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I don't have the Item# handy but MTH makes a set with two 5 Inch straights that each have a break in each of the 3 rails, with jumper wires underneath, so you can remove which ever wire you want. Remove the center wire to create a track control block, or remove, the outer wire of your choice to create an insulated rail, for operating accessories.



You need a center rail break and each end of a block.

I use a 3M professional electrical tape wrapped on the center rail contact of each track, the springy looking thing, to create an isolation point. The previous builder of the layout that we are restoring cut them off or cut rails, causing us to replace the tracks. I had to isolate the helix from each level for 3 level running control or we can switch back to all levels running for one train.

kapton tape would be another tape to use. Both are very flexible.

So, the five inch pieces where they fit or the tape will work fine.


Images (1)
  • DSCN1138
Last edited by Moonman
RayL posted:


Thanks for the info. I'll look into getting the item.

You wrote; "You do need to a 5 inch straight area at each point you use them."

I don't understand what you mean -- is there a word missing in your sentence?


I believe he means to use the MTH tracks requires room for a 5" straight. If you do not have room for a 5" straight where you need a break, a method like Carl suggests is the alternative. (cost effective too!)

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