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I also wonder if with the MTH wifi system, I could build a graphical representation of my layout on my iPad and throw switches by touch. I have a big yard with many switches, and running the yard in that fashion would be easier than remembering all the switch numbers. I was very impressed with the Lionel LCS system that had this feature.


Craig, as of right now there are only 4 persons outside MTH who really have the details.  These are the beta testers, and they have promised not to tell.  For a worthwhile answer, hold the question.


If you have never attended the Wed eve session, you're missing an excellent event.  Without it, I'd be strongly tempted to skip York.




   I guess I am about to aggravate some wifi users, but I do not give a hoot about any wifi upgrade for DCS, but man I would really like to see, the Hand Held Remote Control made fully rechargeable, and I would like to see the AIU upgraded to run wireless programmable low voltage switches, now to me these are serious upgrades for the DCS, additional wifi engineering is a waste of time IMO.




AGHRMatt posted:
trainroomgary posted:

The other guys have had their App done for years....... "Engine Driver"

Engine Driver

If you would like to see what the advanced paid MTH / DCS / WiFi, may look like & do. Click Here

St. Joseph, Michigan will get it done, but later this year. 2016


Doubt it as the user interface is way too different from the current app.

Hi Matt

No doubt in my train room. Lionel and MTH have been playing catch up with their WiFi systems for years. I have used all three. “Engine Driver” was released in 2011. Lionel & MTH have both used and re-engineered their WiFi systems to work like Engine Driver. 

Engine Driver is sold world wide and they have deep pockets for designing and engineering. They are the Model Train WiFi leader and Lionel and MTH are getting on board, with a late timetable. 



This free application can connect to a JMRI WiThrottle server running on a computer

Doesn't this app need a PC connected to the layout's TIUs to run?

Engine Driver is sold world wide and they have deep pockets for designing and engineering. They are the Model Train WiFi leader and Lionel and MTH are getting on board, with a late timetable. 

According to the app description on iTunes, it's forDCC only, not DCS. Also, to my eye it looks like it's user interface was designed by a programmer rather than a graphic artist.


One more question. What do you need to connect the PC to the layout's TIUs?


Images (1)
  • Untitled
Last edited by Barry Broskowitz
Barry Broskowitz posted:


According to the app description on iTunes, it's forDCC only, not DCS. Also, to my eye it looks like it's user interface was designed by a programmer rather than a graphic artist

One more question. What do you need to connect the PC to the layout's TIUs?

MTH demo 1MTH demo 2MTH demo 3

Hi Barry: I hope these photos taken on my layout, answer all your questions. 


Images (3)
  • MTH demo 1
  • MTH demo 2
  • MTH demo 3
Last edited by trainroomgary

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