I haven't upgraded DCS in about 3-4 years. So I fear the old remote is on an older version. It's a pain to disconnect the TIU. Can I upgrade the remote and not the TIU?
No recommended to do that. Best to do both. G
Fred, one does not have to disconnect the TIU. Turn off all power to all 4 inputs and power the TIU through the AUX port. One does have to access the TIU to plug in the jumper jack, the computer cable, and the phone cord. Given that your new remote most probably does not have the same version as your old, you're stuck with having to do the job, which is easy using the latest loader program which gives step-by-step instructions on the screen.
It's a very bad idea to mix DCS software in the TIU and remote. However, you might find there following from The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition, page 137, to be helpful:
Upgrading the TIU
Sometimes, TIU placement makes it inconvenient to remove a TIU from the layout to upgrade the TIU's DCS software, particularly if the TIUs are placed under the layout, as are mine. To get around this inconvenience, you can connect extension cables to each TIU's serial, ProtoCast and ProtoDispatch ports to bring them out from under the table. I also have a long serial ribbon cable that goes from the PC in the train room work area, around the layout to where the TIUs are located.
When it's DCS upgrade time, I connect the serial cable from the train room to the serial port jumper cable connected to the TIU. I also jumper together the extension cables connected to the ProtoCast and ProtoDispatch ports. Then I can upgrade the TIUs in place, since a little known fact is that it's not necessary to unhook anything other than the serial, USB, ProtoCast and ProtoDispatch ports when upgrading a TIU's DCS software.
This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!
Barry, not that I use it, but if one uses a usb cable to connect computer to tiu, isn't there a max length for a usb connection?
The serial cable that I currently use is approx. 40 feet long. The max distance for a serial cable is, I believe, on the order of 150 feet.
A USB cable can be considerably longer. A quick search on Amazon found a 100' USB cable.
My laptop does not have a 9 pin cable. Can I use a 9 pin to USB cable to upgrade (the USB would obviously go into the laptop)?
Yes, that's what I use. Bought it at Radio Shack for about $12-15. Brand was something like "Gigaware."
Barry, I remember reading, a few years ago, that a usb computer to printer cable shouldn't be longer than 8' or 15', or something like that.
And just to confirm: to upgrade the TIU and Handheld, I choose: "Send code to the TIU" and "send code to the handheld" on the loader program, respectively, correct? There is no reference to "upgrade"
Appreciate the help
a usb computer to printer cable shouldn't be longer than 8' or 15', or something like that.
Sounds like bunk to me
Regardless, USB 3.0 or even 2.0 has come a long ways from USB 1.1.
And just to confirm: to upgrade the TIU and Handheld, I choose: "Send code to the TIU" and "send code to the handheld", correct?
Correct. Follow on-screen instructions precisely in roder given. If you have any failures, recycle power to the TIU before powering it up. Also, be sure proper cables are in place before powering up; TIU won't recognize the 1/8" jumper if not inplace at power up..
Regardless, USB 3.0 or even 2.0 has come a long ways from USB 1.1.
Thumbwheel arrived in the mail today. Soldered 3 wires and it's as good as new. No problems. Now I have two remotes. Sweet.
Onto making sure I have the same software version on the TIU, and 2 remotes.
So how does one find out what version I'm on?
Thanks again
So how does one find out what version I'm on?
The remote tells you when you turn it on. For the TIU, press:
Menu/System/TIU Version and, if necessary, select a TIU.
This and a whole lot more is all in MTH’s “The DCS O Gauge Companion 2nd Edition", available for purchase as an eBook or a printed book at MTH's web store!
OK, TIU and old remote are 4.0 New remote is 4.2.
Can I operate without updating or should I update the TIU and old remote?
Is 4.2 the most current?
Update. Actually, most current is 4.3.
Someday 4.31 might be the current release, but it's having a difficult birth.
OK, final update. Picked up the 9 pin to USB cable and updated the TIU, and 2 handheld remotes to version 4.3. Without a problem. WOW. As folks noted earlier, you have to follow the sequence as specified in the loader program.
Then I backed up the old remote to the PC and then downloaded the data to the new remote. No issues. Before doing this, I started adding engines to the new remote and was having fun finding engines that I totally forgot I had. See what age does to you?
Anyway, I wanted to thank everyone for their valuable help. Much appreciated. This is a great board.
Fred, glad you found the loader program easy to use.
What you can do is now save the contents of the new remote to your computer, and then restore that save to the old remote. I recommend time & dating your saves, so if you ever have to reset a remote, you can reload back to a version before whatever happened to require a reset.
You said you added more locos to the new remote. You want the backup to include the latest.
I would note that after you set all the softkeys in the order you want them, backing up allows to to copy all the settings to the other remote. Also, don't automatically delete the old backup file when you create a new one, just in case for some reason you have to go back further.
I'll mention for the benefit of readers that the backup feature does not affect or copy the version of DCS (for example, 4.3) that's loaded.
New to the forum. Thumbwheel down . Where do I find a new wheel ? Would like to have a backup. I bought a new remote and going by info on the forum I secured the board, used electronic oil on wheel contacts and braced the wheel with rubber foam below the wheel board . Old remote wheel plastic pins weakened making a mess of everything. New reworked remote works great. Still would like to have a backup next time. Does anyone make anything worth while for under a $ 150 ?
The thumbwheel is easily and inexpensively replaced. If you can solder, obtain a new thumbwheel from MTH or one of the techs who frequent the forum. If you can't solder, ask GGG or GRJ if they are interested.
I don't know to what you refer by the plastic pins
The two plastic pins protrude from the top cover of the remote and hold the thumb wheel bracket in position. The pins fit in the two small holes at the bottom of the bracket. When I opened the remote to find out why the thumb wheel was so loose I found one of the plastic pins was broken off and the other was cracked. I manufactured two good pins and soldered two wires to the wheel board but found other issues with the wheel by then that rendered it useless . So how do I get in touch with MTH to purchase a new wheel assembly. I'm not an MTH tech.
Call MTH in Columbia MD. Speak to MIdge in the parts dept she will take your order and ship it. I wouldn't be surprised if a few techs now chime in to sell one to you, and their shipping may be cheaper.
Complete thumbwheels are not available now, and it may be some time, if ever, if they're available again. The only part available now is the cradle that is a frequent failure item, BG-5000007 Thumbwheel Cradle.