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@Mooner posted:

......Modified the 2nd image to add "American" and "in style of Van Gogh"....


It is beautiful imagery. The problem is, as @Mikado 4501 noted above, "AI generators like these don't really create, they steal from images online and Frankenstein these images together to what you see in this thread." The image here is not in the "style of" Van Gogh. Everything above the horizon IS Van Gogh. It is literally lifted from Van Gogh's "The Starry Night," with moon, stars, swoopy patterns, tree, steeple - all right there arranged as on the original. As for everything below the horizon and the other images in this thread, I would imagine that if we use Google's very handy "Lens" tool together with a little patience, we might find the original lesser-known plagiarized photos and art by artists not so famous. This Starry Night thing really prove that actors and other creators are right to be concerned.


Last edited by John's Trains
@NJCJOE posted:

I can do my own thinking. I don't need a computer to think for me.


If you truly believe this then you should stop driving your car immediately.  Automobiles have been "helping" by thinking for humans for several decades now.  There's been at least 30 years of machine learning involved here, not as deep as AI but in use nonetheless.

And, to be fair cars haven't used formal AI until very, very recently (2022), and where they do the validation testing conducted on them needs to be extra-detailed, extra-rigorous, and extra-thorough in order to make sure that they won't mess up and hurt somebody.  As far as we can tell, for most automakers it presently is, and for their new cars they won't.


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