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Following the time-consuming effort to update my TIU's and DCS remote (see DCS 2.34 LOADER PROGRAM IS NOW AVAILABLE!!  I'm posting corrections that allowed me to get it done.  The directions in the DCS Loader software for both TIU and DCS Remote update loading are out of date.  I have two Rev. L TIUs, both of which have a USB cable connection that uses the kind of USB terminal at the TIU that is also used at the printer end for many USB printers (I used my own ordinary printer cable for the solution that works, explained here.)  These TIUs DO NOT use the USB "micro-B" cable end (pictured below) that some did earlier, the USB micro B also mentioned in Barry Broskowitz's book published a couple of years ago.

WRONG cable for my TIU's above


The printer-style USB terminal that DOES fit is here:

As noted below this USB, from the USB terminals on my computers bought a few years ago, is powered so that additional power input (either through Fixed 1 TIU input or through the AUX power input) is NOT needed for updates of either TIU or the remote.


Existing instructions shown in the DCS Loader dialog boxes are, for the TIU:

"Sending Code to the TIU"

1. Close all other programs (other than DCS Loader itself)

2. Disconnect all power to the TIU Inputs (Var 1 & 2 and Fixed 1& 2 inputs, that is)

3. Disconnect TIU from tracks

4. Connect 9 pin serial connector between PC and TIU. (Note the problem with this since it provides TIU with power; violates rule noted under step 5 below.)

5. Connect 1/8" mini to mini (audio STEREO-3 conductors) cable from PROTO DISPATCH jack to PROTO CAST jack on the TIU (this puts the TIU into "programming mode", and must be done before any power source is connected to the TIU, either USB or the other choices above)

6 Apply power to either FIXED 1 input or AUX POWER


As you will read in the thread linked above, these directions led to hours of frustration and failure for these TIUs.


Note did "factory reset" on each TIU before anything else.

ALSO, found issues unzipping DCS Loader and DCS 4.30 downloads ("administrator privileges needed" error messages even though I AM the *** administrator and only user).  In Windows7 at least, if you right click on the shortcut to either WinZip or 7-zip (a free alternative) and choose "Run as administrator", then you can browse INSIDE the unzipper software to the Downloads folder and extract or unzip the downloads successfully.

After lots of helpful and puzzled suggestions and questions from GunRunnerJohn, RJR, and Barry Broskowitz, the solution came by noticing that the USB connection made the internal power red LED seen through vents in TIU come on, so !! perhaps having it connected before the jumper mini stereo cable was causing failure, and perhaps the other power connection wasn't needed for this type TIU and its chosen USB cable.  I reversed steps 4 and 5, doing 5 with jumper FIRST, then connecting USB cable (not 9 pin serial, which is not necessary with the USB option).  I ignored step 6 and clicked on START button.  Shazam, in one minute the update was done and my remote confirmed the TIU now had DCS 4.30 loaded (MENU, SYSTEM, TIU SETUP, TIU VERSION).

 Now for the Remote update, similar changes.

Current dialog box instructions in DCS Loader:

Steps 1, 2, 3 are same (and still correct).

4. Connect TIU 9 pin serial connector between PC and TIU

5. Connect (4 conductor) telephone handset cable (Radio Shack item--be sure it's a HANDSET cable with the narrower modular plug size; R Shack number is in Barry's book, too, correctly).  As warning popup will note DON'T connect to TIU AIU input--you will damage remote and/or TIU if you do that).

6. Apply power to Fixed 1 or AUX POWER

7. You will be instructed to hold down the Remote's Power (on/off) button (when to hold down and when to release it will come on screen as the process proceeds, be ready to hold down for about 5 minutes straight during one part of it).


Again, I tried a similar set of changes for my TIU's using the powered printer-type USB cable:

Reversed steps 4 and 5, connected phone handset cable from REMOTE INPUT on TIU to modular connector at base of Remote, and THEN connected TIU to computer with USB cable.  Pressed START and Remote update proceeded with DCS 4.30 showing on remote.

Above is all in the attached Word document in case anyone wants to download and save it.

Barry plans to put this in his next book revision, and I'm sure MTH will get it corrected in the software itself, so those dialog boxes will be correct for these Rev L TIUs, with the printer-style powered USB connection.


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The instructions for the TIU need modification, however, the instructions for the remote update do not, since the jumper cable is not used to update the remote,

the USB micro B also mentioned in Barry Broskowitz's book published a couple of years ago.

You are mistaken.


The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition  does, indeed, specify the correct USB cable for Rev. L TIUs on page 132:

One cable that is always required is a 9-conductor serial cable or, for the Rev. L TIU only, a USB cable that has a Type B USB connector on one end and a connector that fits the PC on the other end.


Click here to see this cable on


This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

ACtually, you're both right.  If you look at the picture way down in the following link, under connectors, you'll see that what Don calls the printer plug is "Standard USB" while the other he depicts is "micro USB."


I don't have any Rev L's, but was there a change in the type of USB port used?  Also interesting that, since all USB connectors supply power as well as signal, this issue hasn't arisen before.  Was there a change in the internal wiring of the TIU?


From Wikipedia:

Types of USB connector left to right (ruler in centimeters): Micro-B plug, UC-E6 proprietary (non-USB) plug, Mini-B plug, Standard-A receptacle (upside down), Standard-A plug, Standard-B plug



Images (1)
  • Usb_connectors
Last edited by RJR

I've run a couple of the TIU's with the USB.  I don't know that it actually powers all the circuitry, but it's enough to power the processor.


I plugged in the USB and it connected to my computer.  The LED flashed out the proper code for TIU #1.  I then powered only Fixed #2 with a transformer and tried to add an engine.  When it powered up, it started in conventional mode, so it obviously didn't see a WD signal.  I tried to find it anyway, no dice.  If I power the aux or fixed #1, no problem at all.



The source of my incorrect initial cable choice: DCS O Ga Companion 2nd edition, purchased and downloaded by me in 2011, p. 132 under "4. Required cables and connectors": "...a USB cable that has a micro B make connector..."

That's different from what I called a "printer style" connector, or ordinary "Type B" connector as Barry corrected it above.  I bought a USB with the micro B based on that text, and found it didn't fit when I went to do the TIU update.  "Micro B" is repeated in Appendix C in the Revision L table section.

I now notice the picture on P. 133 correctly shows a "regular" type B connector rather than micro B.  Wish I had caught that discrepancy between words and picture at the beginning of all this!

The instructions in MTH's new DCS Loader still would have stymied me, though, save for you folks who kept helpfully questioning me until I tumbled to the fact the USB powered the TIU for the update, and therefore had to be connected AFTER the mini stereo patch cable.

For the less techie among us, it's important to clarify this connector stuff, so the confusion opportunities are minimized--speaking as one formerly confused!

BTW Google images provides a handy way to search on these terms and see a picture of each type connector.


You are so right about the details.  While it didn't take me any time to figure out which USB cable to use, and I have plenty of them, I can see where it would throw a non-tech type person.  The USB powering the TIU was another thing that I totally forgot I discovered on the first update, after than I just connected the cable first and then the USB, problem solved.


What I didn't realize was that you don't need the aux power for the upgrade of the Rev. L units, that's nice.



The source of my incorrect initial cable choice: DCS O Ga Companion 2nd edition, purchased and downloaded by me in 2011, p. 132 under "4. Required cables and connectors": "...a USB cable that has a micro B make connector..."

Unfortunately, you did not avail yourself of any of the free updates to the book that you downloaded, each of which has been advertise here on the OGR Forum, as well as via MTH's electronic newsletter and other announcements at York. If you had, you would have purchased the correct cable.


The reason that updates to the eBook editions of The DCS O Gauge Companion have always been free to purchasers of that edition, is to ensure that any errors and omissions, as are sometimes found in initial offerings of books as detailed as mine, are corrected in the purchaser's copy.


Typically, as long as new or corrected information can fit contextually into the current edition, that is where the new or updated information goes. It's only when new information is too voluminous to fit into the current edition that a brand new edition is published. For example, the first edition was 167 pages while the 2nd edition is 215 pages.


I'm expecting that the 3rd edition will be somewhat larger than the 2nd edition, as well.

As an irregular visitor to the OGR Forum, I sure enough missed the updates.  I've now downloaded the #14 version.  I need help identifying the "revision document" though, it didn't show up on the "Download Files" page. I don't find it in the table of contents, introduction or appendices in v14.  A steer to it so I can update my printed copy would be appreciated.

Barry, I don't recall any other author of my acquaintance giving his paying reader (2 copies) a tongue lashing for not knowing about an update.  Please stop that.

I need help identifying the "revision document" though, it didn't show up on the "Download Files" page. I don't find it in the table of contents, introduction or appendices in v14.

The Revisions document is a separate pdf that was included with the last upgrade forum post, which is long gone. However, I've attached it to this post.

I don't recall any other author of my acquaintance giving his paying reader (2 copies) a tongue lashing for not knowing about an update.  Please stop that.

First, if you call this...

Unfortunately, you did not avail yourself of any of the free updates to the book that you downloaded, each of which has been advertise here on the OGR Forum, as well as via MTH's electronic newsletter and other announcements at York. If you had, you would have purchased the correct cable.

... a tongue lashing, you've led a sheltered life.  


Second, how many authors whose eBooks you've purchased even provide free updates? Kindly take my statement in the spirit in which it was made, i.e., an explanation as regards how you could have avoided purchasing the wrong cable.




Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Originally Posted by Barry Broskowitz:

I need help identifying the "revision document" though, it didn't show up on the "Download Files" page. I don't find it in the table of contents, introduction or appendices in v14.

The Revisions document is a separate pdf that was included with the last upgrade forum post, which is long gone. However, I've attached it to this post.

I don't recall any other author of my acquaintance giving his paying reader (2 copies) a tongue lashing for not knowing about an update.  Please stop that.

First, if you call this...

Unfortunately, you did not avail yourself of any of the free updates to the book that you downloaded, each of which has been advertise here on the OGR Forum, as well as via MTH's electronic newsletter and other announcements at York. If you had, you would have purchased the correct cable.

... a tongue lashing, you've led a sheltered life.  


Second, how many authors whose eBooks you've purchased even provide free updates? Kindly take my statement in the spirit in which it was made, i.e., an explanation as regards how you could have avoided purchasing the wrong cable.



Yes.  Thanks for the link, now have the revisions to print.

I bought the first edition of the book and thus missed out on any updates.  This kind of information is good for those of us in that boat.  I was hoping revisions would be available to obtain without having to purchase a new book.  I had the electronic edition and spent extra to have Kinko print and bind it, and only have one PS3, no HO locomotives, so don't plan on re-purchasing it.

Tongue lashing was not exactly my thought.  The main final issue was that the information that was needed (cable end terminology, the order of cable connections for TIU updates to work) is not contained in any of the updates I've seen to date. A bit of humility was the thing I was missing here. Sorry to be so darned direct, but it's necessary.  I do thank each of you for the help that WAS offered.

Hi again, I've recently just bouhgt the usb to rs 232 for updating my trains and remove and tiu revision l and have downloaded the program but i doin't see the icon to start the program? doses it load itself ounce the ports are plugged in and tiu powered up?
sincerely confused alan
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

I've seen Barry's tongue lashings, this isn't one of them!



yes it completely loaded and then i installed it . nothing else there . no icon alanOriginally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

No, you have to start it.  Did it actually load?  Open your Windows Control Panel, and under Programs and Features, look for MTH DCS Consumer Loader.


If it's there, look in the C: drive under Program Files (x86) or Program Files and navigate to the MCS DCS Loader folder.  The MTH DCS Consumer Loader V2.xx.exe file should be there.



i loaded the 32 bit version  my computer is a windows 7, there was something about had to use Netscape which i do not usually use, maybe the problem there! Alan
Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

No, you have to start it.  Did it actually load?  Open your Windows Control Panel, and under Programs and Features, look for MTH DCS Consumer Loader.


If it's there, look in the C: drive under Program Files (x86) or Program Files and navigate to the MCS DCS Loader folder.  The MTH DCS Consumer Loader V2.xx.exe file should be there.



There were updates to the 1st edition and they are still available for download by 1st edition/purcgasers. Just re-download the book.


  So how does one that is a 1st edition purchaser go about doing this update? Do you do this from the MTH website? If so where would one find this? The only thing I see is a link to purchase the e-book, but nothing on a re-download.


 I have tried emailing MTH and no surprise, but I get no response.

 I tried calling last Friday and again today and I get the endless recording on the parts and service extensions that runs for approx5mins then just hangs up.

 Not sure where to go from here.







If you have only a first edition copy, you are entitled to re-downlaod only the latest copy of the first edition.


You have to login at Shopatron. Your Shopatron password is the password of the book. Then click on the "Download Files" link to thee right of your book. Finally, click on the title of the book to download the latest copy of what you purchased.

Last edited by Barry Broskowitz

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