That's the K4 you mentioned the other day? 99 bucks? Really?
I'd be happy for you if I wasn't jealous...
Mark in Oregon
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That's the K4 you mentioned the other day? 99 bucks? Really?
I'd be happy for you if I wasn't jealous...
Mark in Oregon
Strummer posted:That's the K4 you mentioned the other day? 99 bucks? Really?
I'd be happy for you if I wasn't jealous...
Mark in Oregon
Yes sir!! Got lucky there. Its a bit dirty, no box but seems to be an ok deal.
No, Dennis, it doesn't run. Your video shows that it only goes back and forth.
(Joke) (Satire) (Humor)
I needed to kill an hour waiting on a prescription refill so I went to a near by flea market. Score one for the home team - I found a very clean Lionel VW transformer with box and instructions for $40.00. Yes, it woks great. Now I want a whistle tender.
Picked up a couple more BEEPs. They are neat little engines. Need to find some rolling stock now.
My recent eBay purchases arrived this last week or so. Cool item #1 is a Norscot Caterpillar slide shift backhoe. It came with extra attachments. I thought it would look better on the MOW train gondola with ties.
Cool item #2 is an MTH EMD BL2 in the Rock Island livery which I figured could go with the Iowa Interstate engines the I have. I have always liked the BL2. The PS3 sounds are good, love the horn.
Cool item #3 is an MTH Santa Fe crane to go with in my BNSF work train.
Timpix posted:
Naturally, you figure out how you can assemble it onto an existing HO motor; or go through life wishing you had..😐
Odenville Bill posted:I needed to kill an hour waiting on a prescription refill so I went to a near by flea market. Score one for the home team - I found a very clean Lionel VW transformer with box and instructions for $40.00. Yes, it woks great. Now I want a whistle tender.
Remove 4 screws on top & check rollers do roll, look at windings where rollers ride for any nasty wear/sawing, and check the breaker cuts out properly by shorting with a heavy metal connection (trans. on a power strip with off/on & breaker just in case... bigger transformers can weld metal to terminals a little with a direct short )
$40 is a great deal. "A KWs power in the ZW package."
Vincent Massi posted:No, Dennis, it doesn't run. Your video shows that it only goes back and forth.
(Joke) (Satire) (Humor)
I moved a bunch of stuff off my tracks, now it goes in big circles in addition to back and forth!!
Thanks, Rob.
Just picked up the MTH Premier Line 20-91633 N_6b Strasburg Caboose at Nicholas Smith Trains.Very sharp looking.
RSJB18 posted:
You can’t go wrong with a BL-2!
I bought these yesterday. I didn’t have a MTH coal dump car or the disappearing coal load car. The N&W car I already had but couldn’t pass up.
Actually everything I’m running and using here is relatively new. The super o track, a Williams Reading GP7 passenger set and a Z transformer.
No 726s ?? 736 ??
jim pastorius posted:No 726s ?? 736 ??
Not here. I've got plenty of berks at the big layout at dad's house haa
Yes !!
Vincent Massi posted:
New ones with modern features are available, but the post war Lionel ZW I posted can be found “used” on EBay, and at train shows and Meets. Over the last year or so, I have noticed that ZW prices have quickly dropped to the lowest levels I have ever I jumped in and bought one.
Several years ago, I purchased an Alco GE Ingersoll-Rand Box Cab diesel (Oil-electric as they called them). I always wanted another one with the plan of painting it to updated CNW or Ingersoll-Rand. I don't have data as to whether there was a demonstrator in that paint or if it was commemorative (it's in a museum/I don't know if it runs). Anyway, fast forward to last year's catalog and they offered them again, so rather than acquire/repaint I bought new ones to add to the collection.
Picked up this KBN/Karl Bub at an LHS on a steal:
Then got these K-Line Alco AA units off ebay that came today. The hook together by a tether as well as dummy couplers. If my research is correct they’re from 2005
Vincent Massi, so that's Doc of the seven dwarves right? Or is that not politically correct... whatever.
...looks more like one of the pirates from Disney's "Peter Pan"...(?)
Mark in Oregon
Yes Mark, it looks like Mister Smee, Captain Hook’s sidekick! Peter Pan outsmarted them! LOL
Kirk R posted:Vincent Massi, so that's Doc of the seven dwarves right? Or is that not politically correct... whatever.
It's "Smee," Captain Hook's assistant. He is covering an ear with one hand while firing a pistol with the other.
Mr. Smee. When I worked as a telecom engineer, they had a thing called SME (subject matter expert). I referred to them as Mr. Smee. No one ever gave me the satisfaction of understanding my poor joke. I wasn’t a SME. Maybe that is why they pushed me out with an early retirement.
Burlington Northern PS-1 with freightsounds boxcar off ebay. Have one other of these (PRR) and did pre-order the Polar Express version coming out later this year. I really like what these add to our layout while the trains are running. I also like the PS-1 boxcar and find myself slowly moving toward more scale items. Somewhat limited by a lot of O-36 curves on our layout, but even there we're in the process of a redesign to allow some runs with wider curves using O-60 and O-72.
Dennis Holler posted:
Now that's an interesting photo. Jelke's Good Luck margarine produced cookbooks, a TV commercial starring Eleanor Roosevelt, airplane trading cards, patriotic posters during WW2, and a pile of information on the healthiness of margarine.
Alas, I can find no boxcars of this fine product. But the one you have is definitely a nice addition to any train lay-out.
Even Walthers had decals in the 1940’s
Dennis, great looking car!
Picked up the MTH Premier Line Herzog 4 Bay Hopper Car with coal load at Just Trains today.Very nice detail.
Apples55 posted:
The thought crossed my mind more than once Paul but as long as he can see the screen he wouldn't care. When he's gaming nothing distracts him.
Now....building a freight spur over his head......
Bought a nice 1940 Ford Woody wagon yesterday for my layout. My grandfather bought a 47 Pontiac woody after WW II. Last year and I remember riding in it listening to the wood squeaking. Of course, I was the one who had to sand and varnish the wood in the Spring.
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