Hello Folks
I in puzzle I have three tables joined together to make an outstanding layout. I'm using Gargarves tracks with a few Ross curve switches, dozen gargarves switches, all ran by single accessories transformer. all other accessories are ran by small transformers, the only questions I have is that I have ran two independent tracks off MTH Z-4000, for longest time I haven't had any problems, until I relocated the transformer from one place to 20 feet opposite position. I belong to a Hi-Rail Club, and for a long time I've ran my layout without some help and with another person. This year has been a fiascos in running with hiccups of either dirty tracks or realizing the handles of my Z 4000 have changed position of power going out when line 1 no longer run line 1 but line2` and line 2 will not run its line.
Now, it won't run line 2. the only thing I can figure out - is figuring out districts , here's what I've tried by experimenting with line 2 by under the table i ran a bus line a distance 20 feet to a terminal block, then wire the block to another terminal block . I used what i thought would work to detect any shorts or other problems i would be able locate it fix it. only i did not have a problem. until now, as I'm maybe I have created the problem. Has someone created Districts on DCS system, please share with me on how I can improve my dilemma.