site of this summer's car rallies...stay tuned...

General Store 1


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  • General Store 1

All the car lot aficionados here have enticed me to try my hand as well.  Here is a photograph I took for on my Blackwater Canyon Line thread where I was asking for ideas for building placements and whether the Atlas Wheeler's Auto Dealer would fit in my proposed town.  We decided something like this would work.  Hmmm...mostly GM products here though the owner parked his Studebaker right beside the under construction showroom.  More to come.



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@Mark Boyce posted:

All the car lot aficionados here have enticed me to try my hand as well.  Here is a photograph I took for on my Blackwater Canyon Line thread where I was asking for ideas for building placements and whether the Atlas Wheeler's Auto Dealer would fit in my proposed town.  We decided something like this would work.  Hmmm...mostly GM products here though the owner parked his Studebaker right beside the under construction showroom.  More to come.


😁👍Nice to see you build a dealership in your town'.. That looks like quite a facility.  Did you build it Mark'..?  Every town needs one or two auto lots,  For instance my new layout will have two dealers and a heavy truck outlet as well....  Lots of construction coming up in Ponderville...  Here's a few shots of recent progress....

This what you get when one retires and down sizes from a full basement and a garage and a half to a Sunroom and sheds..  AND, going from 15'X 30' to 4'X 16' O Scale'...😏 and starting over...(LOL)  I recon it beats having nothing at all.  At least that is what I'm told'...😁

This sun room has been completely converted from a tin box to a 4 -IMG20240519131139season room. New insulated roof, windows, insulated walls, celling,  carpeting; electrical power racetracks, outlets, switches, and carpeting,  blinds...  The layout will be smaller, however, I will be comfortable...Well worth the expense'... This design has  no underneath wiring.  No crawling on the floor required...


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Last edited by Quarter Gauger 48

Ted, thank you!  It looks like you have a great new place to display lots of vehicles!!

Actually, this kit is basically a snap together like the old Plasticville kits.  I did not realize that when I bought it.  However, that made it easy to do a mock-up to see how it might work out.


It will need a complete scratch built interior which will be fun.  Here’s a closeup of the cars I staged in front to see how much space it would take.



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@Mark Boyce posted:

Ted, thank you!  It looks like you have a great new place to display lots of vehicles!!

Actually, this kit is basically a snap together like the old Plasticville kits.  I did not realize that when I bought it.  However, that made it easy to do a mock-up to see how it might work out.


It will need a complete scratch built interior which will be fun.  Here’s a closeup of the cars I staged in front to see how much space it would take.


Mark, that is a great little kit.  With your skills you won't have any trouble dressing it up'.. Have fun.. I look forward seeing how this turns out'...👍🤓 Nice little collection you have there...

@Mark Boyce posted:

Ted, thank you!  It looks like you have a great new place to display lots of vehicles!!

Actually, this kit is basically a snap together like the old Plasticville kits.  I did not realize that when I bought it.  However, that made it easy to do a mock-up to see how it might work out.


It will need a complete scratch built interior which will be fun.  Here’s a closeup of the cars I staged in front to see how much space it would take.


I'm sure this will be another stunning display from the workbench of @Mark Boyce! Have you started looking for a sign yet or thought of a name?

@T-Bone1214 posted:

I'm sure this will be another stunning display from the workbench of @Mark Boyce! Have you started looking for a sign yet or thought of a name?

Here is what comes with the kit.


Cute, but that's not what I'm going to use.

In keeping with my loose theme of the Blackwater Canyon Grade of the Western Maryland, and since the scale model of the actual Thomas, West Virginia station is across the layout, I had thought of naming it for something in the real location.  Not knowing what dealers may have been there in the 1950s, I thought of using a theme from the only remaining dealership still located down the hill in downtown Butler, Pa, Butler County Motor Company.  So, since the Blackwater is in Tucker County, WV, I could use Tucker County Motor Company.  Oh wait!  Folks may expect it to be a Tucker dealership.  That may not work.  Or maybe it will.  I'll keep pondering the name as the build progresses. 


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Last edited by Mark Boyce


i used the Wheelers kit to make my auto sales business. I also used a real name. Not connected to the transformer as yet but it sets on the layout. Attached are some photos as I prepared the building.

I enjoyed the kit. Most of my time completing the building was finding the character figures and waiting on my orders.


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@Seth Thomas posted:


i used the Wheelers kit to make my auto sales business. I also used a real name. Not connected to the transformer as yet but it sets on the layout. Attached are some photos as I prepared the building.

I enjoyed the kit. Most of my time completing the building was finding the character figures and waiting on my orders.

👍😁  Seth, Excellent build!!!  Not easy making those Atlas kits look realistic.  (BTW) there is a 'Waggoner' Jeep dealership, located on route 7,  New Milford, CT... Family business since the 40s....

😁👍Nice to see you build a dealership in your town'.. That looks like quite a facility.  Did you build it Mark'..?  Every town needs one or two auto lots,  For instance my new layout will have two dealers and a heavy truck outlet as well....  Lots of construction coming up in Ponderville...  Here's a few shots of recent progress....

This what you get when one retires and down sizes from a full basement and a garage and a half to a Sunroom and sheds..  AND, going from 15'X 30' to 4'X 16' O Scale'...😏 and starting over...(LOL)  I recon it beats having nothing at all.  At least that is what I'm told'...😁

This sun room has been completely converted from a tin box to a 4 -IMG20240519131139season room. New insulated roof, windows, insulated walls, celling,  carpeting; electrical power racetracks, outlets, switches, and carpeting,  blinds...  The layout will be smaller, however, I will be comfortable...Well worth the expense'... This design has  no underneath wiring.  No crawling on the floor required...

😁👍Nice to see you build a dealership in your town'.. That looks like quite a facility.  Did you build it Mark'..?  Every town needs one or two auto lots,  For instance my new layout will have two dealers and a heavy truck outlet as well....  Lots of construction coming up in Ponderville...  Here's a few shots of recent progress....

This what you get when one retires and down sizes from a full basement and a garage and a half to a Sunroom and sheds..  AND, going from 15'X 30' to 4'X 16' O Scale'...😏 and starting over...(LOL)  I recon it beats having nothing at all.  At least that is what I'm told'...😁

This sun room has been completely converted from a tin box to a 4 -IMG20240519131139season room. New insulated roof, windows, insulated walls, celling,  carpeting; electrical power racetracks, outlets, switches, and carpeting,  blinds...  The layout will be smaller, however, I will be comfortable...Well worth the expense'... This design has  no underneath wiring.  No crawling on the floor required...

Ted, looking forward to seeing your layout come together... even with smaller space than your prior layout, I'm sure your scenes, people, cars and trains will be among the best in the hobby!  I didn't realize your prior layout was 15' x 30'...must have been quite the chore to take it down for the move...

Last edited by Capetrainman
@Mark Boyce posted:

Ted, thank you!  It looks like you have a great new place to display lots of vehicles!!

Actually, this kit is basically a snap together like the old Plasticville kits.  I did not realize that when I bought it.  However, that made it easy to do a mock-up to see how it might work out.


It will need a complete scratch built interior which will be fun.  Here’s a closeup of the cars I staged in front to see how much space it would take.


Mark, that's a great building for the dealership...I may have used the same one for the Chevy dealership.  Nice car collection too...can't wait to see the finished product...

Ben T just came out of the general store to find two admires looking over his '57 Bel Air...having saved his money from a paper route over the past five years, Ben was finally able to buy a lightly used '57 convertible in his favorite "Surf Green" color from Djer's Auto sales in town.  Ben's motto these days is "I'm in heaven in my '57...!  Ben is sure to be seen at the upcoming Saturday night GM rallies at Bob's General Store across town this summer.  Bob just had a fresh coat of asphalt applied with vibrant white striping in anticipation of a busy summer season...

Bel Air 3


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  • Bel Air 3
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Walther's short venture into O-scale. These plastic kits, were designed, to be assembled, with out glue adhesives.  The idea was, that model train structures, were seasonal.  Each model, could be dis-assembled, and stored, in the original box, until the next Christmas Holiday season.  There was/were three or four of these kits in O-scale, several more kits HO.  Another popular kit was the Gasoline station.  Eventually Walthers sold "Built-ups", already assembled, model buildings, based on current model railroad trend, (Out of the box, onto the layout).

Last edited by Mike CT

No Pretty Layout pictures here, just a build.

Started with thismack1

Stock New Ray 1/43 Mack

Finished with thismack2

Cut the tandems off a New Ray Peterbilt and reattached, Added Don Mills west coast mirrors, painted the clearance lights, turn signals, and gave it a chrome front bumper.  I may add a second stack.

While 1/43 is too big for my liking mixed with O scale trains, I do have multiple models to that scale I keep separate for just what they are.


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  • mack1
  • mack2

Ted, I share the same thoughts with you as I took down my layout a few short years ago after a 10 year build-out.  It took me a year to take it down.  The first day of take down was the most difficult,  but the light will shine again once you get into your new layout and the creative ideas begin to flow again...

👍😉  Indeed Paul,  I am enjoying my new build.. I'm doing things different and will have several different attractions, I've been planning for some time now...  It is a lot of work in some respects. However, I've learned so many short cuts for so many different construction technics I am enjoying putting it all to use... Thanks for your thoughts'...

The "boss" arrived at the door plant early today! With warm temps for this time of year, he took the '57 Olds convertible, top down.  He's greeted by his admin assistant, who drove across town early in her '65 Impala, pushing her 327 to be first to arrive at the plant!  The landscapers were off to an early start before the sun rose this morning, as the truck driver, with a fresh load of clear jambs, waits for the forklift guy to arrive for unloading...

Olds 4 E


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  • Olds 4 E
Last edited by Capetrainman

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