I wondered if any one has experienced any issues, in wiring in series, with two motored china drive loco's, or do you have to wire them in parallel, when using the Bluerail board?? cTr...( Choose the Right )
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I have done eight BlueRail loco installations, including single motor and twin motors in parallel and series. All worked fine. The series arrangement will run a bit slower at given throttle settings. Best to bench test each loco before making the conversion.
The only 2-motor diesel I have with Bluerail is a Williams E7, wired in parallel. The Weaver RS3 has a single motor.
In series, wouldn't you be cutting voltage in half? Which would explain slower running.
Thanks every one. I just had a Bluerail board fail on me, and had to cheque wiring in series wasn't a possible cause, even thou I couldn't see how it could be. I think Ive worked out what caused it. Though I cant be 100% sure.
I had checked the nine pin connector, that came with my Atlas RSD7/15 and it seemed fine, so I wired everything up, and set it on the track, it connected but nothing happened on throttling up. I studied it carefully, and noticed that one wire was missing from the connecter, since some of the other wires had come louse too, I wasn't sure If I had lost it some how or if it was never there, and I hadn't noticed. The third wire in that goes to the motor was actualy the forth wire in, making it the negative to an LED, and the third wire in on the other side positive to the motor ( track polarity would change this ). So! could this blow the board, or is this Dave's first dud board? The up shot is Ive been chicken to try another board. cTr...( Choose the Right )
Your experience is why I recommend bench testing prior to a conversion installation. Motors in series get equal amps but half the voltage. Motors in parallel get full voltage and full amps, assuming that the current source can deliver the total amps required.
Thanks Bob The loco draws, wired in series, powered using a PWM controller, and running free no rolling stoke, and on level track 220 milly amps, lode it with seven cares and it draws 350 milly amps. The loco's motors are insulated from the frame and rails. Bob could you share your procedure for bench testing with use. Im always interested in learning more. cTr...( Choose the Right )
Stephen: I emailed you pix of my bench test setups.