So I'm reading a post that Barry makes to another guy. It's over multiple tius.
I have three myself and they worked until the end of last year when things went progressively down hill. I did replace one old tiu with another old one, and even got another new version L. All that must have thrown my 2 remotes for a loop. My O scale was OK but the G scale was suffering.
I couldn't add any new engines outside and even lost another engine address outside. So it seems like the remote would try and contact TIU #1 and even TIU #2 which are both in the basement and not powered. I kept getting out of range messages that didn't make sense and I posted a complaint about that stupid message.
Well maybe the message was correct? I thought I could add an engine to my outside TIU. The trouble is it is set to #3. So I'm guessing that everyone else knows that?? but I didn't. I swear that it had worked in the past. I guess it was a timing thing and the new TIU arrived around any new G scale adds. Even tethered directly to the tiu, the remote would stall and not respond.
So to the point!
I deleted TIU#1 and #2 from my outside remote. It erased a ton of O scale engines. However, it added a new G scale engine immediately!
I'm really not sure if I should have had two #1 TIU's ( 1 inside and 1 outside?) or do it the way I did?
I just decided that the outside remote shouldn't be talking to the inside O scale.
So after much struggling with uploads of DCS 4.3 and then back to 4.2 and other grumbling, I missed a DCS rule. The engines add to the lowest number TIU first.
Do I now, have that right Barry?
I never know it all! Where's that darn DCS book. How did I run for years without any issues???? (Luck).
Why did I sell my old TIU?? sata frada rats...... (idious)