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The Twin Pines Resort and Supper Club is having a soft open to make sure food and service is up to north woods standards.

Resort n Autos

This is a section I have been working on. Just needs additional detail, but that can wait until other sections are presentable.  In no particular order the vehicles are: Solido 1950 GMC Sedan; Solido Packard Super Eight; Jat Ming 1948 Ford Woody 1:43;  Jat Ming 1950 GMC Pickup 1:43; Italian made Lincoln Continental.  I picked up a bunch of these at auction several years ago but first time on the layout.


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  • Resort n Autos
Last edited by ScoutingDad
@ScoutingDad posted:

The Twin Pines Resort and Supper Club is having a soft open to make sure food and service is up to north woods standards.

Resort n Autos

This is a section I have been working on. Just needs additional detail, but that can wait until other sections are presentable.  In no particular order the vehicles are: Solido 1950 GMC Sedan; Solido Packard Super Eight; Jat Ming 1948 Ford Woody 1:43;  Jat Ming 1950 GMC Pickup 1:43; Italian made Lincoln Continental.  I picked up a bunch of these at auction several years ago but first time on the layout.

Jeff, with customers driving Packards and Lincolns the Twin Pines is catering to a lofty clientele.

@ScoutingDad posted:

The Twin Pines Resort and Supper Club is having a soft open to make sure food and service is up to north woods standards.

Resort n Autos

This is a section I have been working on. Just needs additional detail, but that can wait until other sections are presentable.  In no particular order the vehicles are: Solido 1950 GMC Sedan; Solido Packard Super Eight; Jat Ming 1948 Ford Woody 1:43;  Jat Ming 1950 GMC Pickup 1:43; Italian made Lincoln Continental.  I picked up a bunch of these at auction several years ago but first time on the layout.

Jeff that’s a beautiful pic. Thanks for sharing.

@ScoutingDad posted:

@lee drennen  Thanks Lee,  Its taken awhile to get to this point. I have a bunch more cars and trucks to place on the layout, but progress has been slow. I've posted more on this section on TPRR and various threads on the forum.

Thanks hope you share your adding of vehicles on here. I have some trucks I need to finish and get them on the layout. I’ll have to take a look over there. Thanks

@lee drennen posted:

Paul great pic and yes it’s the end of season. I’m finally caught up on my farm and time to get to the Layout. I want to thank you so much for keeping my thread going strong. If it wasn’t for you and the gang it might have died. Once again Thank You!  

Lee, always enjoy posting on this thread...thanks for your remarks!

Last edited by Capetrainman

Afternoon guys sure are some great looking cars here! Some of them I wish I had for my layout! LOL

@ScoutingDad Jeff the Resort and Supper Club turned out great looking! It was probably a good idea to have the yuppies with the big cash attend the opening! The closest I have seen those cars is on TV or in a magazine! Just saying after some of us lower class folks get in there things just might not be the same! LOL

@cbq9911a Nice job on the buses and I like The Midgetoy tractor, I think it needs a little help with some logo's!

@Capetrainman Paul it really looks like a great rally and I see you even got a biker to join in! The only thing I see missing is the Pizza guy!

As you stated earlier I have a few rigs I nee to get on the layout once it is built again! Here are a few!20221030_07383820230930_11304220230930_113051IMG_20220824_150229


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@mike g. posted:

Afternoon guys sure are some great looking cars here! Some of them I wish I had for my layout! LOL

@ScoutingDad Jeff the Resort and Supper Club turned out great looking! It was probably a good idea to have the yuppies with the big cash attend the opening! The closest I have seen those cars is on TV or in a magazine! Just saying after some of us lower class folks get in there things just might not be the same! LOL

@cbq9911a Nice job on the buses and I like The Midgetoy tractor, I think it needs a little help with some logo's!

@Capetrainman Paul it really looks like a great rally and I see you even got a biker to join in! The only thing I see missing is the Pizza guy!

As you stated earlier I have a few rigs I nee to get on the layout once it is built again! Here are a few!20221030_07383820230930_11304220230930_113051IMG_20220824_150229

Mike I like those Diamond Ts.

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While close, but no cigar,  Outback Toys has 3 International KB-8 trucks, a tandem flatbed, dump, and stakebed, in 1/50 scale on sale $50-60.  Items #39510,  39511, and 39512. 2 tractors also in 1/50, a Case 2050M XLT dozer ZFN 14914  and Case 580NWT backhoe, ZFN 14991 both about $20  each.  Outback is all about farm toys, but primarily in 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, and sometimes 1/50 and 1/87.  There is a couple HO cars, Farmall passenger coach and searchlight car, plus 5 Caterpillar lowboy semis with tractor loads on sale too.

Joe "Cool" is taking advantage of the warm temps over the weekend to squeeze in one more day with the top down before the snow flies!  The everpresent checker players in front of the general store don't seem interested in the '57.  It never fails, Joe takes up two spaces wherever he parks to protect his car from door rash...

Bel Air 3


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Was in CVS for flu shot and shingles vaccine - supposed to hang around for 10 minutes and was rewarded by snagging this 1:43 ‘67 Impala.  Works great on my ‘70’s-‘80’s era layout!

I may add some rust at the rear wheel wells later.  1:50 would be better but I’ll start with right era.



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Last edited by Hannibal-St Joseph RR

It figures Paul would have an Impala...and a convertible no less!!!  I figured I had better show the Impala I bragged of having.  Here it is, brand spanking new, sitting at the Idaho Hotel.  It is joined by a hot shot in his '49 Merc!  What a nice car!  Also, we see the Idaho Hotel has just purchased a '40 Ford Woody from the Whispering Pine Lodge and is trying to get the old crate up the steep gravel road.  Watch that first step!  It's a doosy!



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Sid Smith, a distinguished "vet," is thinking of trading in his '64 Impala for one of Djer's late season convertibles for sale, priced to move before the snow flies!  Djer and sid continue the negotiation.  Sid's motto is "I like to explore in my '64"...he loves the way that 1/43 V-8 moves him down those country roads...

Impala blue 64


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Last edited by Capetrainman

Sid Smith, a distinguished "vet," is thinking of trading in his '64 Impala for one of Djer's late season convertibles for sale, priced to move before the snow flies!  Djer and sid continue the negotiation.  Sid's motto is "I like to explore in my '64"...he loves the way that 1/43 V-8 moves him down those country roads...

Impala blue 64

Paul, good looking midnight blue 64 Impala'.. Exactly how many 1/43 cars do you have?  A better question might be,  how many don't you have }LOL....😁

Paul, good looking midnight blue 64 Impala'.. Exactly how many 1/43 cars do you have?  A better question might be,  how many don't you have }LOL....😁

Too many Ted...I think I'm losing steam for buying more...time to tighen up the budget! Loading up the '59 Impala outside the North Main Street Station...

Impala 3


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Last edited by Capetrainman

Mike, one of my favorite scenes above of your former layout...some great "beef' on your streets!  In fact, my guy in the maroon shirt with his green Buick Grand Sport wants to give it a run with your Camaro convertible..

Rally New 5

Thanks Paul I hope to make the new layout even better! as for the run between the Chevell and the Camaro I am not to sure that would be fair as the Camaro is one of the Daytona 500 pace cars!

Hi All,

The building is made from DP wall sections with signage by me on a computer.  The scene really came together for me when I started reading about the 19th Century oyster "industry" in New York and Connecticut.  Absolutely fascinating stuff was out there, including references to George Still--oyster mogul.  

I needed a vehicle and some fish/oyster carts (technically vehicles--man powered).  I disassembled one of those ubiquitous die-cast 1934 Ford trucks and went to work.  Primer and paint were both Tamiya, and the flat black was by Rustoleum.  The back of the truck was scratch built using HO shingle sheets and thin styrene bent to form an arch.  Note:  Restaurants sometimes print their menus on thin styrene---they will generally give you one to take home if you ask!

Advertising on the side of the truck was obtained online, then modified to fit the truck in Word.  The roof canvas overlay consisted of craft paint applied to the styrene, followed by an application of Kirkland tissue. That give the wrinkles, then emphasized by dry-brushing some powder.  All the color on the side stakes and the truck body was done with PanPastels.

The fish/oyster carts are laser kits from Train Troll, finished with black spray and PanPastels.  I couldn't get the right photo angle here, so it includes the "card pockets" for waybills used in layout operations.  



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@Capetrainman, okay, I give up.  Just what is that sleek, high powered beast that requires Hi-test?

Gas Station 5

Below is the best looking Charger I've seen.  Not often you see one in blue.  Remember when vinyl roofs were all the rage.  There was a guy in my old neighborhood with a red Buick Wildcat with a white vinyl top and white interior , '67-'68 I believe, some time in the early 80s that top was real raggedy so he just peeled it off.  Not a good look, but at least he didn't have to worry about pieces peeling off at speed.

Dodge 1

The service business is constant at Ethyl's service station...the '53 Studebaker Commander on the lift for an oil change and grease job, while the '56 Vette is next up for an undiagnosed engine issue...the Vette owner would not be happy to see the hood off, resting on the side of his prized

Gas Station 10


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Last edited by Capetrainman

Alan- sorry if my cybertruck model raised a controversy.

Modeling most cars in 3D requires multiple cross-sections or profiles to then "LOFT" into a car shape.

Obtaining precise profiles is the hard part. For typical cars it is difficult to do. So, I don't model cars!

However, the cybertruck has only a few simple profile sections that vary. Thus, it was fairly easy to create the shape for my 1/48 scale model.

Tree sales were brisk at Djer's lot last night...his motto for the holiday season is "sell trees not cars"...!  Having just traveled from another tree seller across town, Santa made a visit to kick-off the season at Djer's...  Rather than travel the short distance in his sleigh, he arrived in his red '65 Impala SS...!

Djer 8 Tree 24


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Last edited by Capetrainman

interim model painted

still has some flaws that have been corrected in a newer model.

cybertruck painted 3cybertruck painted 2cybertruck painted 1

Instead of inserting the glass(frosted clear resin)  as pieces one-by-one, I modeled an insertable-glass dome like the ones in typical plastic model cars. The dome fits up inside the model.

I used the top half of the lofted-curves that made the model to create the dome, then used the window curve cuts to create the exact glass shapes that were then attached to each other.cybertruck dome

cybertruck parts


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  • cybertruck parts

I think this qualifies as a vehicle. To borrow a phrase from John Candy in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"" This isn't so bad, it will buff right out." This old model of a Chevy truck has been in several moves since I got it as a kid. It does fill a nice role as a piece of junk along side the track. I added some colors for engine paint and rust along with rotted decking in the bed.

chevy truck 2old chevy1


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@Bill Park posted:

I think this qualifies as a vehicle. To borrow a phrase from John Candy in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"" This isn't so bad, it will buff right out." This old model of a Chevy truck has been in several moves since I got it as a kid. It does fill a nice role as a piece of junk along side the track. I added some colors for engine paint and rust along with rotted decking in the bed.

Bill, very realistic for an abandoned vehicle in someone's yard or a junkyard scene...perfect...!

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