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Mario's trains managed to get my new First Responders set with the new DCS Explorer to my doorstep this morning!  Thanks Joe!

Soon I will be playing with the new DCS EXP to see just what it can do with the Free App vs. the Standard App.

Hmmm... wonder if I CAN install the free app on a new tablet from the Google store if I purchased the Standard app a while back.  I have a feeling it may default to installing the Standard App.... time will tell.

More info to follow....

Last edited by eddiem
eddiem posted:

Mario's trains managed to get my new First Responders set with the new DCS Explorer to my doorstep this morning!  Thanks Joe!

Soon I will be playing with the new DCS EXP to see just what it can do with the Free App vs. the Standard App.

Hmmm... wonder if I CAN install the free app on a new tablet from the Google store if I purchased the Standard app a while back.  I have a feeling it may default to installing the Standard App.... time will tell.

More info to follow....

It will identify your Standard app upgrade if you use the same gmail account on both smart devices. If you setup a new gmail account on the new tablet/phone, the app won't be able to see the standard upgrade purchased with your original gmail account that purchased the Standard upgrade.

Looking forward to your review and impressions of the DCS Explorer!!

Last edited by H1000

My thoughts so far...

It works!  Out of the box, it took a while to figure out that the DCS Explorer doesn't turn on ready to go.  It takes a minute or two to be ready to run trains.

I used it in MTH mode... in other words, not connected to my home network (that's for another day!)

My android tablet connected but didn't find any engines for quite a while.  All the right lights were on (appropriate for the Christmas season - it's a multi -colored extravaganza of indicator lights!)  I was logged into it's (the DCS EXP's) wifi, but it wasn't finding any engines... then, it did.  One engine was factory fresh, the other had been run earlier with my WIU/TIU setup... no problems with either.  New engine was assigned a number, old one had a number.

Running was as expected.  I have the latest update on the Standard ($4.95) app.  Lots of features brought up a "sorry can't do that" message, as expected.

What I didn't expect was that the SET MAX SPEED feature doesn't work... same "sorry can't do that" message.  I was disappointed!  Especially after being told here on the forum that it would be there!  The message indicates (as it does for other things it WON'T do) that the SET MAX SPEED feature can only be done with the WIU/TIU hardware.  I played with the "set password for max speed" option... didn't make a difference.  No way to set max speed! I feel an ARRGGGHHH coming on!

The power supply is rated at 15V and 3.75 amps... that's 56 watts.... no complaints there.

I did try 2 engines (with no cars attached) and it ran 'em fine... Power supply didn't get hot.

I have it set to go off with my main power, but I guess (as Barry suggested) it might be better to leave the DCS EXP on all the time.  That said, except for the initial wait to start up, it's OK to power off between sessions.

I need to read up on the HOME network setting and how it makes thing different.  On my 'ol WIU/TIU, I also use the MTH mode, not home network mode.

More to follow....

Last edited by eddiem
eddiem posted:

What I didn't expect was that the SET MAX SPEED feature doesn't work... same "sorry can't do that" message.  I was disappointed!  Especially after being told here on the forum that it would be there!  The message indicates (as it does for other things it WON'T do) that the SET MAX SPEED feature can only be done with the WIU/TIU hardware.  I played with the "set password for max speed" option... didn't make a difference.  No way to set max speed! I feel an ARRGGGHHH coming on!

Did they actually issue the update the enables the feature in Explorer?

I know MTHRD said they added it - but it wasn't clear if the update was issued.

And if it was issued - did you update you app?

Roving Sign posted:
eddiem posted:

What I didn't expect was that the SET MAX SPEED feature doesn't work... same "sorry can't do that" message.  I was disappointed!  Especially after being told here on the forum that it would be there!  The message indicates (as it does for other things it WON'T do) that the SET MAX SPEED feature can only be done with the WIU/TIU hardware.  I played with the "set password for max speed" option... didn't make a difference.  No way to set max speed! I feel an ARRGGGHHH coming on!

Did they actually issue the update the enables the feature in Explorer?

I know MTHRD said they added it - but it wasn't clear if the update was issued.

And if it was issued - did you update you app?

App updated, can't be sure why it is not available to adjust but it shows the message that you can't set max speed without the WIU/TIU.

Not sure about the usefulness of the "password" setting...still playing....

I thought that others would have chimed in by now!

PLJ, I guess they put all the units they had into the sets.  Mine came in the First Responders set.

Last edited by eddiem

Well, the user manual referenced above is great for setting up the DCS/WiFi stuff, but it still doesn't answer my base question:

If I currently have ONLY lionel / TMCC / Legacy, and I want to purchase an MTH RTR set in order to see how I'll like MTH stuff, what do I do to hook it up to my existing layout? Do I have to power-down all the Lionel stuff, and only then turn on the DCS power supply, or can I run MTH thru the explorer and run TMCC thru my existing bricks and controllers as well? 

I got mine yesterday, put it in mth mode, tested it out, test fine.  Made a temporary floor layout of o72/99 track and it was really nice being able to run my GE Evolution Hybrid and BiPolar engines again.  I was a bit upset when I put a MTH starter set Blue comet on the tracks and made an awful screeching sound, realized that it had loco sounds not proto sounds 2, completely forgot that loco sounds existed.  After playing around with the app, I kind of wish that MTH would come out with an interface just for the explorer.  I get it I can't use premium features since I bought the budget friendly yet it would be nice to have a menu of what features I have, instead of all features, a lot that I can't use.

Powarun posted:

I got mine yesterday, put it in mth mode, tested it out, test fine.  Made a temporary floor layout of o72/99 track and it was really nice being able to run my GE Evolution Hybrid and BiPolar engines again.  I was a bit upset when I put a MTH starter set Blue comet on the tracks and made an awful screeching sound, realized that it had loco sounds not proto sounds 2, completely forgot that loco sounds existed.  After playing around with the app, I kind of wish that MTH would come out with an interface just for the explorer.  I get it I can't use premium features since I bought the budget friendly yet it would be nice to have a menu of what features I have, instead of all features, a lot that I can't use.

I was under the impression that you tell the app what device you are using (DCS Explorer or WIU) - and it would configure itself accordingly.

Having a cluttered interface isn't going to be helpful.

I suppose MTH might see the visible-but-not-usable extra features as "advertisements" for a full DCS systems....?

David Minarik posted:

The inability to set the Max Speed is a MAJOR problem.  The + and 120mph are too close to not have this feature activated in all versions of the app.   It is also not available for lashups in the premium app.  I have talked to MTH months ago about this and was told that it would be added.  NO LUCK. 

MTHRD did say that feature was added - but it's unclear if that fix has been published in an update.

I think it would probably best for MTH to disable (or make toggleable) the speedometer's ability to set speed by touch.

It does appear to be too close to the arrow controllers and too easy to accidentally hit. (we've had a few reports like this)

Just to clarify, in the app you do pick either DCS Explorer or DCS WIU and it does work very well, yet I was turned off by all things I can't do and it telling me that.  It would be nice to either pay for the extra features via app or be able to have a menu that has all the included features.  I get that they want me to upgrade to the DCS WIU to unlock everything it just feels like they are pushing it too much.

Powarun posted:

Just to clarify, in the app you do pick either DCS Explorer or DCS WIU and it does work very well, yet I was turned off by all things I can't do and it telling me that.  It would be nice to either pay for the extra features via app or be able to have a menu that has all the included features.  I get that they want me to upgrade to the DCS WIU to unlock everything it just feels like they are pushing it too much.

Since there is no upgrade to the DCS Explorer version of the app - it doesn't make much sense for MTH to tempt people with an upgrade they don't need.

If this is the case - I predict MTH will be refunding money to DCS Explorer users who upgraded the app - for no benefit...

Roving Sign posted:
David Minarik posted:

The inability to set the Max Speed is a MAJOR problem.  The + and 120mph are too close to not have this feature activated in all versions of the app.   It is also not available for lashups in the premium app.  I have talked to MTH months ago about this and was told that it would be added.  NO LUCK. 

MTHRD did say that feature was added - but it's unclear if that fix has been published in an update.

I think it would probably best for MTH to disable (or make toggleable) the speedometer's ability to set speed by touch.

It does appear to be too close to the arrow controllers and too easy to accidentally hit. (we've had a few reports like this)

I agree with David as to the importance of this feature!  "Big fingers crash trains!"

MTHRD did say it would be in the DCS Explorer app, but when I try it, it just says "upgrade to a better version AND get a WIU/TIU!"

Hoping for a quick fix, based on MTH RD's earlier statement prior to release of the DEC EXP.

Guys, let me offer some clarifications.  The max speed setting was supposed to be added to all versions of the app.  This was done based on various feedback from the market and our own internal sensibilities.   

That said, implementation was overlooked and while it appears in the apps, it doesn't function correctly in all cases.  This is being cleaned up now and you'll see an update soon that includes the max speed feature available in all versions of the app.  Both iOS and Android, of course.

To be clear, current available versions of the app are, Explorer, Free, Standard, and Premium.  They are all the same app in terms of what you download but, different in terms of what they do.  As someone mentioned in this thread, the Explorer and Free versions are identical in railroading functionality but require different hardware (Explorer vs. WIU).  The reason for this is quite simple.  The Explorer is only capable of what the app offers.  So, we couldn't have the Explorer app promoting upgrades to Standard and Premium and still not have access to the features they paid for.  I'm guessing that may have ticked some people off.  I know it would if it happened to me.

David Minarik posted:

The inability to set the Max Speed is a MAJOR problem.  The + and 120mph are too close to not have this feature activated in all versions of the app.   It is also not available for lashups in the premium app.  I have talked to MTH months ago about this and was told that it would be added.  NO LUCK. 

We're on it.  Max speed for lash ups is on the short list for an update.  We have been working to get the Explorer and it's app out after the Premium app was released in April.  We are nowt setting our sights on identifying some things to include in updates to the full DCS app.  Meaning, the WIU (hobbyist) side.

As long as the explorer version of the app. does not ask me or tell me about features it can not use or advertise or make apparent I do not have the full version, or I can turn off it telling me so, beyond the loading selector menu options, it sounds good to me. I really don't have the space for anything beyond its abilities. Good to hear the Z-1000 power brick works with it.

I have been using the Explorer for a month now, and all in all, I love it.


I have not been successful running more than one loop. It may be track connection issues and is probably my fault, or It could be when I tested it I had a passenger set and two other trains running on an outer loop. More testing is needed with three consists that are freight and not passenger.

I think the DOPPLER effect only works once around the track. Am I wrong about this? It's a nice feature, but frustrating that it is so limited.

One huge feature that I wish it had was the ability to control Subways. My transformer can, but this does not. I think that should be included in updates on the app, since it is a basic feature to running a subway set. It's a good thing I have a transformer and a separate loop to run the subway. Even if the DCS Explorer allowed me to select AUTO MODE and then forget it and move on to another train, that would be huge. Please, MTH.

HUGE QUESTION that has not yet been answered: does each starter set DCS Explorer have a unique MTH WiFi signal? Because if I buy another starter I'd love to use another device to run that explorer with another loop of track. I.E., Explorer A runs off Device A, and Explorer B runs off Device B, each connected to individual loops of track. Can anyone answer this question for me?

Also, is their a way to lash together engines using the explorer?

Congratulations, MTH. This device has made me purchase MTH engines, because now I can run two at a time, easily. (I use a z 1000 and run two passenger trains, no problem.) I continue to hope you will allow us to purchase more features in a premium DCS EXplorer app, because as much as I enjoy this taste of DCS, I do not want to convert my small layout to full DCS.

Nice product~!

Last edited by pdxtrains

I’ve read this entire thread but still have a few questions.

1. If I purchase one of the starter sets that include the Explorer can the engines be run by other means or is the Explorer required. Reason for the question is Iwould plan to keep the Explorer and sell everything else off.

2. The power to my layout is provided by four 135 watt powerhouses and controlled by two TPCs. Can the power be rerouted to the Explorer via the TPCs so that engines could be controlled on both of the main lines or would I need a separate power source.



WaynePA posted:

I’ve read this entire thread but still have a few questions.

1. If I purchase one of the starter sets that include the Explorer can the engines be run by other means or is the Explorer required. Reason for the question is Iwould plan to keep the Explorer and sell everything else off.

2. The power to my layout is provided by four 135 watt powerhouses and controlled by two TPCs. Can the power be rerouted to the Explorer via the TPCs so that engines could be controlled on both of the main lines or would I need a separate power source.



1) The RTR sets with the explorer can be run without it. The RTR set includes Proto Sound 3 which allow conventional control or control with any DCS control system past or present.

2) keep in mind a couple of things. The DCS explorer has a 6 Amp maximum allow input current. Also, the explorer must provide power to all track that your PS2 and PS3 engines will run on.  You should not use the explorer to inject DCS signal passively into track that has another power source.

Hope this helps!


You should not use the explorer to inject DCS signal passively into track that has another power source.

Just a note of clarification.

Since passive mode by definition means no input power to the DCS device, and since the DCS Explorer requires a power source that then proceeds out to the track, the DCS Explorer cannot be operated in Passive mode under any circumstances.

DCS Book Cover

This and a whole lot more about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

Craignor posted:

I just got one of these, is it right that I can only have 3 engines loaded in my phone App?

A fourth engine will not add, and I get the message to upgrade to the full featured App when I try to load it?

Yeah, that's correct.  That's three engines total including anything in the "inactive" list.  So if you want to add a fourth, you'll need to delete one first.

beachhead2 posted:
Craignor posted:

I just got one of these, is it right that I can only have 3 engines loaded in my phone App?

A fourth engine will not add, and I get the message to upgrade to the full featured App when I try to load it?

Yeah, that's correct.  That's three engines total including anything in the "inactive" list.  So if you want to add a fourth, you'll need to delete one first.

That’s what I figured, just wanted to verify it. Thanks.


I just got one of these, is it right that I can only have 3 engines loaded in my phone App?

That's not exactly correct.  

There is a way that you can have more than 3 engines in the app when using the DCS Explorer, although only 3 can be active at any one time. However, you'll need the Premium version of the app and you have to put the app into WIU mode, although you don't actually need a WIU to be present.

Then, you can import a set of engines from another DCS App or a DCS Remote. Put the app back into DCS Explorer mode and you can pick from any 3 of the engines in the app to run at the same time.

This is explained in detail on page 212 of The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition.

DCS Book Cover

Everything that you need to know about DCS WiFi is all in MTH’s “The DCS WiFi Companion 2nd Edition!"

This book is available from many fine OGR advertisers and forum sponsors, or as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!

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