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Farmingdale Traction
Before I thought about building the Steeple Cab kit,
I was looking to name a trolley, Farmingdale Traction Company. Of the three trolleys that METCA is offering;
the Entenmann’s,
Texas Special,
and Pacific Electric,
I thought Pacific Electric would be the easiest one to re-letter. I first contacted a painter, who was unsure of being able to reletter the trolley without repainting; so I wasn’t willing to go for that expense for this project. When I started on the Steeple Cab; and Train Guy Ken got involved. I asked him if he could make an extra set of decals when he was making the decals for the steeple cab. I sent him the dimensions for the trolley. In between that activity; when I asked on the forum about removing some paint that someone put on a beep roof and called it weathering. @chris a suggested that I use scotch bright red to remove some of the paint without damaging the original paint. He told me how to go about it and it worked great. So I took a leap and decided to try to do that with the trolley, I was very happy with the results; when I started very gently rubbing away at the name and it came off without disturbing the surrounding pinstripe paint. traction6
I didn’t disturb the paint underneath that much to the point that it would need repainting.traction7
I tried my hand at waterslide decals, which I haven’t done since I built model airplanes 70 years ago. I’m sure the technology is much better today.traction5
Ken cautioned me to use Rust-Oleum 2X Matt Clear to seal the decals. That worked out good so now I have a trolley that’s lettered Farmingdale Traction Company.
Here are the trolley and Steeple Cab together
A big thanks to Ken the Train Guy and Chris A for their help with these projects!
I naively thought that I could buy Scotch Bright Red in the grocery store where they have all the scrubbing products. When I looked it up I found it was an abrasive tool. I couldn’t find a small quantity; so I bought a box. If anyone wants to give the technique a try; send your address in an email, and I’ll put a few sheets in the mail to you. Gratis.
PPS Here is Trainguy Ken’s Build Project write up.
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Original Post

Greaat work Bob, I was luckier my Trolley said "Bergen County Traction" and we are from Bergen County N.J. so it didn't require a name change.  It even had the "Public Service" logo on it.  Believe it or not, I am now 79 and when I was about 4 or 5 I can remember my Aunt taking me on the trolley shopping down to Newark from out suburban home.  By the time I was old enough to take pictures however the trolley's were long gone, the centenary down, and just busses remained.


Trackside scene at gas station w trolley


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  • Trackside scene at gas station w trolley

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