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Im thinking of making a reverse loop for my twin motor 256 Prewar Lionel O gauge  engine looks like same as 150 etc but heavier with the weight of having two engines, with that said this engine does not seem to like my 022 postwar switches   bounces and  is not smooth going over them ..

Is their a trick to make them run over them better or maybe a prewar 022 switch or another brand? I'm using Lionel tubular track unless someone says differ?

If not I can make a simple oval ..thanks daniel

Last edited by DanssuperO
Original Post

I don't have a 256 on hand, but it's contemporaries in the Lionel 011 and 021 tubular switches may have adequate wheel depth acceptance as they don't have the bakelite base/frog. However, these are not necessarily a panacea as they have their own quirks. Pretty much with any switch brand and model, it is always a tradeoff.

Last edited by bmoran4

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