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I's sorry if this has been discussed before here.... but.....I'm thinking of putting a round-the-tree Flyer layout up this Christmas (never too early to start!).  I've heard Lionel's Flyer Fastrack has a low rail height that causes some classic Flyer pieces with taller flanges ride up off the track.  Can anyone confirm or refute this?  Since the few Flyer pieces I have are all older stuff, would I be safer sticking with S tubular?

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I can only confirm with S-Trax, but seeing the rail height is the same and the track is opreationally pretty much identical, it shouldn't be an issue.


I've had no trouble running Flyer on S-Trax, even Pikermaster stuff.  The only problem was with a couple of cars through turnouts and those were wheel gauge issues.


Of course, we won't know anything about FasTrack turnouts until they hit the street.



Originally Posted by Rocco:
Lionel's new American Flyer track system DOES have screw holes.
 Originally Posted by RadioRon:

In looking at the photos of the S Fastrack in the catalog, it appears not to have screw holes.... while the O Fastrack does.


Du-Oh!  I just looked at my FasTrack.  Rocco's right.


I should look at my own pictures more closely...

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