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Never bothered to post until now so....


I'm currently using my I3 TIU as my Rev L is back at MTH with issues. Over the years, the Fixed 2 and Variable 2 have power, nothing coming out when power is put in. Outside of blown fuses, which I have not opened up to check, is there anything else that may have caused this along the way? Currently using Fixed 1 and Variable 1 (fixed). 

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I never used the variables on my Rev L as I only have 2 tracks. Things started with the double whistle soft key (posted about it), then the horns started getting stuck (posted about it) when the track signal was 10s, then control problems and finally it eventually either would work great or not work at all. Dropped in the Rev I and all was well except the occasional double soft key (can live with it) and occasional PS2 stuck whistle (irritating with 10s all the way around but no control issues)


I'll try to crack open the Rev I tomorrow and look at the fuses. Good to know that there aren't other components outside of the fuse (and board) that can go bad. 

Last edited by SJC

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