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Hi All; a user of the DIY constant current lighting kits recently brought a bit of a problem to my attention. He is a conventional operator and at the typical lower track voltages (10-14VAC), the leds dim out very fast, with even a split second power outage, and look silly. This is much worse than running command at a track voltage of 18VAC because the 470uF cap just doesn't store enough electrical energy at the lower track voltage. I verified this a while back when I was testing 5VDC led strip lighting thinking it might be useful for conventional operation. In the end I concluded it offers no advantage over 12VDC strip though.

So out of interest I whipped up this design specifically to address the flickering problem. It features a rechargeable 9V battery to provide totally flicker-free lighting during any interruptions in track power, be they split second duration, or several seconds. It also operates equally well in command mode with fixed track power of 18VAC, and transition back and forth is seamless, with no operator intervention required whatsoever. Battery charge is maintained whenever there is track power present. When the operating session is over and/or the car is parked on an unpowered siding, the leds shut down after a short while (10-20 seconds), and the module goes to “sleep” until the next operating session. There is no battery drain when dormant, so it remains charged and ready for the next session. There is no need for a manual ON-OFF switch; operation is all completely automatic and totally seamless.

The board has a few more components (14 total) and its a little larger at 19 x 41mm. But it works very well. I have done a test installation in a 60’ Railking car and it all fits and works nicely. I have been running this car extensively over the last month or more, and it meets all expectations. The battery fits under the floor of the car as you can see below. So it is accessible without car disassembly if it ever needs to be changed. Note that the two caps on the board take no part in powering the leds during a power outage. That is done entirely by the battery.

Here is a closeup of the board:

Board Closeup R1.33

The components on the left half are similar to the standard DIY constant current board, but different values because this board is a voltage regulator, not current. The right half are new components. The resistors and diodes near the center are angle-mounted to save board space. The track power connects to the left end; the battery clip and led pigtail connect at the right end.

Below are a couple of installation pictures: Note the battery is wrapped in black tape just to make it less conspicuous. It clears the rails by a little more than 1/4" and in normal operation you would never see it at all.


And now the acid test so to speak. In this short video the new board is mounted in the third passenger car. All the others have the standard DIY lighting board; all cars are equipped with identical strip led lighting. You can see the dramatic difference. This is a really bad section on the layout; there are 2 back-to-back 022 switches, followed by a UCS track, followed by another 022 for the turntable lead in track. While the other cars are flickering noticeably, the car with the new board is rock solid. Need I say more?

So I developed this module mainly to satisfy my own curiosity, and to help out the guys who are having major flickering issues in conventional operation. But I found out along the way that it also offers perfect flicker protection in a command environment. So I plan to switch a few of my favorite passenger sets over during the next few months to this new module. For those who may wish to try this module out too I can make the pcb gerbers and the BOM available. I might also be able to provide a very limited number of kits; contact me offline for further details. My email is in my profile.

And I would be remiss if I didn't acknowledge input and help generously provided by Stan2004 during the design phase. Thank you Stan!



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I had a brainstorm.  My YLB supplies voltage down to below 5VAC on the input all the way up to full 18 volt track voltage.  A few changes to the circuit to add a pot that adjusts the output voltage between 8 volts and 12 volts, and you have a power module that will hold a passenger car strip of 12V LED's up for about a minute at typical lighting levels.

1"L x .8"W x 1"H


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I had a brainstorm.  My YLB supplies voltage down to below 5VAC on the input all the way up to full 18 volt track voltage.  A few changes to the circuit to add a pot that adjusts the output voltage between 8 volts and 12 volts, and you have a power module that will hold a passenger car strip of 12V LED's up for about a minute at typical lighting levels.

1"L x .8"W x 1"H

OK that looks pretty interesting. Can you tell us more about it?


Basically, what the YLB does is first regulate the track power to a bit over 5V and charge a 5V supercap.  Then it uses a boost switching regulator to boost the voltage up to 8 volts to simulate the 9V battery.  The boost regulator can be made variable with just a single pot, so if I made it output from 8V to 12V, you'd have an LED module with a supercap and variable intensity that will run on any power from around 5VAC and up.

I actually was thinking of a simpler method with less components, I'll have to think on that a bit.

Here's a better idea!  This module is 1.2" x .8" x 1.0" and does the whole job.

Dirt simple, the power comes in, get half-wave rectified, then fed into a Recom 5V switching module.  The ouput goes through an inrush limiter to limit the current demand when first chargig the 1.5F supercap.  The intensity is simply controlled using a standard pot since the currents are well below what the pot can handle.  The pot is specified at 500 ohms, but if you wanted to use this to control only three or four LED's, then the pot could be 1K or more.

I did use a couple of SMT components, but in looking at the layout now, I think they could be thru-hole as well if you desired.



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Last edited by gunrunnerjohn

Here's a better idea!  This module is 1.2" x .8" x 1.0" and does the whole job.

Elegant solution, GRJ! I run entirely conventional rolling stock, and one of the minor irritations I have is the lack of realism when all the passenger car lights go out every time the throttle is closed. With your module design, it sounds like there might be a few seconds (with incandescent bulbs) to a minute or so (for LEDs) of passenger car (or other) lighting after power is cut. Have you given any thought to selling those modules, or at least assembling DIY kits for sale?

@Steve Tyler posted:

Elegant solution, GRJ! I run entirely conventional rolling stock, and one of the minor irritations I have is the lack of realism when all the passenger car lights go out every time the throttle is closed. With your module design, it sounds like there might be a few seconds (with incandescent bulbs) to a minute or so (for LEDs) of passenger car (or other) lighting after power is cut. Have you given any thought to selling those modules, or at least assembling DIY kits for sale?

Well, getting the modules assembled would require a considerable up-front investment, the minimum they'll do is 100 modules  Parts for each module are around $5-6, the little switcher is $3 and the supercap is around $2.  Add to that the other parts, the PCB boards, and the assembly costs, and I'm into it for probably around $1500. I also don't know how many people would spring for the solution given the selling costs.

I also hasten to add, this really only works for lower power consumption of LED lighting, it's designed to deliver around 50-60 milliamps maximum.  For LED lighting, the supercap would probably keep them lit for quite some time.

I'm going to get a few prototype boards and tinker with it a little and see how well it works out.

I could probably give some thought to kits.

I like these new ideas from Rod and John. I wish I would have waited 4 months to start my project for 30 cars. I have added 2 - 4700mfd 35v caps in parallel with the 1000 mfd cap on the board to the v2.2 DIY kit which will keep the LEDs steady to the naked eye while crossing back to back O22 turnouts at low speed, that is $4 per car though. I will keep watching the progress on the new design.

Some how I have messed up the soldering on the last 3 boards. None of them work. I can get ~ 19v DC out with 15v AC in, but the LED strips don't come on. The pot is at full CW. Any suggestions on what I have messed up? The first ~ 10 cars came out fine.

I ordered some prototype boards for my supercap based board, we'll see if it is as good as I think it should be.  This is specifically designed to run for both conventional and command operation, there's no difference in operation or power dissipation since it uses a switching power supply instead of a linear supply.

This is a design for the 5V LED strips, and it is a constant voltage design, unlike my earlier constant current designs.  The supercap on the back of the PCB will be folded down against the board to minimize the height of the board, my 3D design view doesn't allow me to do that.  I estimate the whole package will be 1.2" L, .85" W, and about 1" tall.

It has an intensity control for the lighting and runs off track power directly.  The output is a maximum of 5V at full intensity, so the 5V LED strips will be called for.  Of course, it can also be used for individual LED's in parallel if desired.  The design can output up to several hundred milliamps, so there will be no issue lighting a lot of LED's!

I'm making it an all thru-hole design so it can be offered in kit form.


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I like these new ideas from Rod and John. I wish I would have waited 4 months to start my project for 30 cars. I have added 2 - 4700mfd 35v caps in parallel with the 1000 mfd cap on the board to the v2.2 DIY kit which will keep the LEDs steady to the naked eye while crossing back to back O22 turnouts at low speed, that is $4 per car though. I will keep watching the progress on the new design.

Some how I have messed up the soldering on the last 3 boards. None of them work. I can get ~ 19v DC out with 15v AC in, but the LED strips don't come on. The pot is at full CW. Any suggestions on what I have messed up? The first ~ 10 cars came out fine.

Bill if you could shoot me a couple of pix of the problematic boards I may be able to spot the problem. Something must be different than the first bunch. My email is in my profile, or you may still have it around. Or you could post a pic or two here on the forum.


I ordered some prototype boards for my supercap based board, we'll see if it is as good as I think it should be.  This is specifically designed to run for both conventional and command operation, there's no difference in operation or power dissipation since it uses a switching power supply instead of a linear supply.

This is a design for the 5V LED strips, and it is a constant voltage design, unlike my earlier constant current designs.  The supercap on the back of the PCB will be folded down against the board to minimize the height of the board, my 3D design view doesn't allow me to do that.  I estimate the whole package will be 1.2" L, .85" W, and about 1" tall.

It has an intensity control for the lighting and runs off track power directly.  The output is a maximum of 5V at full intensity, so the 5V LED strips will be called for.  Of course, it can also be used for individual LED's in parallel if desired.  The design can output up to several hundred milliamps, so there will be no issue lighting a lot of LED's!

I'm making it an all thru-hole design so it can be offered in kit form.

Looking forward to seeing how this works John. Looks like it should be better and simpler.

A thought; perhaps the centers of the supercap and D1 could be shifted to align laterally? That way the supercap could be mounted on top of D1 on the board topside. That may work better in some installations? Just saying.


I thought of trying to put it on top, but it's a lot longer than the space, so it would be sitting on top of the taller switching power module.  It would also cover half of the intensity pot.  I agree it would be great if all the components were on one side.  I did also think of just having the supercap stick straight up and not fold, I may still explore that option.

I did a trial fit, here's the layout with all components on one side.  The supercap is the larger size 1.5F 5.5V one, some are smaller.  That's also why there are two sets of holes, one set is 11mm, the other is 15mm.  That matches the two styles of supercap I commonly see.

The board is 1.35" x .85" and the height remains at 1" for the tallest component, the larger of the supercaps.


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I did a trial fit, here's the layout with all components on one side.  The supercap is the larger size 1.5F 5.5V one, some are smaller.  That's also why there are two sets of holes, one set is 11mm, the other is 15mm.  That matches the two styles of supercap I commonly see.

The board is 1.35" x .85" and the height remains at 1" for the tallest component, the larger of the supercaps.

John I think you nailed it! That looks like the best of all worlds to me. And it should fit into most any passenger car. Bravo


I did a trial fit, here's the layout with all components on one side.  The supercap is the larger size 1.5F 5.5V one, some are smaller.  That's also why there are two sets of holes, one set is 11mm, the other is 15mm.  That matches the two styles of supercap I commonly see.

The board is 1.35" x .85" and the height remains at 1" for the tallest component, the larger of the supercaps.

Nice reconfig, GRJ! I think that'll make it easier to shoehorn into available space, and enable the installer to stick it down on the 'flat' side.

Just curious -- I know it's intended for low-draw LEDs, but wouldn't incandescent bulbs just discharge the supercap quicker, or is there some other limitation? I suppose I could swap in E10 base LEDs, but it would be nice to stay with the OEM bulbs and sockets.

@Steve Tyler posted:

Just curious -- I know it's intended for low-draw LEDs, but wouldn't incandescent bulbs just discharge the supercap quicker, or is there some other limitation?

Well, first off, the switching module outputs 5VDC at up to 500ma.  However, the incandescent bulbs are rarely 5V bulbs, so they would hardly light at all on 5VDC.  I could have designed for a different voltage output, but the object of the exercise was to do an LED lighting board for conventional and command operation.  I truthfully don't see much point in trying to arrest the flicker of incandescent bulbs, it's just to limited of an audience.

With this layout and provisions for the larger supercap, you can also put a larger value supercap on the board in the space provided if you want even longer holdup times.  If my experience with lighting passenger cars with the 12V strips are any guide, I expect it to be more than sufficient for any reasonable power interruption.

Obviously, for the same illumination with the 5V strips as you'd get with the higher track voltage feeding 12V strips, the illumination will take about three times the current, so I'm thinking 60-70 milliamps for a typical brightness.  For 67ma (75 ohm load), using a 1.5F supercap I get over ten seconds of almost steady light before the LED's start fade, more than sufficient for the task.  The board will run on around 6-6.5 to 18 VAC from the track, so virtually any operating environment is supported.

Well, first off, the switching module outputs 5VDC at up to 500ma.  However, the incandescent bulbs are rarely 5V bulbs, so they would hardly light at all on 5VDC.  I could have designed for a different voltage output, but the object of the exercise was to do an LED lighting board for conventional and command operation.  I truthfully don't see much point in trying to arrest the flicker of incandescent bulbs, it's just to limited of an audience.

Fair enough, and yeah, I was overlooking the module's lower output voltage, so it appears some sort of bulb change would be in order in any event. I suspect there *are* 5-6 volt E10-base incandescent bulbs out there, but if I'm swapping bulbs anyway, I see no advantage to *not* going to LEDs.

In fact, if you could offer a stick-on strip of compatible LEDs with your kit, I could just bypass/replace the current lighting entirely, using the existing track pickup to power the strip through your module. Any thought to offering an option to add LEDs to your kit, to make a soup-to-nuts solution for us conventional codgers?

Anything's possible Steve.   I did do a little bench test to verify the current draw and longevity of the cap charge.  It appears with a 1.5F cap, it'll hold up full brightness for around 10 seconds and then slowly start fading.  This is assuming a fairly bright setting on the intensity.  Should be more than sufficient for conventional, even reversing directions.

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