@ScoutingDad posted:Not sure if this really qualifies as "cool" but picked up a Plastruct twin tank kit. Now I'll have to see if my modeling skills can handle this build. Never used plastic weld before, so this will be a new adventure!
This is what comes in the kit.
This is what it should look like when done.
Nice kit, I grew up near Van Stratton Chemical company and those are like they had.
@paulp575 posted:They are a different type of couplers. They do have the little piece sticking out on the neck of the coupler. They don't have the thumb tack type of coupler. They have a square piece that can uncouple - look something like the MTH couplers. It does say "Made in China" though.
Couple recent additions:
Milwaukee Road Ice Car 40' Wooden Reefer (Atlas 3001564). Raised in Milwaukee so think this would be a cool addition:
The graphics on these are really cool (and they have the meters on BOTH sides):
And both in one pic:
Joe Cool!
aka WWI Flying Ace
From Atlantis Models.
It doesn't get any cooler than Joe Cool!
Unfortunately the 120th caboose appears to have the problematic trucks and couplers but I'm not positive.
Earlier this week, I swung by the local Menards to pick up some groceries.... I walked out not only with what I originally went there for, but I also walked out with the Cripple Creek engine works, the Vetter Sash and Door building, and a coal hopper.
My Lionel GS-5 arrived!
I added to my Lionel flat cars with pup trailers with this from Charles Ro. Since I mostly found all the Weaver TOFC's except for a couple I have now added these to my needle in a haystack quest. Should keep me busy searching for them. Pic............Paul 2
my new western pacific
@paul 2 posted:
Paul, it’s great looking! With your history on the Weavers, you will have lots of pups before you know it! Buy some Dog Chow now! 😉
MTH just released a Burlington extended vision caboose and I wanted one to go with my VO-1000. I waited till it was issued to order one and by the time the order went in it was too late. But they had issued the same caboose back in 2000 and I found one at Trainz. Worked out OK as the car is like new and I saved a few bucks. To reduce my shipping to product ratio, I also picked up a Mary Jane box car. My paternal grandfather always had a supply of Mary Janes to give one or two to the grandkids (if we were good) so this car brings back fond memories.
I felt the same way about Clark bars. My favorite as a kid and no longer made. Found a Clark Bar box car to fill my nostalia appetite as well.
I've been thinking about getting a newer starter set for awhile to see how they are. Figured it would make a good video review also. So when I found out about the Pokémon train I had to get something so absurd. I have to say I really like the set. I think Lionel did a good job.
My only issue is a broke wire for the drawbar tether and so no sounds. I called Lionel to see about sending it in under warranty for service and they said they needed to call me back because they didn't know if they could service the engine. I'm a little baffled by that. But I'm sure it will be ok.
But I really love the graphics and the gondola is amazing. I am a very happy Prewar and MPC guy right now. Maybe modern Lionel will sneak something else out down the road that I have to have.
@Ulus Ekerman posted:my new western pacific
I thought that one would look sharp, and it definitely does!!!
@paul 2 posted:
Very nice Paul. These are very nice
@paul 2 posted:
Paul, you may be seeing me at the next MOD Squad get-together with a couple of those... I already have some of the MTH ones from Stockyard and have plans to buy more.
@Dennis Rosenthal posted:I felt the same way about Clark bars. My favorite as a kid and no longer made. Found a Clark Bar box car to fill my nostalia appetite as well.
Clark Bars are still made.
Picked up a single set of the new Lionel VisionLine stock cars (unlike someone around here who I could name!!!). The cars are nicely done with clean, crisp graphics. It looks like the couplers are an improvement over the recently maligned ones on the milk cars. In addition to the cow sounds, the sound car also includes the standard freight sound. the set also includes a small herd of heifers
Overall, I’m quite impressed with they cars.
Got a email Friday when I got out of work. Your order has shipped from Charles Ro. I don’t remember buying anything. Think that’s the first sign right? Checked my card sure enough it was run, all night and Saturday was thinking. What did I buy that was 100 bucks. Mail showed up and I guess I have another flat spot sound car now. I mean I don’t have much NYC rolling stock. Looks to good to return so I guess I’ll just have to keep it.
new hobo polar express car and rpo
Nathan, hoping the Mod Squad get rolling again. It has been a long time. Maybe this July.
Lee, thanks. I like what you have been buying.
The quest has begun or let the games begin. I just got this from Nicolas Smith Trains. Another addition to the Lionel PS-4 flats with pup trailers. ...........Pic.................Paul 2
You know Paul, from all your post I maybe losing it. But I don't recall you having that much layout space for all the Flat cars with pups! Even with the attic! LOL
Mike, Paul must have a massive area with shelves that we haven’t seen!
Paul, yes I have been anxiously awaiting this mess to be over so I can visit a Mod Squad setup!!
Mike g and Mark, you are both right. I have no shelf space and the layouts can only accommodate only so many cars. Thank God I do not buy engines like I do freight cars. I come up with an idea that if I see something of interest I go for it. Most of what I have been going for has been out of production for years. Well at least half of it is LOL......Paul 2
Paul, sounds like a solid plan. I will have to run it by the CEO!
@paul 2 posted:Nathan, hoping the Mod Squad get rolling again. It has been a long time. Maybe this July.
Lee, thanks. I like what you have been buying.
The quest has begun or let the games begin. I just got this from Nicolas Smith Trains. Another addition to the Lionel PS-4 flats with pup trailers. ...........Pic.................Paul 2
I have a simple question for many of you posters.
Why don't you take the cover off so we can see a clear picture of your model?
Just received my New York Central E8's. They are pulling another new used purchase of military loads.
Just got this 3D print of a ET&WNC wood hoppers car yesterday, from Western Rails.
I am very happy with how it turned out, I only have to put a brake wheel and grab irons on before paint/decals/weathering. I already have the couplers and trucks.
It's got a lot of heft and is much better detailed than the wood kits I built last year...
@Ulus Ekerman posted:Just received my New York Central E8's. They are pulling another new used purchase of military loads.
Outstanding! Superb modeling and weathering on those military loads.
Picked up a pair of American Flyer 760s that are in great shape. Going to install them on the layout later on tonight.
Bought these off the auction site for $110. Wheels aren’t rotted on the 3254, and it’ll be both my first electric profile engine and my first Ives engine, so that’s cool. I’ll probably pair it up with my red 60 series passenger cars and sell the 70 series cars to fund the inevitable itch for some more freight cars to go with my lonely 63 Gondola
Picked up my final prewar semi scale item. My 763 won't be so lonely anymore.
Well, now I've got to buy a new front fender for my s10, had an accident this morning, all my windows and windsheild just froze suddenly while I was driving, tried to pull off at the gas station just past the curve where they froze, and hit the corner of a all-steel state road pickup bed, luckily, no one was injured, and their truck was unharmed (proof of all steel construction) but I punctured and bent in the passenger fender. Thank god for autobody class!
@Strap Hanger posted:Outstanding! Superb modeling and weathering on those military loads.
Wow! That’s a long train. Nicely done! Thanks for sharing this video. 😎
Thanks glad you enjoyed
@Strap Hanger posted:Outstanding! Superb modeling and weathering on those military loads.
Thanks for the feedback, glade you enjoyed