Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:
Since I've seen a number of cooked wires in passenger cars and even a couple of engines, I know that a derailment can pass a lot of current before anything trips. If that happens to impress the track AC on the frame of the tender, with no ground that would be bad.
John, This is the part I don't follow you on. The track ac is impressed on the frame of the engine and tender.
I have done pin outs on many TMCC mother boards and the AC common (outside rail) is just a buss on the mother board. AC into the mother board and the AC common is distributed to a number of the pins used as the return path for the accessories such as lights, and couplers. It is also used as an input to the R2LC, RS Power Supply, RS Board.
If you have a derailment, the least of your concerns is what happen to serial data, since the engine is shorting and isn't going anywhere.
The only damage I have had to repair on RS 2.5 and 4.0 boards is blown audio amps. I am sure that has more to do with the AC spike effect on the 5VDC power supply and since AC is monitored for DC offset, I assume that is why the AC issues blow audio amps. Same effect on the PS-2 audio amps.
K-Line is one manufacturer that uses TMCC equipment but has wipers and direct connections for AC Center Rail and Outside Rail in the tender.
Of course we have strayed way off FMH's original question. G