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Due to a maJor downsizing, and major move back to Texas, ( grandchildren were calling), I have had to rethink my layout planning. I had to give up my 20x8 basement space, for a 4x8 space in the garage of the new house. Oh well, I can still build and enjoy O gauge trains, just on a smaller scale.

I have selected a track plan and have a list of all the fastrack I need to buy. ( Yes, Ross/Gargraves/Atlas would probably be a better choice.) However, I at my age, I want to get something up quickly and fairly easily, and not bust the budget. I am building the benchwork this week and should be ready to lay out track in a week or so.

I need to know which of the OGR advertisers may have the best inventory of Fastrack actually in stock. Lots of the advertisers have "some" Fastrack, but I need a whole layout full, and do not want to have to buy it here and there, or piecemeal, so to speak. I just want to place one order and get it all in one shipment, if possible. Who would you recommend? Thanks


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