I originally installed ERR CC in my Williams E7. When I did I used the "large motor" default setting.
After working on a few other engines, mainly a Williams/Samhongsa 2-8-2 and a Weaver 4-6-0, I noticed they both have larger engines than came in the WBB E7.
Last night I moved the CC into my MTH RS3 (had Locosounds) and noticed the motors in the MTH RS3 are the same size as the WBB E7 motors.
I'm wondering, did I choose the wrong size motor in my initial setup?
As an aside, I just finished installing PS2 in the Williams/Samhongsa 2-8-2. I was going to install PS2 into the MTH RS3 at a later date, but I don't believe it'll fit (with additional space needed for the battery). The ERR CC is smaller and I believe even after I add the RailSounds Commander (and 9v battery) it still won't take up as much space as the PS2 kit.