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@Bill Park posted:

I think this qualifies as a vehicle. To borrow a phrase from John Candy in "Trains, Planes and Automobiles"" This isn't so bad, it will buff right out." This old model of a Chevy truck has been in several moves since I got it as a kid. It does fill a nice role as a piece of junk along side the track. I added some colors for engine paint and rust along with rotted decking in the bed.

chevy truck 2old chevy1

Very nice

Last edited by Dave Ripp.
@mike g. posted:

Don't feel bad Mark, you and Dave have something in common.  You both have wonderful layouts with great looking cars and if my memory is correct your both still older and had trains before me! 😆

True, Mike!  I am older; perhaps not wiser.  I did have trains way before you, but you have been a fast learner and builder!!  Your old layout was much bigger and more involved than any of mine! 

@Mark Boyce posted:

True, Mike!  I am older; perhaps not wiser.  I did have trains way before you, but you have been a fast learner and builder!!  Your old layout was much bigger and more involved than any of mine! 

Hi Mark, the only reason my old layout looked so good is because of 2 things!

1) Because I learned so much from people like you, Dave, Paul, and many others! This forum is so full of great people that are willing to share there knowledge with others!

2) Because I went out of my way to try and take good pictures that wouldn't show the bad stuff! LOL The only time I shared bad stuff is when I really screwed something up and really really needed help! LOL

@mike g. posted:

Hi Mark, the only reason my old layout looked so good is because of 2 things!

1) Because I learned so much from people like you, Dave, Paul, and many others! This forum is so full of great people that are willing to share there knowledge with others!

2) Because I went out of my way to try and take good pictures that wouldn't show the bad stuff! LOL The only time I shared bad stuff is when I really screwed something up and really really needed help! LOL

Valid points Mike, but you are a quick learner.  Most of us do the same thing, not showing all the "messes we had gotten ourselves into"

You have really accumulated  a nice fleet of vehicles as well!!

@Dave Ripp. - love the GMC.  I hope to find reasonably priced 70’s semi tractors for my layout.  Meanwhile, I did find a Cadillac and a Bus . . .

while Fred busily feeds the cattle, some hippies are loading up a sheep!

the cadillac doesn’t run, but its seats are still much more comfortable than the plank floor the other hobos are sleeping on


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Afternoon guys I hope your all having a wonderful Sunday.

@Capetrainman Paul I love the photo and look forward to seeing your autos with the new lights!

@AlanRail Alan I think you have reached a Plato with just getting a 3D printed cyber truck!

Here is something I picked up right before the big move! I don't know the make, but I am sure someone here does! From the picture it looks like it is making a delivery to Manard's Seed and Feed!



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@Dave Ripp. - After admiring your 70’s semi purchase, I did wish for a reasonably priced 70’s or 80’s semi tractor and my wish was granted today at an antique and toy shop!  Thank you for sharing / here is my ‘prize’.  It is about 1/64 scale, but for a buck it will look great in the background.  Yatming is molded in the plastic chassis underneath the cast frame



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@Dave Ripp. - After admiring your 70’s semi purchase, I did wish for a reasonably priced 70’s or 80’s semi tractor and my wish was granted today at an antique and toy shop!  Thank you for sharing / here is my ‘prize’.  It is about 1/64 scale, but for a buck it will look great in the background.  Yatming is molded in the plastic chassis underneath the cast frame

As much as I love trains growing up near 2 railroads, I was also a truck nerd. The North Aurora Packing Company as well as Van Straton Chemicals were up the street between the Burlington tracks and the Fox River. We would go to watch the semi-trucks and take pictures of all the different paint schemes of the 70's. I would then build models of them, mostly 1/25th scale. Oh, how I wish I'd of kept my photo albums.

@coach joe posted:

@metalman, Nice collections Nick.  I believe they are all re-paints.  Excellent work.  I love the NASCAR racer on the hauler.  Is the hauler a custom build?  I've seen that ERTL '60 Chevy as a tractor but I don't recall it as a hauler.

Coach Joe,

Thanks.   Yes the Mack box trucks are all Corgi models that I removed the factory lettering using a q-tip with fingernail polish remover containing acetone.   I re-lettered them with decals purchased from a seller on the Bay.

You're right-the Ertl '60 Chevy was just the cab/chassis.   The flatbed part was 3-D printed by forum member tackindy for pickup truck use.   I opened up the wheel wells and did some slicing/dicing on both the Ertl chassis and the flatbed piece until I got everything fitting reasonably well.   Painted the cab to match the Pontiac and then JB Welded everything together.   Here's a couple photos.

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Hi guys I hope your all doing well!

@metalman Nice amazing job on the car hauler! All your other cars in your pictures look great I have to ask though, do you sit there while the train is running on your layout and just polish each and everyone of your cars? They all look like they just came off the showroom flooR

As for me @Capetrainman Paul should like this one, I have been giving him a bad time about his vet on the car lift, and most of it was because I didn't have one! Well Paul last week while on a road trip with the brother in law and his family the wife and I went into a Pawn shop, and I picked up a 1953 Chevrolet Corvette made by Dinky.


Specs state it is a 1/43 scale but it will fit in just fine on the layout!


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@mike g. posted:

Hi guys I hope your all doing well!

@metalman Nice amazing job on the car hauler! All your other cars in your pictures look great I have to ask though, do you sit there while the train is running on your layout and just polish each and everyone of your cars? They all look like they just came off the showroom flooR

I went into a Pawn shop, and I picked up a 1953 Chevrolet Corvette made by Dinky.


Specs state it is a 1/43 scale but it will fit in just fine on the layout!

Hi Mike,

Thanks.   As a Marine,  you know that if everything isn't "up to snuff" there's a problem-LOL.    I've never seen that Dinky Corvette before.

Last edited by metalman
@mike g. posted:

Hi guys I hope your all doing well!

@metalman Nice amazing job on the car hauler! All your other cars in your pictures look great I have to ask though, do you sit there while the train is running on your layout and just polish each and everyone of your cars? They all look like they just came off the showroom flooR

As for me @Capetrainman Paul should like this one, I have been giving him a bad time about his vet on the car lift, and most of it was because I didn't have one! Well Paul last week while on a road trip with the brother in law and his family the wife and I went into a Pawn shop, and I picked up a 1953 Chevrolet Corvette made by Dinky.


Specs state it is a 1/43 scale but it will fit in just fine on the layout!

Mike, that's a sharp looking Vette...maybe a '55 - '56?

Last edited by OGR CEO-PUBLISHER
@metalman posted:

Coach Joe,

Thanks.   Yes the Mack box trucks are all Corgi models that I removed the factory lettering using a q-tip with fingernail polish remover containing acetone.   I re-lettered them with decals purchased from a seller on the Bay.

You're right-the Ertl '60 Chevy was just the cab/chassis.   The flatbed part was 3-D printed by forum member tackindy for pickup truck use.   I opened up the wheel wells and did some slicing/dicing on both the Ertl chassis and the flatbed piece until I got everything fitting reasonably well.   Painted the cab to match the Pontiac and then JB Welded everything together.   Here's a couple photos.

DSC00973DSC00974DSC00978 [2)DSC00979

Nice job!  

I have always wanted to do a similar project, but have never gotten around to it.


Hi All,

After the torrential rains and flooding of 1955, the New Haven (NY NH & H) had many issues with track washouts, landslides and such.  However, they also had to overcome damage to underground cables in a variety of locations.  Just a decade after WWII, the NH was operating with a lot of military surplus vehicles made available to utilities, transportation and other infrastructure agencies.  

The NH crews are diligently at work here in the city with three of their vehicles.  

The vehicle to the left is a re-purposed Mack B box truck just recently obtained. I primed it with Rustoleum auto primer and finished it with Scalecoat II Hunter Green.  Yes, I miss Scalecoat. Decals are from MicroScale.  

The vehicle toward the back is a telecommunications truck, originally built by Chevrolet for the war.  Ironically, I built it from a 3-D printed kit sold by a French company (Gas-O-Line).  They have a lot of high quality printed 1/48 vehicles.  About half of the interior detailing came from my parts bin, but all the exterior details were in the kit.  Decals were MicroScale.  That was a fun build.  

The truck in the foreground is a re-purposed Menard's army vehicle---which scales out pretty close to 1/48.  The truck is stock, including paint but with decals by Champ.    I removed the stars and other paint as needed with lacquer thinner, a Q-tip and patience, so I didn't need to paint.    It's not painting season at 23 degrees and windy....

I'll probably post the photos in the New Haven site as well.  

Thanks for reading!IMG_5538IMG_5502IMG_5503


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No, I haven't.. sure is cool.  Is it a Shuco?  I thought they only made bikes...

Ted, it is a Schuco....I'm not amiliar with Schuco Piccolo?  Sometimes these manuafacturers partner up with another to keep the show going or expand the offering.  The Porsche 360 seems to be one of Schuco's main offerings in different colors and versions with ski racks, suitcases, golf clubs, etc.  I'll put up a couple more pics later...

I seem to have a thing for these cheap plastic Menards trucks since they are at least from the 50’s with the 56 Ford and 54 GMC versions. The cool ones will stay stock, and ones painted Menards will get paint and decals. Was originally thinking beer trucks but will see!E1613973-B5C1-4C67-9F3B-4009B4B963A16C6221F7-A328-47F3-87CB-EDFFC0179118B4BD722C-5CB3-4662-9A4F-9CF4D4B845F190FB5C27-2C8E-44B8-BFA6-8F59E5AD3E4F7289B90B-DE91-4860-8BEB-22F46BA8C059DC525ACF-1BBF-44F3-81DB-AF034DF8CD03

these are from last year I think and they released a new grouping of these as piggys again before Christmas. Have to make a video of the resulting piggy train!


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My friend had an OpelGT back in the day. I couldn't find an orange one so I got to try out my airbrush with a bottle of tangerine. Came out pretty good and now I have another memory on the layout.


You couldn't find an orange one?  I'm surprised you found an Opel GT at all.  I knew a guy that had a gold one with a vinyl top, brown I believe.  Nice job on the re-paint.

Dennis, Mike,

Those Menards trucks are indeed ideal for repaints.  Photo-proof is attached.  The decals are custom but not too expensive when you consider the number per sheet.  I gave quite a few to friends.  

G. Fox was a major Connecticut department store until bought out by Filene’s/ Macy’ in the early 2000s.  
three of the trucks are Menards repaints, one is a kitbashed Ford”C,” and the last one is a metal kit by whomever.  

As you can observe in the photos, merchandise is received by truck and train on the lower level.  Regional distribution and home delivery is via trucks on the second level.  Note the newly poured concrete…IMG_5594



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In the late 40's, a neighbor gave me a die cast half track (?) along with his WWII USMC helmet and a web belt. IIRC, he told me it was a training aid during the war.

The helmet and belt are long gone and I played with the vehicle in the dirt as a 6-7 y/o.  Several years ago I repainted it as the original paint was mostly gone.  Here are some photos of it with a 1:48 Solido vehicle for size comparison.

Any ideas who might have made it?  Was it a toy or training device?  Is there a collector interest in such items?



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Dennis, Mike,

Those Menards trucks are indeed ideal for repaints.  Photo-proof is attached.  The decals are custom but not too expensive when you consider the number per sheet.  I gave quite a few to friends.  

G. Fox was a major Connecticut department store until bought out by Filene’s/ Macy’ in the early 2000s.  
three of the trucks are Menards repaints, one is a kitbashed Ford”C,” and the last one is a metal kit by whomever.  

As you can observe in the photos, merchandise is received by truck and train on the lower level.  Regional distribution and home delivery is via trucks on the second level.  Note the newly poured concrete…IMG_5594


Great looking trucks'.  GFox, was a great store, Very good memories.  Main ST, Hartford.  I thought they went out in the 90s.

@wbg pete posted:

In the late 40's, a neighbor gave me a die cast half track (?) along with his WWII USMC helmet and a web belt. IIRC, he told me it was a training aid during the war.

The helmet and belt are long gone and I played with the vehicle in the dirt as a 6-7 y/o.  Several years ago I repainted it as the original paint was mostly gone.  Here are some photos of it with a 1:48 Solido vehicle for size comparison.

Any ideas who might have made it?  Was it a toy or training device?  Is there a collector interest in such items?


Pete, Looks like it is between a  1/32 or 1/24 scale toy truck.  It is not a training device. I recall seeing very similar items back in the very early 60s. All rubber military trucks.. Take a look on ebay.  Could be some on there...

Over the road long distance truckers all seem to love the Peter builts... So I was told that at a truck stop in Cheyenne, Wyoming , when driving cross country years back...

Ted, in today's market, you could easily get to 200k with a loaded up Pete...the 1/43's are much cheaper and you don't need to fill-up those deisel tanks every few hundred

Last edited by Capetrainman

Ted, in today's market, you could easity get to 200k with a loaded up Pete...the 1/43's are much cheaper and you don't need to fill-up those deisel tanks every few hundred

Paul the truck looks great and I need some with sleepers on my layout!

Ted where I cone from Kenworth is the to go truck! IMO I think they even look better the a Pete. But then again I use to drive past the Kenworth plant everyday growing up! 😆

@mike g. posted:

Paul the truck looks great and I need some with sleepers on my layout!

Ted where I cone from Kenworth is the to go truck! IMO I think they even look better the a Pete. But then again I use to drive past the Kenworth plant everyday growing up! 😆

Mike, there's no flies on Kenworth...right up there with Pete.  Now that you mentioned Kenworth, I' may see what's out there in 1/43 from the diecast sellers!  The orange Pete sleeper in my picture is an IXO model I believe...

Last edited by Capetrainman
@Bill Swatos posted:

A couple 1/43 Dinky '56 T-birds in Coke "livery" on a PW 6424 auto flat:


Some closer looks:



Amazingly enough, these models fit like they were made for this flat so they "ride the rails" without shifting without obtrusive external "strapping;" what would be the prototypical undercarriage chains can be imagined.

Bill I got one of those except its red.



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Are the Menards 1956 Ford trucks 1/48? The round-nose trailers look good. I like the Peterbilt, but 1/43 seems too big to me.

harley-rider...thanks for your comments.  I agree, in some placements on the layout, 1/43 can look "too big."  I decided some years ago to go with 1/43 because of the large assortment of vehicles available, when I've found 1/48 very limited.  I try to work around the size variances by placing the cars / trucks in a way so that the scale difference is less obvious.  When I put North Main Street together on the layout, the parking arrangement was nose to curb rather than parallel to the curb....seems to have worked visually. 

The Peterbilt in the pic above is 1/43...IXO has a great selection in that scale better than I've found in other scales or manufacturers.  The one thing I'll say about vehicle size is that having stood next to a Peterbilt, Kenworth, Mack, or whatever, those babies are pretty big, even when next to real-life box car or deisel

Peter 5


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