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Another "rolling stock" set purchased.

Since I was raised in Milwaukee and remember seeing a lot of these, decided to see if I could reasonably collect the entire et (minus the loco).

Yup. It's done.

Fallen Flag Series #2 - Milwaukee Road (from 1987 catalog):

Milwaukee Road Box Car (6-19204):


Milwaukee Road 4-Bay Hopper w/Coal Load (6-19302):


Milwaukee Road Gondola w/2 Cable Reels (6-19400):


Milwaukee Road Reefer (6-19500):


Milwaukee Road Stock Car (6-19515; this one was issued in 1990 but never cataloged):


Milwaukee Road Tank Car (6-19600):


Milwaukee Road Porthole Caboose (6-19701; I do have the red marker lights; just didn't want  to install them for the photo session and then not be able to remove them and then they get broken);


More information about the Fallen Flag series here:


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  • 6-19204
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Last edited by paulp575

Bought a few things this year for the Christmas Layout. All representative of something from my real life.

My favorite Grocery Store, bought from my favorite grocery store.


My Son loves Union Pacific and I wanted us to have a modern-ish low nose loco.


I grew up in West Chicago along the tracks, very close to the CN&W and EJ&E crossing.



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Haha. I couldn't imagine. As much as the 736 and my 681 smoke I only run one at a time. The 773 is on the bucket list of holy grail purchases as I call them. Have 2 young ones we're saving for college and savings accounts. Couldn't justify that or 700e,763e purchase for a decade or so. Lol

Time flies, Donnie, you will have your 773, it's just a matter of time. Also, I find, as we get older, that the years fly by faster than when we were younger.

Now, speaking of the VisionLine steamer, that's a lot of money. Also, I'm unlikely to get one for 2 reasons: I'm committed to 031 curves because of the configuration of my half basement and layout, and Lionel in unlikely to make one that navigates 031 curves. The 2nd reason, of course is the cost.

The VisionLine does seem to be the ultimate of 0 Gauge steamers, with smoke jetting out of so many places like a real steamer.

However, if Lionel happens to make a VisionLine steamer that navigates 031 curves, I will be tempted.


@RSJB18 posted:

Sharp train Paul. Not sure if the LIRR ever used a C liner for a Scoot train but YRRYR!


PS- I'd do the same if I had the room 🤯

No the C-Liners were gone by then (as were diaphragms on passenger cars) but it is a beautiful engine. Road switchers which don't need to be turned or RDCs were Scoot power. I'm trying to stick to LIRR steam era but this engine is very tempting.

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When it was originally offered, I passed. I didn't think I was ready for a big fancy train. Since then I bought several, and when this was shown on Eric's Trains I was kicking myself for not ordering. So I put myself on the list for any no sales. They called last week and said they had 1 extra, so I went ahead and got it. It's really nice...Tim


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@Scotie posted:

No the C-Liners were gone by then (as were diaphragms on passenger cars) but it is a beautiful engine. Road switchers which don't need to be turned or RDCs were Scoot power. I'm trying to stick to LIRR steam era but this engine is very tempting.

it sure is. As I wrote to Paul, it won't fit on my small layout. I do have a K-line Greenport Scoot set and I recently picked up another pair of coaches for it.


Bought a Century Club S-2 steam turbine (6-18057) with the additional tender (6-18068). Sitting on my desk until I finish moving my table to the basement.


I also got two models to make over my holiday break. From Altoona Model Works the Branch Line Station kit and from Conowingo Models the Dardanelle's Shanty kit.

These will be my first kits I'll build. And after moving to Detroit, except for a brief test run in our garage,  I haven't been able to setup my new Mianne table. So I'm looking forward to putting all of this together.


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@Apples55 posted:

Here are a couple of the items I just picked up… I. Must. Stop. Buying. Trains…

First up, the two C Liners I ordered came in. They are really sharp with some beautiful detail.


SURE  PAUL........go ahead and  "stop buying trains". ...........ruin the hobby for the rest of us who want the hobby to continue on in good financial shape.

(   Judy told me to enjoy the trains while I can. . She said the coffin does not have storage pockets for cash  )

Definitely good looking purchases Paul.

Bought a Century Club S-2 steam turbine (6-18057) with the additional tender (6-18068). Sitting on my desk until I finish moving my table to the basement.


I also got two models to make over my holiday break. From Altoona Model Works the Branch Line Station kit and from Conowingo Models the Dardanelle's Shanty kit.

These will be my first kits I'll build. And after moving to Detroit, except for a brief test run in our garage,  I haven't been able to setup my new Mianne table. So I'm looking forward to putting all of this together.

NEAT!  This takes me back to the Christmas of 1948.  That Christmas Santa brought me (us) the second Lionel electric train.  This time it was the  "Electronic" set with the turbine numbered 671.  And mine actually worked!


@Apples55 posted:

Obviously, Bob, an expansion is called for. Declare eminent domain, purchase some some O-72 curves, and I foresee some 21” passenger cars in your future

Eminent Domain? Yes, I can see it now...part of the layout could be a land battle with bulldozers and lots and lots of O gauge lawyers with briefcases (sorry Arnold!)!


I have been searching for an E-44 for a while now. Seems like I could always find an EF-4, but I wanted an E-44 (preferably Conrail). I finally grabbed one from an auction for a decent price. It wasn't a super deal, but it was a fair price for what is now my favorite freight mover. Along with my Metroliners, this is as far as I'm going outside of my era.


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@RSJB18 posted:

@Apples55 @PRR8976

I think I already did a good job of using eminent domain when I took over the file cabinet air rights....not something to sneeze at in New York.....

Make it a single malt and you've got my attention.......


Two possibilities (others available upon request including a notable collection of the Irish variety 🥃).


Now, as Con Ed used to say, “dig we must”


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@PRR8976 posted:

Eminent Domain? Yes, I can see it now...part of the layout could be a land battle with bulldozers and lots and lots of O gauge lawyers with briefcases (sorry Arnold!)!


I don’t think apologies are due to Arnold, Tom… if I remember correctly, he specializes in marital law, so he may be getting a new client

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This part of my “recent” haul isn’t all that lately. Over the summer, I picked up another set of Lionel 18” aluminum passenger cars which I finally got a chance to unpack and get on the rails - I think these are becoming an addiction . This is a Lionel 4-pack of PRR Trail Blazer cars. They have a beautiful paint scheme and they are quite heavy.


And being on a Pennsy kick of late, I couldn’t pass up the recent Vision Horse Car!!! It is a nice match to the Trail Blazer cars since it is 19”.


In my little fantasy world, the Pennsy never got rid of the LIRR, so it would be perfectly feasible to have an LIRR C Liner pressed into service pulling the Trail Blazer back to New York with a load of horses destined for Belmont Park!!! (Sorry… no time to pull out one of my Pennsy engines).


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Last edited by Apples55
@Richyb1 posted:

Hiawatha MTH Premier 70’ which are too big for my set so I am going to sell them. New in box, never run. I did not realize they are sooooo big

That had to be very disappointing. Just make a bigger layout.🤔

@Apples55 posted:

That’s what we used to call a cryin’ shame - they are beautiful cars. I agree with Tranquil Hollow - time for a bigger layout!!!

It would be extremely hard for me to give these up if I was fortunate enough to have them. 

@Apples55 posted:

Two possibilities (others available upon request including a notable collection of the Irish variety 🥃).


Now, as Con Ed used to say, “dig we must”

So Paul, do you deliver to Lawn- Guyland??? I'm a McCallan guy if I must be truthful.

@ScoutingDad posted:

@RSJB18  Air rights indeed - good strategy.  Looks like you have several more floors to go.

Now I finally understand the switcher interest. How in the world did you fit in all 15 switches in that tight space?  and yes I remember the story cutting switches down to get in a 3rd one for the yard. Impressive.

I've managed to squeeze in quite a bit in my little tiny space. That's why Paul gives me grief all the time....🤣🤣


@Apples55 posted:

This part of my “recent” haul isn’t all that lately. Over the summer, I picked up another set of Lionel 18” aluminum passenger cars which I finally got a chance to unpack and get on the rails - I think these are becoming an addiction . This is a Lionel 4-pack of PRR Trail Blazer cars. They have a beautiful paint scheme and they are quite heavy.

And being on a Pennsy kick of late, I couldn’t pass up the recent Vision Horse Car!!! It is a nice match to the Trail Blazer cars since it is 19”.

In my little fantasy world, the Pennsy never got rid of the LIRR, so it would be perfectly feasible to have an LIRR C Liner pressed into service pulling the Trail Blazer back to New York with a load of horses destined for Belmont Park!!! (Sorry… no time to pull out one of my Pennsy engines).

Since the PRR once owned the LIRR we will forgive your transgressions.....

Very nice cars Paul.

@RSJB18 posted:

So Paul, do you deliver to Lawn- Guyland??? I'm a McCallan guy if I must be truthful.

I've managed to squeeze in quite a bit in my little tiny space. That's why Paul gives me grief all the time....🤣🤣


Sorry, Bob… I don’t do Lawn-Guyland And I have some Macallan in my collection, but I highly recommend the Dalmore (especially the Port Cask!!!)

@FrankRazz posted:

I placed a WTB ad on OGR for an MTH B&O Woodsided passenger set,  Within a few days, an OGR forum member answered my ad.  A few EMs later, we agreed on a price and acceptable method of payment.  I received the cars yesterday, they are a perfect C10.  They look like they were never run.

Gorgeous cars, Frank!  Nicely done!


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