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Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

Hey Mel, you went all the way to Trainworld and only bought the 48 Ford?

They didn't have anything else that caught your eye?   How did you like the store?  I've often of taking the same trip...

I had to exchange something... The Woody was an extra purchase. The store has an excellent display of O gauge trains and the trip is a great way to spend a day if you like trains and train rides - as I do.

Have you gotten the Willys Aero?


Vincent Massi posted:
MELGAR posted:

I rode Metro-North from Connecticut into New York City today and then took the subway (F train) to Trainworld in Brooklyn. Bought this 1:43 1948 Ford Woody Wagon for $9.99. Parked behind the Depot on my 10'-by-5' layout.



Melgar, that car is magnificent!

I agree. And the price was right. Trainworld had lots of Woodys in different colors.


Last edited by MELGAR
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Arnold D. Cribari posted:

My first car was a 1967 royal blue Mustang convertible with black interior. Any suggestions regarding how I can get one in O Scale? Arnold

Arnold, take a look at "Diecast Direct" .com .  They have plenty of 1/43 mustangs.  They may have a 67.....rag top'...

Thanks Quarter Gauger 48. I was unable to find it on the web site, but may call them in the next few days to see if they have it. Arnold

MELGAR posted:
trumptrain posted:

Some Fruehuaf (sp? ) trailers.IMG_2490

I haven't seen any of these short trailers in real life for a very long time but did see them often years ago. Would like one. The size and era are perfect for my small model railroads.


MELGAR - These UP trailers came with a Lionel TOFC flatcar which I purchased on sale at a LHS.  Later I bought several more trailers ( only ) from a vendor a York.  I agree, they are perfect for a small layout or when modeling within a smaller area on a larger layout.  

My first attempt at a Shapeways 3d model.

I wanted a GMC Crackerbox and the only place I could find one was Shapeways (I was warned).  Model is printed in nylon white versatile plastic.  Finishing this model was different than any other material I had ever worked, HARD - I couldn't use hand saws or Pin Vise, had to use a Dremel with power and speed.  Saws and especially drill flutes clog very easily.  I used sandpaper coarser than ever before to even attempt to smooth.

About four coats of white paint with a sand between each coat.  Wet sanding doesn't work like normal and the very porous material takes about 3 days to dry good after being wet.  Final coat of Scalecoat II whit paint with a minor final dry sand (after 3 days drying) and then 5 days for all to dry well before the color.  This for the cab.

The model comes as a single axle and I wanted a tandem, so I cut a frame from a Shapeways Dodge L1000 to get the tandems and spliced with brass channel. (the Dodge will become a single axle daycab and a later project).  I never could get the fuel tanks to clean up properly.  Some Don Mills metal tanks may be in the future.  Wheels are by Don Mills as well as Mirrors and Horn.

If you remember the 70's show Movin On with Claude Akins (Sonny Pruitt) and Frank Converse (Will Chandler), they drove a pretty green Kenworth.  The inspiration for this truck was the truck driven by Art Metrano (Moose) and Rosi Greer (Benji) called the Pig Pen.  Except the Pig Pen never looked this good (even if not up to my normal standards).  I know I need a different trailer for the real Pig Pen.

I have a Shapeways Holmes 750 printed out of a better plastic (mucho more dollars) I and am going to put on a Revell Chevy 2 ton, the better plastic is much less grainy,

Hard to tell with pictures, It's no metal finish Corgi, but better than nothing and not TOO awful bad.  As I was warned, it is possible to get a decent model (I didn't say super) but it is a lot more work and working with this material is a horse of a different color.

Others that have used 3D plastic, I'd love to know what I did wrong or could have done better to get a better finish.

Gray Lackey



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  • 20190630_161354[1]: Pig Pen GMC Crackerbox
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Completing the scene with trucks & cars.  Sometimes placing the right vehicle (s) into a scene will greatly boost the impact of the scene's effectiveness in telling a more convincing story.  Sometimes all we need to add is one vehicle as in photos 2, 4, 5, 7 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14.  At other times more vehicles for background bring greater depth and context to a scene as in photo 1.  Photos 6 & 8 with a variety of vehicles depicting a busy urban setting.  Many vehicles as in photo 15 depicts a busy state or county highway at a grade crossing.  Just some things that I take into consideration  when creating a vignette on my layout.IMG_1739IMG_1746IMG_1874IMG_1687IMG_0206IMG_0211IMG_0334IMG_0309IMG_0638IMG_0722IMG_8399IMG_8386IMG_8384IMG_8553IMG_9330


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Last edited by trumpettrain
Amfleet25124 posted:

Here is the NYPD 1975 Plymouth Fury that recently joined my collection, presented with some interesting background materials. 

OGR NYPD 1975 Plymouth Fury 05

I sure do remember when these were the NYPD cars and buses in NYC. Very nice models and photo. I walked from 41st Street and 6th Avenue to Grand Central on a hot day last week. The clean air is amazing compared to what it was in the seventies.


Amfleet25124 posted:

Thanks Quarter Gauger & Melgar.

Memories of the dirty, rotting Apple at its core is what those movies (and others) bring back to me. If time travel were a reality,  I wouldn't go back though, I only enjoy going back mentally and through model trains.


I wouldn't go back either. I think that, in most ways, NYC is a much better place today than it was in the seventies. Even though it's expensive and the traffic can be difficult.




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  • MELGAR_2019_0627_01_GCT_FACING_EAST
  • MELGAR_2019_0627_06_GCT_FACING_WEST
MELGAR posted:
Amfleet25124 posted:

Thanks Quarter Gauger & Melgar.

Memories of the dirty, rotting Apple at its core is what those movies (and others) bring back to me. If time travel were a reality,  I wouldn't go back though, I only enjoy going back mentally and through model trains.


I wouldn't go back either. I think that, in most ways, NYC is a much better place today than it was in the seventies. Even though it's expensive and the traffic can be difficult.



Melgar, just to clarify, I have good memories of the 70s in NYC (I’ve since edited that sentence in my post). 

>>Another topic for another time, but I plan on having the Atlas O Elektra Theater on my layout with a rotating list of my favorite period NYC films of the time on the marquee<<

Amfleet25124 posted:
MELGAR posted:
Amfleet25124 posted:

Thanks Quarter Gauger & Melgar.

Memories of the dirty, rotting Apple at its core is what those movies (and others) bring back to me. If time travel were a reality,  I wouldn't go back though, I only enjoy going back mentally and through model trains.


I wouldn't go back either. I think that, in most ways, NYC is a much better place today than it was in the seventies. Even though it's expensive and the traffic can be difficult.


Melgar, just to clarify, I have good memories of the 70s in NYC (I’ve since edited that sentence in my post).

So do I. But in a lot of ways, I think it's better now than then... Certainly much cleaner.


trumptrain posted:

Completing the scene with trucks & cars.  Sometimes placing the right vehicle (s) into a scene will greatly boost the impact of the scene's effectiveness in telling a more convincing story.  Sometimes all we need to add is one vehicle as in photos 2, 4, 5, 7 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, & 14.  At other times more vehicles for background bring greater depth and context to a scene as in photo 1.  Photos 6 & 8 with a variety of vehicles depicting a busy urban setting.  Many vehicles as in photo 15 depicts a busy state or county highway at a grade crossing.  Just some things that I take into consideration  when creating a vignette on my layout.IMG_1739IMG_1746IMG_1874IMG_1687IMG_0206IMG_0211IMG_0334IMG_0309IMG_0638IMG_0722IMG_8399IMG_8386IMG_8384IMG_8553IMG_9330

Swell & Grand'  scenes as always from you'... Where'd you get the blue & white Mack?  I've been searching for one with no luck'..  I really like that paint job'...

MELGAR posted:

A steep driveway leads from the parking lot behind The Chromium Process Company up to the end of Back Street on my 10'-by-5' layout. A serious-looking guard stands by the guard shack to make sure that only one vehicle at a time is on the narrow gravel driveway.





 Mel, if the last shot had a blue horizon in the background, it would be absolutely perfect and ad copy/magazine ready'... You did a swell job taking that picture'... 

90 degree day, but spent 30 minutes up in pop’s attic and found some good stuff. I couldn’t open as soon as I got home so I waited for my dad and we opened the one box together later on. Combination of Solido, Rio, Corgi, Roadchampa, Matchbox Kings, Saico, Brooklyn Models, Elicor. Voters, Yat ming, Ertl. and maybe some I forgot. Hope you guys enjoy! Pop might be gone but I know he’d enjoy the heck outta helping me with my layout- and he still is:

General shot, the PCC on the right is something I already had, courtesy of good ol Popito of course!


Another general shot but I’ll give some detail. Taxi is Solido as is the bright red car (‘54 Mercedes 300SL), up front with the blue body and darker tan roof is a pretty cool Dinky, behind that a road champs jeep


These were in the “other room” in the attic(not under the sheet and things Pop just accumulated. The green truck, trailer, un-boxed VA state trooper police car all roadchamps, next to the boxed Corgi is a Mathbox Superking X4 carrying a jet. Auto Carrier is of an unknown make but really cool. Behind that is something obviously prettty big- it’s a wind up with that good old “made in US Zone Germany underneath”


Here from left to right(all 1/43): Rio Nazi staff car( will go well with the Corgi 1/50 soldiers I got at Nick Smith’s- in no way do I support the Nazis- but everyone hates them so and they’re the bad guys in my current military conflict in my layout with a Butt whooping coming), next Brooklyn Models Edsel Citation, then the brown car on the right is anotherBrooklyn Models 41 Packard- those guys are HEAVY!


White car in the front is a pretty massive Rolls Corniche, behind that guy(from left to right): Maker unknown(just a “flashy S” on the bottom)-55 Bel Air, the blue and green convertibles(again unknown maker but both of them start with an SS in their production #s),, brown one is a 48 Chrysler Windsor, and the one with its rear towards us is of that same unknown make. 1st silver car after that is a Corgi James Bond Aston Martin DB5 and behind him is that unknown maker again. The unknown maker appears to be 1:32 scale, unforuntately/ but still pretty cool!


Vitese 1953 Cadillac Eldorado with Dwight Eisenhower. My dad got that for myPop for Christmas one yearimage

The truck cab is actually Lionel- unfortunately no trailer has been found(yet ). Corgi Chevy Highway patrol(seems between 1/43& 1/50), tootsie Action news van, Ertl Deli supply truckimage

Really happy to have found all of these guys since my layout is finally going to be adding at least 4x8 in space. Likely won’t use half of the 1/43 scales because they’re just too big but I’m super grateful to have been able to add these to my collection and can’t wait to put’em on my layout! Hope you guys enjoy! one last shot:




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  • image: Rio And Brooklyn Models
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Last edited by StevefromPA
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:
Richie C. posted:

Picked this up over the weekend at my LHS - just looked cool.


 Richie, that is a very smart looking truck'..  Very cool indeed'.. Nice find'..

I think it's part of a 5-6 car series made by Matchbox. My LHS had all of them. I was hesitant to only buy one and break up the set, but this was the one that drew my attention - they also had a cool "Cordon Bleu" one. TAITTINGER 3TAITTINGER 4


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Thought there was a list of sponsors on this forum, and one of them was Die Cast Direct?  As a fan of vintage pickups, real and "O scale", and since l model rural and small towns, l went through the just received DCD catalog.  While l have not been happy with all Ford models available, vs. Chevrolet plus others, l have to positively comment on the selection of Ford pickups in this.  To populate your streets in the early diesel era, l see a variety of years, in 1/43, of Ford pickup models, that l had not seen before:. 1942,1948,1951,1952, 1953...!  That is better than the Ford prewar variety.  And this issue even pictures 1950 and 1951 GMC pickup models, and a 1953 Chevy. (also a '49 Chevy stake truck) Too modern for me, but there are a lot of modelers in that era.

colorado hirailer posted:

Thought there was a list of sponsors on this forum, and one of them was Die Cast Direct?  As a fan of vintage pickups, real and "O scale", and since l model rural and small towns, l went through the just received DCD catalog.  While l have not been happy with all Ford models available, vs. Chevrolet plus others, l have to positively comment on the selection of Ford pickups in this.  To populate your streets in the early diesel era, l see a variety of years, in 1/43, of Ford pickup models, that l had not seen before:. 1942,1948,1951,1952, 1953...!  That is better than the Ford prewar variety.  And this issue even pictures 1950 and 1951 GMC pickup models, and a 1953 Chevy. (also a '49 Chevy stake truck) Too modern for me, but there are a lot of modelers in that era.

Hi CH, I've never seen an ad for DCD in the ad displays above.  Could be I just keep missing it.  I do get the catalog, haven't looked through it yet. I will.  Thanks for tip'.. 

Went back into the vault for these photos from 2016.  It's a Schaefer Beer truck with the New York Mets 1977 Schedule Card on the rear door (Schaefer was the official beer of the Mets in the late 1970's) that I had custom made.  Yes, that model Peterbilt didn't exist in the 1970's but that didn't matter to me 

Also is a photo of the truck with the MTH Brewery on a 48x31 module that I used to have at the time for my FCMTS train club.  Unfortunately the beer truck was misplaced in one of our recent moves. 

OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck [2016-01)

OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck [2016-02)

OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck [2016-03)


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  • OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck (2016-01)
  • OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck (2016-02)
  • OGR Schaefer Beer Mets Truck (2016-03)
Last edited by Amfleet25124
AZGARY posted:

I bought these 2 Mercury's and the Ford at the local train store. The roofs have been cut or removed on them. The fellow did a very nice job and are cool one off items I enjoy. There's the Cheerleader having a car wash. Rah-rah! Then there is the car lots.100_6687100_6686 [2)100_6680100_6681 

Thanks for posting looks very good. And I must say I love that Nomad 

Last edited by lee drennen
trumptrain posted:

1950 Mercury IMG_5891

1947 RenaultIMG_59461950 GMC Tractor with flatbed trailerIMG_5978

Mercedes Benz Ambulance, 1955 Mack B fire engine, either a 55 or 57 T - bird ( can't remember which year ) street sweeper, VW pickup truck circa 1952?, Yellow VW Bug.  IMG_6010


thanks for posting always love looking at your vehicles when it cools down I’ll get back out to the garage and the layout 

John.  Those “pool” trucks are very funny, although someone will probably complain about them being crappy...

I haven’t posted in this thread for a while, with much outdoor time and less basement.  But I’ve been inspired and encouraged by some of the creative “truck-bashing” from Lee and  other modelers.  So here goes:

Here’s the 1960 Chevy farm truck...


And this is how it began, with a deconstructed Ertl cab and chassis, a cut up hopper from a snow plow and various  bits and parts:


Ah!  Scalecoat paint!!!!


And the orange hopper becomes green too:


Then primer for the wheels and interior 


Starting to come together and ready for details and decals


Just needing a smidge more “mud.”


And there you have it!  Ready to service the farms and supply/mill in the background check.  Next project, ballast and groundcover in this 6x12 rural area of my railroad.  



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 That 1960  Apache is just amazing looking how you turn it into something really nice the 1960 Chevy Apache was always my favorite truck in the light duty truck line you did a great job of re-doing this what a beautiful job. I’m  in the same boat but finally my outdoor chores and work is finally slowing down and I can get in the garage and maybe get some bench time and train time in.

I want to thank all you guys for keeping this thread going 

Don Sierakowski 111617 posted:


I haven’t posted in this thread for a while, with much outdoor time and less basement.  But I’ve been inspired and encouraged by some of the creative “truck-bashing” from Lee and  other modelers.  So here goes:

Here’s the 1960 Chevy farm truck...


And this is how it began, with a deconstructed Ertl cab and chassis, a cut up hopper from a snow plow and various  bits and parts:



Starting to come together and ready for details and decals


Just needing a smidge more “mud.”


And there you have it!  Ready to service the farms and supply/mill in the background check.  Next project, ballast and groundcover in this 6x12 rural area of my railroad.  



You did an amazing job on this truck!  Thanks for sharing the in-progress photos.  The truck and hopper lines are sweet!  And the color, graphics, and rear detail are perfect, too.  

I'm impressed by the hints at scenery in the backgrounds of your photos.  Your ground cover project should keep the driver of that truck busy :-).

Tomlinson Run Railroad

Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

                                 Eating establishments and their parking lots'...DSCN0657DSCN0660DSCN0663

Quarter Gauger 48, great scene and great photos.   As a big fan of rail and trolley car conversions to diners, is there a story or inspiration behind your creation?  The AC, roof, newspapers, phone both, plantings, and other details are great.  

But what about those lower set Windows on the right?  They remind me of an ice ceam pickup window.  The green (Chevy??) in the foreground is also great.

Wish I had free time to set up a diner scene after such inspiration.


Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

TRRR, Thanks for the very nice compliment'.  No back story really, just my Mom had owned and operated small diners of this style, and of course I worked in them as a youngster.  Here is a photo of one we had.  It was named, "The Stagecoach Diner," in Sandy Hook, CT.  Circa 1963....


And a well-deserved compliment, too.  :-).  I consider that quite a "backstory" for your model.  Wow, what a great experience -- at least to me looking in from the outside. I suspect it was a lot of hard work for a kid.

My limited record (on an index card, no less) shows the "Sandy Hook Diner" on Church Hill Road as having been built in the 1920s.  The proportions of the center section look right for the time period. That's a lot of decades and eras that can be represented by model cars and trucks!


TomlinsonRunRR posted:
Quarter Gauger 48 posted:

TRRR, Thanks for the very nice compliment'.  No back story really, just my Mom had owned and operated small diners of this style, and of course I worked in them as a youngster.  Here is a photo of one we had.  It was named, "The Stagecoach Diner," in Sandy Hook, CT.  Circa 1963....


And a well-deserved compliment, too.  :-).  I consider that quite a "backstory" for your model.  Wow, what a great experience -- at least to me looking in from the outside. I suspect it was a lot of hard work for a kid.

My limited record (on an index card, no less) shows the "Sandy Hook Diner" on Church Hill Road as having been built in the 1920s.  The proportions of the center section look right for the time period. That's a lot of decades and eras that can be represented by model cars and trucks!


I see you've done your research.  The structure on the right side of the diner was living quarters.  A small 5 room house with direct access into the diner.  That is where we lived.  The girl friend of the County Sheriff of Fairfield, owned all the buildings you see in the photo.  We rented the facility and lived in the little house.  Josephene, the owner, would stop by unannounced, never even had a cup of coffee.  She was a very wealthy woman.  Dressed to the 10s, Real Mink coats, lots of diamonds, drove a brand new Caddy.  She looked very similar to the actress, Joan Crawford.  She was also, a very mean woman.  If she saw we had customers, when she would stop by, the next day she would stop by again  and raise the rent .  Finally after two  years, my mother had enough and we moved on.

Actually it was not hard work.  All of us kids worked.  We waited on customers.  I used to cook eggs, make toast and serve coffee.  My sister was the main waitress.  Met her husband in that diner and is still married to this day..  My little brother cleaned the toilets. On the holidays the entire family from all over the north east would arrive for Thanksgiving dinner in the dining room.  We would cook at least 3 big turkeys, roasts, chickens, cornish hens.  You name it.  We also had locals that had no families of their own join us.  It was quite the gathering.  My Mother was an excellent cook.  She would always invite Josephine and the Sheriff , but they never came.  So I learned a lot in that diner about people, business and life in general..  Things you never forget.  My mother went on to operate several other similar type diners in New York State, when I was in the service.  Prior to The Stagecoach, we had several stands in Long Island, and upstate, NY.  One time we had a Gulf Station, with a store and a restaurant.  I was age 5.  My folks like to travel, and open businesses.  

They were the original entrepreneurs... before the word became famous. The only problem was, they never made the Millions....



 Wow, Patrick, Mel, and Lee'.  I just realized I never put a name sign on that diner'... I'm so impressed that you guys enjoyed the story of the Stagecoach Diner'.  That is just one of many.  I mentioned one time the fact that I attended 8 different high schools, and so many elementary schools I can't recall all of them, that I should write a book.... Interesting childhood  to say the least'... ALL I can say is, I'm a product of a Railroad Man father, and a mother, born under wandering star...

QT48. Did any truckers stop there I see a B61 Mack or a H model parked out front. My dad used to tell me stories stopping at these places back in the 50s when he drove over the road 

Lee, we used to get long distance men, that would get off the interstate to enjoy a home cooked meal.  That is what the Stagecoach specialized in. It wasn't a fast food joint, but real home style cooking. Interstate 84 East, wasn't completely built yet making it necessary for truckers to go through local towns.  Across the street from us was the Sandy Hook Hotel.  The bottom floor had a bar and a pool room.  The Hells Angels use to frequent it quite a bit.  The owner's wife got involved with an angel.  And subsequently shot the angel.  A few months later, at midnight, the angels blew up the hotel.  The owner was out of town...  About year later, The angels showed up again with shotguns... the owner was home and met his demise.... Funny thing though, the 'Angels never bothered anyone else in town and we never had any problems with them.  They were always respectable when in our establishment.  I was 12, and 13, and would study their bikes.  Once in a while they would let me rev up the throttle a bit....  Sandy Hook was a wild place in the mid 60s... and as a kid it was a fun place to live...




coach joe posted:

Ski, is the Cabover under that Lionel container trailer frame one of those 1/50 scales that were made about 10 years go?  I've got a few of them but I drawing a blank on the mfr, maybe Atlas O.  If it is, it blends well with the Lionel TTs that were more like 1/64  than O scale.

I dunno, Coach,

I picked up the cab in a box of stuff at a train show a while ago. It looks 1:50 scale to me and hooks up great to the Lionel trailer behind it

Last edited by Lionelski
trumptrain posted:

Here's a shot of my new Lipton Tea truck.  I've also included some new VW Beetles, and VW pickup trucks ( I got them at the grocery store for $1.00 each )  and new photo angles of other vehicles on my layout.IMG_9805IMG_9818IMG_9827IMG_9799IMG_9824IMG_9834IMG_9835IMG_9833


as always thanks for posting. I like your tea truck as well as the others in your pics. I have never seen that color woody before 

 Has anyone purchased the new Mernard's , flat bed trucks, They are plastic and not die cast.  Just wondering how they actually look in person.  Classic Toy Trains magazine, gave them a great review.  I would have liked to see a driver in the cab, especially since the head/tail lights are on.  I wonder how difficult they are to dismantle for a driver installation....???

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