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Received my copy of CTT today.  That's one fine and colorful layout you have there, Sam.  You can be sure we'll keep you in mind for future coverage in OGR with shots and editorial approaches different than what was done by our competitor.  Nice to see that colorful "yellow bonnet" on the cover.  I'm a big fan of all the AT&SF warbonnet color schemes.

Hey Allan, Thanks for the 'open door' and you'll be hearing from us shortly!


I had hoped that there had been some mention of the 'Aspen Leaf' D&RG PAs on the upper level of the cover shot. These were Williams Warbonnets that I repainted myself (a sacrilege?) after adding balsa wood sheeting to the vastly undersized stock fuel tanks. That has been a pet-peeve with many Williams diesels for me and I decided to change them. The PA is a massive brute and the diminutive stock fuel tanks greatly destroy this image and give Williams PAs & E7s that ungainly 'high-water' look. The finish work is somewhat crude compared to the many incredible craftsmen here but I enjoyed doing it. The custom decals were made by forum member Bruce Clouette.

I have a matching MTH powered B unit we painted with smoke to run with these also.


The beautiful viaduct was built by member TimW of I love Bridges (see his work in J&C Studios Archives) and stretched about 14 feet across the rear of the layout as approaches for the Hellgate Bridge. It had a sweeping curve at the left end with beautiful parapets at each end. Tim did a great job custom fitting it to the multiple curves via email and photos!

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