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In the orange Hall there is a list of all vendors and there table location, quite handy. They (usually a big stack of them) can be found in the lobby near the pop corn machine(that's also where the test track and microphone is)  There is no such list for the other halls.  However each hall does have a list of it's own table holders, no stack for the taking but you can ask the location if you know the name of who you are looking for.


Paul Edgar

Lotsa luck on craftsman's kits.  You would have had better luck on those at the recent

Strasburg O scale show.  I have always hoped for more that I have found at York.  There is the Canadian? company set up in the Black Hall with scale wood, but stuff like Tichy, Grandt Line, Evergreen, or such luck, in my experience. There is one seller in the Orange Hall, advertised on here, Scenic Express that has the foam "stone" material.....I think somebody is missing an opportunity. 

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