Even "Vettes" need service from time to time...
That's a nice collection Coach...!
The first GM rally of the season was held last night at "Bob's General Store!" The lot was full with regulars and a couple of new attendees. It's the first rally for the boss from the door assembly plant in his '58 gold Olds '88 and his admin assistant in her red, '65 Impala! Mike's "pizza guy" was in attendance offering single slices this year to the crowd rather than a whole pie in hopes of increasing sales..
Paul, my late uncle would have loved the GM rally! He bought nothing but new GM cars.
Hi guys I know its been a while since chimed in! I would like to say your all doing great on your scenery and Ted I am glad to see your getting back in the game!
I would like to say something on everyones post, but I am to lazy right now, sorry! LOL
Paul l would have to say that I don't think that red vet has ever came down the car lift! LOL I think they should just put a billboard on it! LOL
Everyone have a great night!
The VW couple stops at "Bob's General Store" for a few supplies before heading to the lake and camp ground for the weekend...
Here is my version of the Trainbus, a short-lived Amtrak connecting service in Oregon in the early 1980s. See prototype info and photo by Greg Brown:
@Bruce Clouette posted:Here is my version of the Trainbus, a short-lived Amtrak connecting service in Oregon in the early 1980s. See prototype info and photo by Greg Brown:
Nice job Bruce!
Populating my intermodal transfer facility with some tractor trailers. Lionel containers and tractors in the distance larger K-Line and Atlas containers near the front for forced perspective, hopefully making the facility look bigger. Some Lionel tractors (1:64) an Athern Ford C model (1:50) and some larger toy trucks (1:43).
Coach, you've got some great looking equipment there...it's clear that commerce is flowing at your facility unlike some of the other ports...
A slightly different view of the GM rally the other night at Bob's General Store...for some reason, the two Buick guys have their hoods up...maybe to show off those high-powered GM engines...? Even the cows across the tracks at "Sunset Farm" took notice of the sharp convertibles on that warm June night...
@coach joe posted:Populating my intermodal transfer facility with some tractor trailers. Lionel containers and tractors in the distance larger K-Line and Atlas containers near the front for forced perspective, hopefully making the facility look bigger. Some Lionel tractors (1:64) an Athern Ford C model (1:50) and some larger toy trucks (1:43).
Great looking scene Joe, You must have been collecting all those rigs for a while! Sure looks like the RR is keeping everyone busy!
@Capetrainman posted:A slightly different view of the GM rally the other night at Bob's General Store...for some reason, the two Buick guys have their hoods up...maybe to show off those high-powered GM engines...? Even the cows across the tracks at "Sunset Farm" took notice of the sharp convertibles on that warm June night...
Paul, great looking cars and it sure looks like it has turned into a family event! Very cool!
Thank you Mike. Vehicles are tough for us O gaugers, With all the varying scales now available it's hard to blend them together. We consider our scale to be 1:48 but in the early 90s when I got into the hobby there was very little if any affordable 1:48 vehicles. My train vehicle collection began with a pretty good score of ERTL 1:43 cars at the Green Dragon Flea Market in Ephrata, PA. I picked up 10 or 12 new in the box for like $3 or $4. After that I kept my eyes opened for 1:43 scale cars and trucks in toy stores (remember them) department stores, and where ever else toy cars and trucks were sold. Along came Lionel's inter-modal trains and Lionel tractor trailers so I scoop some up and low and behold the manufacturer of our O gauge trains is selling S gauge (1:64) trucks. Gotta keep those Lionel Kenworths far away from 1950s and 1960s 1:43 cars. Then came the 1:50 construction vehicles and some oddball scales from European mfrs. Again I'm talking affordable, not Brooklin or some of those "Mints" that also made Gone With the Wind Collectible plates. K-Line decided to go the 1:43 route with it's vehicles, tractor trailers, TOFC and intermodal. Then there was Athern coming out with a series of 1:50 cars and trucks, at least I remember some cars or pick-ups to go along with the cool Ford C model trucks of all types, tractors, box trucks, stake trucks or rack bodies, whichever you prefer to call them, fire trucks. Tractors sold for around $25, Box and stake trucks around $30 and the Fire Trucks for around $35. I picked up a few tractors to pull some of the Lionel trailers. I guess they didn't sell well, Athern never reproduced them and after several years of sitting on the shelf, TrainLand dropped the price to clear shelf space and I wound up buying many more. I have way more vehicles than I'll ever be able to use but I still scan the racks in the dollar stores, pharmacies and supermarkets. I always check out the toy isles at WalMart and Target and there are even a few Hallmark Christmas ornaments.
Hi Everyone,
In case you missed them, we released five officially licensed, 1:48 scale Hummers. Check them out >
Thank you,
Mark the Menards Train Guy
The driver of the "Pete" shows up a day early at the "Charles Street Yard" with a straight load of '6 x '8 creosote ties for the tie replacement project...the Asst. General Foreman and the Chief engineer are not happy with the surprise arrival., as the driver listens to the reprimand...
Paul, the delivery man always has to take the heat! 😄 Nice Pete!
@Capetrainman posted:
Looks like he blew a steer tire on that Narrow Nose Pete. Sounds like me I was always early and got my share of being chewed out for it. Glad I don’t do that anymore.
@coach joe posted:Populating my intermodal transfer facility with some tractor trailers. Lionel containers and tractors in the distance larger K-Line and Atlas containers near the front for forced perspective, hopefully making the facility look bigger. Some Lionel tractors (1:64) an Athern Ford C model (1:50) and some larger toy trucks (1:43).
Coach trucks look great I like that Little window Pete with the container chassis pull many over those
Lee, things smoothed out when the ties were unloaded...foreman appreciated the good service after all!
Paul, good photo angle. Hey there’s a hobo boarding the Hills Bros right under their noses! 😄
Mark, those two guys love the smell of fresh coffee...
Some pre-holiday late night activity at the Greyhound Bus Station and the 20th Century Diner...open 24 hours to serve the travelers...
Mike, great scene...nice to see the "Red Owl" again... Will we see it again on the new layout?
Hi Paul great shot of main street!
As for the Red Owl, yes it will be on the new layout along with all the other old stuff and some new stuff also! LOL
Some new and some old. The New, may be a little too new for most of us but they'll be Top In Class if not Best In Show at the All Makes Car Show at The Airport. These latest Hot Wheels 1:43 scale autos would have stayed on the Target shelf at the original $24.99 price tag, not that they weren't nice for that price but I've already got enough Vettes and High End imports though nothing this current but Clearanced for $12.49 I couldn't leave them.
The Old, I've had for some time now. I believe I got them from Die-Cast Direct and think the Peterbilt and Diamond T were $20 and the Mack B Model was $25. These were from the Dinky by Matchbox "The Birth Of Big Rigs" collection. I don't know how many others were included in this collection from 1998. We have a 1956 Mack B-61, a 1939 Peterbilt COE, and a 1948 Diamond T.
I thought I had a clearer shot of the New York Central Decals I added to the Mack's doors. I needed to get a close up. The Ideal Transfer on the the doors of the Diamond T is just printed on clear label paper. Under magnification I noticed the white band on the Diamond T is cracking.
The Mack is hauling a Lionel Container on frame1:64, while the Ideal Transfer and Dapper Dan Shaving Cream trailers are ERTL products at 1:43. The Lionel is a bit small but looks okay, a little narrow if you catch it at the right angle. The Ideal Transfer and Dapper Dan trailers are from ERTL and reportedly 1:43. They're a bit big so I'm figuring the tractors are 1:48.
A little get together at the Sunset Farm family home tonight...the night before the 4th! Happy July 4th holiday everyone...
Parties on the 4th are always a big hit at Sunset Farm...a view about to be seen by the "Super Chief" passengers passing by.. The joke has always been "would you like a little diesel with your burger"...
Last nights' rally on North Main feathered the local "Benz" dealer showing his new stock of hardtops and soft tops...the dealer has some pull with the local mayor to coax him into closing down North Main for the event...
The "Chief" passes by....
Great photos Paul! You are keeping this page going so well! I can't wait to get to the point where I can start adding photos alos! LOL
@Capetrainman Paul some really beautiful cars and I think that the Nomads always stood out!
@coach joe Joe its good to be busy, maybe the price of things will start to go down and I can get something done for my new layout! LOL
Thanks, Mike...
The admin assistant at Morrison Door shows off her new '65 Impala SS 327 to the boss...
@Capetrainman posted:
Kind of make you wonder if that was a good move, maybe now the boss is thinking to himself that maybe he is paying an admin assistant. Might be awhile before her next raise! LOL
@Capetrainman posted:
You know Paul the folks in your town know how to run a business! They are all busy even this small gas station! That is my kind of town!
Mike, I can’t agree more about Paul’s town!
Thanks Mike and Mark...the gas station owner goes through "hi-test" like crazy in my town... Here's a pic a of the kick-off summer rally held across town at Bob's General Store...GM V-8's were the big hit on that early July evening...!
Great photo Paul, the guy on the Harley could have been me a couple of years ago! LOL
I believe Die-cast Direct had 1/50 fam tractors, but they were European brands. I haven't check there in a while so they may not have them any more.
You should try Tractor Supply near christmas!
Drivers waiting for the steamer to pass the North Main Street crossing over the weekend...close call from the guy hauling the Airstream, almost caught the tail end of the Olds Fiesta...
@coach joe posted:
Wow Joe, that is a great looking toll station.. Did you scratch build it? If so, you did a excellent job...
Tractors on sale now at 3000toys.com.
Great reliable honest dealer of vehicles
@Quarter Gauger 48, it's Plasticville, but I'm in the process of adding lights and maybe a better sign. I used rubber cement to hold it together so I may pull it apart to add glazing to the windows.
@Capetrainman posted:
I hate to say it Paul because you have such a wonderful town. But if I lived there, I would have to live outside of town with a train schedule so I would know when to come to town and not get stuck waiting on a train! LOL
Mike, there's always traffic in my town...especially on weekends...heavy fumes too from those big 8 Chevy, Ford, and Chrysler engines, but nobody seems to be concerned
Djer just made another sale this past weekend...a '65 Mustang convertible with a 283! It's customary that Djer gives a personal thank you to each customer leaving the lot with a fresh pizza from the local "pizza guy..."
Well Paul everyone loves a nice big V8, but for right now I will have to settle for the pizza! LOL
With the mountain steamer approaching, the sound was so deafening that the service station attendant didn't realize the "Stingray" at the pump was waiting to be serviced...
Mike, the pizza would be cheaper for sure rather than feeding those V-8's with 93...!
A light turn-out for the rally at Morrison Door over the weekend...the new kid in town showed up with his father's Buick Grand Sport with a 455 V-8...the usual Chevelle crew anchored the event with their SS 396's...
Bob's General Store was buzzing last night with campers stopping by before hitting the camp grounds by the lake for the week...
Capetrainman/Paul, I love the wood-sided wagon. Such a classic look!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
I too like the wood-sided wagon, Paul!
@TomlinsonRunRR posted:Capetrainman/Paul, I love the wood-sided wagon. Such a classic look!
Tomlinson Run Railroad
@Mark Boyce posted:I too like the wood-sided wagon, Paul!
TomlinsonRun and Mark...great wagons in the early days...thanks for the comments!
Great convertibles too!
The annual car rally on North Main took place last night in town...some took advantage of the free parking opportunity and took in a show while others enjoyed the heavy V-8's on display...!
The local "Benz" dealer took the lead at one of last summers' Saturday night rallys on North Main...the passengers on the
"Super Chief" had a birds-eye view of the event...
You know Paul, you must have the coolest collections of autos I have ever seen! I am just luck if I find something and right now the problem I find is I buys something that I think will look good on my future layout that I havent even started yet! LOL
I just hope most of the stuff looks good, or I will have to open a used car lot!
@mike g. posted:You know Paul, you must have the coolest collections of autos I have ever seen! I am just luck if I find something and right now the problem I find is I buys something that I think will look good on my future layout that I havent even started yet! LOL
I just hope most of the stuff looks good, or I will have to open a used car lot!
Mike, every layout needs a used car lot... LOL..
@mike g. posted:You know Paul, you must have the coolest collections of autos I have ever seen! I am just luck if I find something and right now the problem I find is I buys something that I think will look good on my future layout that I havent even started yet! LOL
I just hope most of the stuff looks good, or I will have to open a used car lot!
@Quarter Gauger 48 posted:Mike, every layout needs a used car lot... LOL..
Mike, like Ted mentions, every layout needs a used car lot...and I'll add a Ford and Chevy dealership also...Mike, I recall you had some pretty sharp heavy equipment vehicles on your previous layout...look forward to seeing your new layout too!
Mike you had a mighty nice layout. I remember you building the room. Once that was done it seemed like it didn't take very long for you to get the layout "done". I love that car loading ramp. I remember one of our forum members building one, or more, of those but don't remember who or if one of those wound up on your layout. The air strip/heliport was also very nice.
@coach joe posted:Mike you had a mighty nice layout. I remember you building the room. Once that was done it seemed like it didn't take very long for you to get the layout "done". I love that car loading ramp. I remember one of our forum members building one, or more, of those but don't remember who or if one of those wound up on your layout. The air strip/heliport was also very nice.
Thanks Joe, I am kind of doing the same thing, except I am building walls inside a poll building so I can hang sheetrock. That way I don't have to heat or cool the whole shop and I won't get all the dust!
It is going to take a little longer as I am working with a smaller budget right now, till we get everything the CEO wants changed on the new house! LOL
@mike g. posted:
Mike, great scene on Main Street right above...I don't recall seeing that picture before from you previous layout? There's definitely some V 8 power parked along your main street! I like the "front to curb" parking arrangement too. Many of the older New England towns use the same parking method. Sounds like you've got the construction plan in place for the new train room...great that the CEO is buying into the plan...
The "Boss" arrives at the North Main Street station to board the local to the big city...his assisant observes the activity in the area...
John, that is an excellent looking fleet!
@Mark Boyce posted:John, that is an excellent looking fleet!
Thanks, I'm assembling groups of military vehicles for the twenty 15" flatcars I have.
John, it appears from the vehicles gathering that "deployment" is imminent on your layout?
The Buick "Skylark" has battery problems again in the lot at Bob's Country Store...this time the "Riviera" provides a jump...one "Big 8" to the other...
@Capetrainman posted:John, it appears from the vehicles gathering that "deployment" is imminent on your layout?
They're shipping out any day now.
@Capetrainman posted:
Another fabulous photograph, Paul! Your cars look great and you arrange them so well to tell new stories!
Love those jeeps…. Did you do a 3-D scan and print or did you draw it? Either way I am always impressed with talent😉
@Mark Boyce posted:Another fabulous photograph, Paul! Your cars look great and you arrange them so well to tell new stories!
Mark, thanks for the comment...glad you enjoy them!
@Capetrainman posted:Mark, thanks for the comment...glad you enjoy them!
Definitely!! 👍🏻
WOw it's been awhile since I have been here! What great looking cars and wonderful stories!
John, you have quite the military collection of jeeps! Do you plan on printing some duce and a half's?
Paul your lots are always full and the town is always busy! I always love the stories that come with your photos!
"Ole Glory" flying in the backgroud! After a busy weekend in town, the huge underground hi-test tank will need to be re-plenished with 93...
Mike, thanks for the comment! I know you're a car guy too with that heavy power on your old layout...
"Joe cool" is having second thoughts as to whether to take his '65 SS over the crossing track...looks a little bumpy for his taste... He came into Bob's Country Store lot from the back entrance...
Morning Paul, It looks like Joe better turn around and go back out the back entrance to town! If not he might end up at the garage like that Vet with the hood off! That poor Vet, if I remember correctly it has spent more time in the shop and on the lift than any other car in town! The owner must just beat the heck out of it!
Mike, the "Vette" is a labor of love for the mechanic...he gets free lift tiime when things are quiet at the station, but he's almost ready to give up on that little power house...
New rubber for the Dinky 643 Austin Loadstar army water tanker:
Another survivor from my ill-spent youth.
Weekend activty at Djer's Used Auto Sales was brisk all the way into Saturday night as shown here...Djer's goal was to clear the lot of convertibles before the snow filies. The deals were aggressive! Djer doesn't have a place to store his convertible inventory over the winter, so he opened up today (Sunday) to hopefully sell the remaining convertible inventory...