Here are 2 new acqisitions:
AtlasO 6584-2 PRR Re-built USRA Box Car (X26c) #105200
AtlasO #6478-2 Muncie & Western RR Box Car #1269
Picked up these prewar American Flyer coaches recently. They're a bit crusty, but I plan on repainting them to go with my customized Marx CV.
brwebster posted:Mark Boyce posted:
That curious device caught my eye on my last visit to the LHS. It was almost my Christmas present to myself, then it dawned on me, I don't even own a smart phone.
You make me feel so much better knowing others are as slow as me at times! ;-) I hope to get it hooked up tomorrow. And yes, I do have a smart phone; in fact it is even smarter than me.
You know that you can buy a tablet from Walmart that you can download the MTH ap on at Walmart for $39.99. I plan on using this for the wifi dcs
My U.S. Mail lady brought this sign today on Sat. January 9th, 2016. I have a first class Mail Lady, this 14 inch dia. metal sign would not fit in my road side mailbox, so she brought it to the door to the train room. "Cool". Now I have to find a place to hang this sign. To be continued at, "What I did on my layout today".
Cool items:
1. None train: a botle of Coke.
2. Train items: NONE!
trainroomgary posted:My U.S. Mail lady brought this sign today on Sat. January 9th, 2016. I have a first class Mail Lady, this 14 inch dia. metal sign would not fit in my road side mailbox, so she brought it to the door to the train room. "Cool". Now I have to find a place to hang this sign. To be continued at, "What I did on my layout today".
Very cool, Gary!!
Mark Boyce posted:brwebster posted:Mark Boyce posted:
That curious device caught my eye on my last visit to the LHS. It was almost my Christmas present to myself, then it dawned on me, I don't even own a smart phone.
You make me feel so much better knowing others are as slow as me at times! ;-) I hope to get it hooked up tomorrow. And yes, I do have a smart phone; in fact it is even smarter than me.
So much to still learn about analog here, Mark, let alone digital. Even my DCS system remains unused. All in good good time.
I bought one of the "rare" KMT/FRH UPS box cars at the Richmond, CA show today. That brings my fleet of the supposedly rare cars up to 54 units.
Dominic Mazoch posted:Big Jim posted:A 1/48 scale U.S. Navy Elco 80' PT Boat by Merit.
Will it become PT 109?
Perhaps PT 73?
I was at the Train Show in Richmond, Ca. Saturday and I got a deal on the four binder set of Lionel Post-War repair manuals. Also, I met up with a parts dealer I thought was no longer in the trade. They Are! And My GF got a dvd about haunted places in the South. (who knew they sold things like that at a train show) I have to add some pages from the two binders due to some missing pages. But at $160+tax for all four, not a bad deal.
Dr.Fu-Manchu posted:I was at the Train Show in Richmond, Ca. Saturday Also, I met up with a parts dealer I thought was no longer in the trade. They Are!
Are you talking about Electric Norman? I was surprised to see him as well. Did you get the story of how his trailer was stolen?
No ROYBOY, I got the story about the fellow running the web site messing it up. I bought some items from them a few years ago at a show and I thought the were out of the biz after the website went down. I might have seen you but did not know you are a forum member, I was the fellow in the Black cowboy hat and tan ranch coat. Sorry we did not meet up, where do you call home??? I am in Alameda, Ca.
p51 posted:
This plate is off a N&W SD-35... Scored it off eBay to trade to a local guy for a newer EMD plate which he has, That plate happens to have the exact same month and year I was born.
Well, I got the plate I traded the above plate for. That plate is from November, 1969, the same month I was born (it's one of the rectangle plates with the blue square at the right end). It's in much better shape than the above plate but does show some wear (the guy I traded with just wanted an EMD plate and didn't care about condition, he liked the earlier style). I'm just fine with that, though.
The problem is that the locomotive still exists in freight service. I have no idea when the plate was yanked off but looking through photos I found online of the locomotive, it apparently hasn't had plates for a very long time. Two owners before the current one ran that loco with no plates.
I really wish I could post a photos of it but I have a feeling someone would look up the number, realize it's still running out there and then I'm dealing with a whole different situation as well all know there are a lot of people online who exist to make like difficult for others...
vid of my new UP Desert Victory SD40's in action.
that is very nice love the sounds I also like Carpet Central that's the way to play trains in our house if you don't mind me saying so
We love to Play trains - note at the 40 second mark my son was peeking under the couch. He was in control ( to a degree ) while I was filming.
I ordered the new tank car and hopper car from Menards. As soon as they arrive I'll show yall how they look.
Managed to finally snag one of these Sunset 2-rail PRR S-2 turbines (early version) after searching many different venues for more years than I care to think about. Will not be painting this guy as I prefer the natural brass finish for display only. And the detailing on this brass model is really sensational - far surpassing that of Lionel or MTH examples.
Needless to say I'm now a happy camper!
WestinghouseEMDdemoguy posted:vid of my new UP Desert Victory SD40's in action.
Very nice engine and all the others too! You sure live up to your name! Here in Northwest Pennsylvania, we kind of like the GEVO! How many demo units do you have?
nyccollector1 posted:Managed to finally snag one of these Sunset 2-rail PRR S-2 turbines (early version) after searching many different venues for more years than I care to think about. Will not be painting this guy as I prefer the natural brass finish for display only. And the detailing on this brass model is really sensational - far surpassing that of Lionel or MTH examples.
Needless to say I'm now a happy camper!
Very nice indeed! I understand your reluctance to paint it, especially if it's only a shelf queen. Still, a nice glossy coat of Brunswick green sure would show off the detail. That beast must be close to 30" long!
Beats the RailKing S2 I got yesterday, but I must compliment MTH on their rendition. It has the bulk of a scale S2 yet compressed nicely to negotiate most layouts. WAY bigger than the traditional postwar size.
.....along with the RailKing S2 came a set of Pennsylvania 15 inchers from the MPC era. Seen here being pulled by an early TMCC GG1, the ensemble barely has an hours use since new. I will soon need to switch out car lighting before all the bulbs blow.
Mark Boyce posted:WestinghouseEMDdemoguy posted:vid of my new UP Desert Victory SD40's in action.
Very nice engine and all the others too! You sure live up to your name!
Here in Northwest Pennsylvania, we kind of like the GEVO! How many demo units do you have?
I believe I'm up to 7 EMD Demonstrators but I'm still hunting for the atlas o unit#6.
Matt, how nice is that for the UPS guy to leave that on your doorstep. Are you sure you have room for them?
No and I am feeling depressed-I need a "buy" to square me away.
Very nice delivery by Mr. Ups! He braved almost blizzard conditions yesterday to deliver a PWC Texas Special F-3 A-A set I bought from a, you guessed it, a forum member. He pointed out the only flaw was a small paint chip on the roof of one of the units, and he was right. I can not find another flaw. I haven't had a chance to see how they run, and probably won't for a few days because my wife is getting a knee replaced Friday, but at least I got these two shots.
After buying a used Williams by Williams set of Texas Special passenger cars from you guessed it again, another forum member; I thought my postwar Texas Special 211 PA A-A looked more seedy and are much better suited to their postwar freight train.
I bought another Menards flatcar, and have the trucks off already to replace with Weaver Bettendorfs, and I am moving the brake wheel. This will be the platform for my twin vinegar tanks that I have built, but need to finish with support frames, etc.
Mark the f3 set looks fantastic. I have the same set I inherited it from my grandfather. It runs great and strong. As you will no doubt agree, they don't make them like that anymore.
Thanks Mark, Scott does such a great job with his products. K-Lines just don't compare