Thanks very much for that excellent information.
All I can say is, that I don't believe I am overthinking this, because the dang pair of switches are not getting enough juice from the controller to flip them smartly and reliably. (Is it possible that the controller itself is no good?)
Worse yet, this pair of switches is central to the layout, and lots of "rail traffic" has to pass over them.
Funny that you mention 16 AWG wire. I was so frustrated last Sunday when I was fooling with this, that I ordered a big spool of 16 gauge wire, swearing that I was going to solve this problem once and for all!
I am going to take your advice, and install a terminal block very close to the controller and run the heavy wires from there.
As Popeye use to say, "I've had all I can stands, cause I can't stands no more!"