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Finally gearing up to move our current layout in the basement to a separate room.

The room is 12 x 11 with double doors that open out of the room so probably can use almost all of the space.

Would like to have 2 lines on main level with 060 and 048 with reversing loops at each end.

Would like to have at least one 036 line on a top level with reversing loops and running against the outer edges of the room.


I have fastrack and think a u shaped design would be helpful for reach and operations issues.  Probably have the lower lines tunnel around and the upper track run on top of it.  I have not had good luck with reversing loops in the past as my track would separate after continuous use so maybe I didn't have enough of the 4 1/2 or 5" pieces. 


Does anybody want to take a stab at this and help us with a track plan?




Last edited by Santa Fe VA
Original Post

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Too late tonight to start. Let me see if I can scrape some time this weekend. I do have several reversing loop designs. IF the layout "closes" with minimal error (aka correct filler pieces) separation is a non-issue. HOWEVER, if you're squeezing the loops closed, count on separation when you run trains. Screwing this track to the board just makes it noisier! 


I have several "clean" reversing loop examples on the other computer for everything from 036 to 072 FasTrack.



Last edited by Gilly@N&W

Hi Santa Fe Va,

In that size of a room, a U shape won't work with 060. I have attached an example of the "circles" method of beginning a track plan. You can see that with no wall space or edge of deck space included, two 060 won't leave any space.


An L or folded dogbone would work, but would only use half of the space available.


I would suggest an around the room in a large radius 084\072 with a lift out or hinged section near the doors. I have attached two plans from Tom Burke in another thread that are 12 x 15 and 10 x 16 as examples of how much more you can do with that approach.


What do you think?


Images (3)
  • SantaFeVa spacing
  • Tom Burke 10 x 16
  • Tom Burke 12 x 15

How long are you planning on keeping the layout? The reason I ask is that you often start out with equipment that works on sharper curves (small freight cars, small diesels), then comes that big steam locomotive that your brain locks onto that requires O-72 either for appearance or minimum operating requirements. Then you're ripping out your track and starting over or it becomes a piece you only run at the club.


That said, I like the challenge of smaller spaces for O scale. I've done a few O-72 (and larger) designs that fit a 12x11'8" space (a spare bedroom), but they're all "around the walls".


This first one is a simple 36" radius (O-72) oval with operating options -- even point-to-point if you're so inclined. This could probably be easily squeezed into a 12x11 space




This one is a basic oval with 48" radius (O-96) and a couple of spurs.



This one is 54" radius (O-108). As you can see, the curves consume most of the space. The up side here is that not only could it support ALL 3-rail equipment, but even some medium 2-rail steam with fully-flanged drivers could squeak through.



This is one of those "let's see if it can be done" layouts. It's 36" radius (O-72) but actually has two reverse loops.




Images (4)
  • 11.8x12.0_36-inch_radius_with_reversing_loops
  • 11.8x12.0_36-inch_radius
  • 11.8x12.0_54-inch_radius
  • 11.8x12.0_48-inch_radius
Last edited by AGHRMatt

Thanks guys.  All good information.  My preference would be something U shaped so that I wouldn't have to crawl under or do a lift out which I have no idea how to do. 


Matt....this would probably be semi-permanent but I do have the option to go through a wall to another 10 x 11 room or come out of the double doors into a large family area if I wanted to go with larger engines down the road.


Another thought I had was the 060 probably may have to be offset from the actual U shape to fit...maybe it gets absorbed by the corners of the room....and the 048 may have to run outside of it without reversing loops to actually fit the shape of the "U".  Would love to run the 060 on top level but that would eat up too much real estate down below. 


If the 060 doesn't make sense, I can go with 048 with reverse loops and 036 outside of that for a separate line and still do 036 on top level too. 


Please keep suggestions and plans coming. 



Last edited by Santa Fe VA
Originally Posted by chessie1971:

Jeff watch this video i posted.



Thanks for sending me the link to your video. Lot of good information there. 

My situation was the exact curves were moving and pulling away from each other.....but hopefully using your tip AND screwing track pieces down, that won't be an issue.

Last edited by Santa Fe VA


Using 30" table around the room with a lift out, lift up or drop-down in front of the door you would have ~ 6'x 7' walking space in the center.(1st attachment)


So, I used 060\048 and created this design that has 2 crossovers and 2 r-loops with table space for some short spurs and a reasonable amount of accessories and buildings\scenery. Still 30" table around the room with some bumps into the 6' x 7' center for the r-loops. Easy reach, room for a 2 or 3 people, operational elements. (attachments 2 & 3)


PS-a lift out is easy if you can build benchwork



Images (3)
  • Santa Fe Va 3D 084_072
  • Santa Fe Va 060 048 rloops xovrs track plan
  • Santa Fe Va 060 048 rloops xovrs
Last edited by Moonman
Matt Your definitely thinking outside the box. Super palns
Originally Posted by AGHRMatt:

How long are you planning on keeping the layout? The reason I ask is that you often start out with equipment that works on sharper curves (small freight cars, small diesels), then comes that big steam locomotive that your brain locks onto that requires O-72 either for appearance or minimum operating requirements. Then you're ripping out your track and starting over or it becomes a piece you only run at the club.


That said, I like the challenge of smaller spaces for O scale. I've done a few O-72 (and larger) designs that fit a 12x11'8" space (a spare bedroom), but they're all "around the walls".


This first one is a simple 36" radius (O-72) oval with operating options -- even point-to-point if you're so inclined. This could probably be easily squeezed into a 12x11 space




This one is a basic oval with 48" radius (O-96) and a couple of spurs.



This one is 54" radius (O-108). As you can see, the curves consume most of the space. The up side here is that not only could it support ALL 3-rail equipment, but even some medium 2-rail steam with fully-flanged drivers could squeak through.



This is one of those "let's see if it can be done" layouts. It's 36" radius (O-72) but actually has two reverse loops.




Originally Posted by Chooch:

Where is the entrance to the room? Is it on the 11' or the 12' side? Is it centered in that wall or is off set and by how far from the corners? Is there anything inside the room that you need to get access to, a window, closet or anything else? Rich


The entrance to the room has two centered double doors that swing "in" (I originally posted they swung the other way).  The room is in the basement and has no closet, and one ceiling height window that will not get in the way of the layout.  


Toys will get moved out of room!


Here are a couple of pictures.

basement room 1

basement room 2

basement room 3


Images (3)
  • basement room 1
  • basement room 2
  • basement room 3
Last edited by Santa Fe VA

Here is the plan that I saw and envisioned for this room.  It is in an 11 x 11 room.

Not sure how to create an actual fastrack plan from it and could use some help.

Even if I have to go with a smaller radius curve.


Other thought would be to do an around the room layout and have the upper level with the larger radius curves but have an elevated bridge that I can duck under to get to the rest of the layout.  Thoughts on both ideas would be great.



Images (1)
  • layout
Last edited by Santa Fe VA
Originally Posted by L.I.TRAIN: these last two.   thanks!


This one is 54" radius (O-108). As you can see, the curves consume most of the space. The up side here is that not only could it support ALL 3-rail equipment, but even some medium 2-rail steam with fully-flanged drivers could squeak through.



This is one of those "let's see if it can be done" layouts. It's 36" radius (O-72) but actually has two reverse loops.





The problem with this plan is reach. Do you want to have hatches and crawl under the layout and through a hatch to access the layout?
The swing in doors definitely cramp the options. Are they 30" wide doors?
Would you consider replacing the doors with folding doors, like closet doors that fold out? They come in solid panels and 60" width. 2 15"s on the left and 2 15"s on the right.
Ok, back to drawing boards. Oh, one other item to check. Definitely grab a tape measure and verify the inside dimensions of the room. Should be 12' x 11' and is 12' x 11' are two different worlds. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Santa Fe VA:

Here is the plan that I saw and envisioned for this room.  It is in an 11 x 11 room.

Not sure how to create an actual fastrack plan from it and could use some help.

Even if I have to go with a smaller radius curve.


Other thought would be to do an around the room layout and have the upper level with the larger radius curves but have an elevated bridge that I can duck under to get to the rest of the layout.  Thoughts on both ideas would be great.





Images (1)
  • 60 inch bi fold
Last edited by Moonman

Thanks for update on the specs.


Heres an 060 around the room with about a 241/2" straight in front of the doors (a 317 trestle bridge) for a lift out.

A U-shape would be 048\036.


The doors swinging in really cramp any design.


How do you want to proceed? Small radius loop, large radius oval all curve in center, change doors and have almost anything.


They make the closet bi-folds in 48" sets also.



Images (1)
  • 060 Around the room
Last edited by Moonman

Thanks Moonman.  I probably will keep the doors but change the hinges so they swing out or just take off the doors. 


It's amazing how much space 060 needs!!


I may still try the u-shaped plan similar to the one I posted earlier and just have to go with the 048 and 036.  Could still put in a larger loop but either elevate it with the bridge you mentioned or bust through the wall to the 10 x 12 room next door.   Haven't used that poker table in years anyway. 


Thoughts on the u shape and the reversing loops?

But when you look at the around the wall or the oval with wings, you can use large radius curves.


I had the circles like the earlier post in 3D to show the space, but that seemed repetitive.


Here's some spacing examples in 048, a U, fixing one door closed. The reach across the 048 turnaround areas is 52" - 55". Then in between the turnarounds the table width can be managed.


I think it demonstrates that you get the best space usage around the walls or an oval with wings like Matt was working on by doing something with the doors. Save the other room for expansion. The wall probably isn't load bearing, so, you could just take out the wall if you want that space.


The U will be a reach nightmare. I have a 60" wide table and it's really annoying.


Some more to consider...


Images (2)
  • Santa Fe Va 048 rloops U
  • Santa Fe Va 048 turnarounds
Last edited by Moonman

Moonman......that's why I need advice and help from more experienced track planners. 


I like the 2nd one with the 048 "U"....might be able to put a 036 with loops inside it? 

Not sure if you saw the picture I posted earlier that had the U shaped layout and the elevated line with loops on top (the back of the lower level uses tunnels).



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