Very short on cash this year I wanted something special for my youngest grandson. He really loves trains. I've got a HO set for my oldest grandson. Basically new Lifelike set someone gave me. I don't think the cars were ever removed from their boxes. I wanted one for my youngest. Someone on the forum was giving one away but I missed it. That got me thinking and I remembered this set I had put up. I was a pre war car set with an early post war loco that actually got me started back into this hobby several years ago. The Lionel loco runs good, but has no real value. It was cobbled together from several ones and modified, handrails added, and renumbered. I never actually figured out which loco it was, but it was supposed to be mfg in late 40's. I decided a repaint was in order and painted similar to a Red Comet. The whistle tender has a new style whistle in it. I clened up the prewar cars and gave them a shot of clear gloss so they would look better. I'm not the greatest at this, but I hope he will get a kick out of them. I noticed this morning when I was taking pics that I failed to number the loco. I'm not sure what to use. I don't really want 1225 as thats the PE number, maybe 2013. In my wild fantasies I hope maybe sometime years from now he might pull this out and run it under his tree for his kids and remember running trains with his grand father.
Thanks for looking. Hope you enjoyed. And Merry Christmas to all.