No pics yet, but I got a used bucket truck from Grzyboski's for a mere $5.00. I love a good bargain....
I bought one of the NYC custom Hudsons from @MrMuffin'sTrains. I am pretty confident its going to beat me to my house given I am sitting over in Bangkok.
I saw the video of it on his YouTube broadcast. Cool and looking forward to it.
Mr. Peabody and his Wayback Machine are a street-vendor bargain that will appear in a future train lay-out.
He appeared briefly in my current Christmas lay-out, but that's now in the past.
Well train friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a minute to say thanks for posting the neat train and related pictures. There’s some nice cars, trains and related here on this thread. I attended York last month and had a great time. Everyone was carrying packages to their cars/SUV’s, and going back for more. There were lots of train and related pieces for sale. Being that I have many items on order, (BTO) I has to be careful. Wow, it’s an addiction.... I did find the one train car I was looking for, the Lionel L&N Box car.... This is all I purchased.... I wish everyone a happy holiday season. Run these trains.
Unfortunately, due to health issues, wasn’t able to attend the Allentown meet last weekend which only shows how sick I was at that time. Layout is in a state of flux as I prepare to move over the table to make it L-shaped so forgive the messiness. All items bought from either 1 of 2 LHSs, eBay, and a vendor outside a model train exhibit in a local flea market. Despite flare ups from health issues, over the last 2 weeks, when I’ve been feeling well, I’ve picked up some nice pieces and some things that will definitely revolutionize my layout! Enjoy!:
1st Up- the revolutionary part I was talking about- MTH DCS! Set it up on a test loop, stil trying to get a feel for it(not nearly as easy as the original TMCC, but nothing worth having ever comes easy !)
K-line Stone walls surrounding the church. Not hooked up to be lighted yet but really like these.
Both of these from eBay. I LOVE the postwar “motorized units” and, technically, my first engine was the same as this Amtrak switcher(mid-90s Crayola set). The box car is Weaver and looks great on my Amtrak consist.
Got 6 of these telephone poles came in a bag of accessories . They seem to be HO but they work well as telephone poles in on a street especially in this sentimental, separated portion of my layout ( single O-27 single-loop w/ a spur. Scale goes to the wayside here as this part is dedicated to my grandfathers, my father my great uncles and things they gave me. Focuses on the Lehigh Valley and it’s stores and industries from the 50s.
Mack Truck by Wintoss and Dinky Toys stop light. The truck is 1/64th scale and will eventually find a home on my LV layout.
I love these lights. Have the newer MTH ones but these are the Lionel postwar versions. Great Northern Hopper was a $5 item I bought with my DCS System. For some reason I’ve really started to like Great Northern since I picked up an RMT Great Northern Buddy.
Kinsmart 1999 Lincoln stretch($1)limo with(mayor/governor/president) whoever I feel it is at the time ha. Has a police escort of cars and 1:43rd scale Royal Canadians by Britain’s.
Postwar PRR 2452 gondola with box(not that into boxes ). “Whirley(break) wheel” variation with the “flying shoe” on the trucks.
Williams N5C LVRR caboosefrom my LHS, came in the box. The NYC hopper I bought from the model train exhibit’s shop, is Coupled to the caboose(for photo purposes only ha) 3 bay hopper which I believe is by Weaver(905024).
Really like this 40’ high cube box car- first one I ever bought. When I went to the model rail exhibit shop yesterday, this was on the wall just as asking to be put on a nice LV consist. 2013 MTH Premier Norfolk Southern Heritage series
Some new die cast soldiers patrolling m at the DMZ. Unknown maker but They’re s-scale in size. Haven’t looked up the flag or it’s meaning(if it has one). Besides an MTH set, a k-line/o-line reproductions set, and some mid 2000s Corgi diecast figures, it’s extremely difficult to find 1:48(preference) to 1:64 scale soldiers so I always jump at the chance to pick them up:
This Solido Mercedes G-class 1:50 scale military truck(replica of the 1988-1991 type used during UNIMOG- United Nations Iran-Iraq Military Observer Group) is helping maintain the perimeter around the restricted area before the DMZ. I wish the previous owner hadn’t painted on the Red Cross symbol but not a big deal. Action News 6(tootsie toy from my dad) granted access with a press pass.
Last 2 pictures: Jersey Central ABBA “Beefs” from RMT. All units are powered except for the #53 A unit. Horn and lights don’t work but, ofherwise, after some cleaning and lubrication, all powered units run great on their own or when connected. I’ve had my eyes on these for months because 1.) I like RMT, 2.) Always wanted at least an AB Beef and 3.) the price was too good to pass up. Didn’t think I’d like this consist as much as I do but these little guys are pretty neat!
Now it’s time to try and do my first software update on my DCS- wish me luck!!
After seeing the video of the new scale Hudson, which I ordered, I decided to get a few more military cars from MTH. Those end up being my sons favorites. @MrMuffin'sTrains is shipping me the 105 howitzer 4 car set. I can see they will go well with the tanks, ambulances from MTH and a special run from stockyard express, a hospital car.
Early Christmas or wait until Christmas is the question.
Steve, I hope you get feeling better! Those are all great deals. My first venture into command control was DCS back in 2012. There are plenty of folks here who will help you along as they did me.
Saturday (16th) I visited English's Model RR Supply near Williamsport, PA for the first time, and picked up a new RK Beth Steel gondola & some Scenic Express people. Really nice full-line RR shop with literally everything, little detail pieces to big engines and all in between. Several operating layouts, etc. Best of all, friendly, knowledgable people ready to assist. Good amount of post-war Lionel & many "letter" transformers, ie: R, TW, ZW, etc. I'll be back to p/up my MTH pre-orders !
Vincent Massi posted:
First, thank you very much for the compliment! I really, really it @Vincent Massi !!
Second, u caught me with the flamingo 😅 lol. My grandmother stopped by and she likes to watch birds taking a bath in her bird bath in her backyard. Thus, I moved the flamingo from a second, less prominently displayed lake by a plasticville mansion and didn’t move it back there yet(same with the duck). Glad you liked that display!
Mark Boyce posted:Steve, I hope you get feeling better! Those are all great deals. My first venture into command control was DCS back in 2012. There are plenty of folks here who will help you along as they did me.
@Mark Boyce thank you, Mark, for the well wishes. Greatly appreciated. There a lot to take in with th DCS system but I know I’ll get the hang of it with time. I have TMCC engine but no MTH yet so you can imagine what will be next on the agenda! I’m excited to see what the system can really do as it seems like it has a TON to offer(purchased the 3rd edition of the DCS companion as well).
Yes, the DCS companion is definitely helpful. I still only use basic functions however.
Made a very big purchase yesterday, with help from my dad and sister. Got this 2019 Honda Civic Hatchback in the Sport Trim, as well as in this really nice color called "Aegean Blue Metallic." So far it's a great car, and it will come very much in handy for going to and from my local model railroad club.
With this purchase, that means no model train purchases for at least half a year (minus the 2 pre-orders I have coming in next month from Lionel).
MichaelB posted:Made a very big purchase yesterday, with help from my dad and sister. Got this 2019 Honda Civic Hatchback in the Sport Trim, as well as in this really nice color called "Aegean Blue Metallic." So far it's a great car, and it will come very much in handy for going to and from my local model railroad club.
With this purchase, that means no model train purchases for at least half a year (minus the 2 pre-orders I have coming in next month from Lionel).
Congrats on the new car Michael! My daughter has a 2018 Civic LX and loves it. They are great cars.
Won't have any photos until Christmas, but I bought a Lionel 2349 last week.
Bought this Postwar Gulf Oil tanker car at the train show in White Plains, NY yesterday:
Love the color of it. Arnold
Great color addition to the layout Anold, and nice detail on the car as well. Enjoy !!!!
MichaelB posted:Made a very big purchase yesterday, with help from my dad and sister. Got this 2019 Honda Civic Hatchback in the Sport Trim, as well as in this really nice color called "Aegean Blue Metallic." So far it's a great car, and it will come very much in handy for going to and from my local model railroad club.
With this purchase, that means no model train purchases for at least half a year (minus the 2 pre-orders I have coming in next month from Lionel).
Michael, you need to get that car in O Scale and put it on your layout.
Arnold D. Cribari posted:Michael, you need to get that car in O Scale and put it on your layout.
I would, but I don't have a layout of my own and the only O Scale version I could find was modeled after the Sport Touring trim. Which mine isn't.
Dunno how cool it is, but is something l have needed, especially so l can bash a Marx 2-4-4-2...hope it is clear how to wire these two motors in series. This is the expensive and hard to find Marx repair manual.
Dan Padova posted:
@Former Member nice gets Dan! Are those Metroliners by Williams???? I have a powered version but it was stripped, could've bought a working powered version for over a year at a place near me and am still KICKING myself for not getting it!! Love any kind of RDC but the one's you have are possibly my favorite(huge Amtrak fan).
Again, nice new trains! Accessories in the background look neat too!
StevefromPA posted:Dan Padova posted:@Former Member nice gets Dan! Are those Metroliners by Williams???? I have a powered version but it was stripped, could've bought a working powered version for over a year at a place near me and am still KICKING myself for not getting it!! Love any kind of RDC but the one's you have are possibly my favorite(huge Amtrak fan).
Again, nice new trains! Accessories in the background look neat too!
Yes they are Williams. I believe they are the same ones Williams was making in the '80s. I wanted them back then but couldn't afford them. There are two more trailer coaches not shown in the photo. Since my yet to build permeant layout will have catenary, I am going to look for pantographs that will actually work. The Williams pantos are cheesy sheet metal.
Got this from MicroMark on sale with no shipping.
It's a Microlux Micro power sander that I'm going to put to use in finishing my delicate 3D resin prints. I ordered it with a couple of packs of sanding medium in two grits. It will greatly ease the job of removing the leftover material when supports are removed from a printed part. It has several heads for sanding head on and for working laterally.
The hopper is very common but, I bought it after a got a haircut. There is an antique store next to my barber and every time I get my haircut I get something new. This was this month's haul. Just thought it was a cute story. Have a great weekend and remember, the best time to buy a train is when you see it!
I like the coal load, it looks realistic.
Berkshirelover726 posted:The hopper is very common but, I bought it after a got a haircut. There is an antique store next to my barber and every time I get my haircut I get something new. This was this month's haul. Just thought it was a cute story. Have a great weekend and remember, the best time to buy a train is when you see it!
Cody, it's not a major treasure, but most real rolling stock is not. It is a nice-looking hopper.
I just got this book for the 716th Railway Operating Battalion, scored off eBay. It's also online:;context=ww_reg_his
Turns out that Company C of this unit was involved in the largest monetary loss by a unit in the ETO as entire trainloads of materiel were allowed to go 'missing; between D-Day and September 1944. Many of the enlisted men became riflemen and several officers went to Leavenworth.
I was very surprised to find out that included with the book, the box that it came in, which is also in very good shape. I've never seen one with a shipping box before, and now I know whose copy this is...
I received my Post-war #460 piggy back set yesterday. Excellent condition. Doesn't look like it was played with much. I quickly discovered that it's best to have the brake wheel stanchion on the flat car opposite side of the track.....LOL I kept hitting it with the trailer when loading or unloading.
The operator looks like an HO scale figure, so I am not sure if it's original, but it is the typical Lionel blue.
I think the grandkids will have a ball with it.