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In light of the recent TCA dues increase and the number of responses here on the forum, Would like to see OGR Magazine take the lead here to do an article on the TCA.  I think your readers and TCA members would like a refresher as to what the TCA stands for, does at the national and regional level and hopefully get a good accounting from them of what their expenses are. Also since York is a main reason for belonging what the relationship is between the Eastern Division and National.


I am hoping if done in the right context this should be a boost for the TCA and help with transparency


Last edited by Rich Melvin
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Originally Posted by L.I.TRAIN:


In light of the recent TCA dues increase and the number of responses here on the forum, Would like to see OGR Magazine take the lead here to do an article on the TCA.  I think your readers and TCA members would like a refresher as to what the TCA stands for, does at the national and regional level and hopefully get a good accounting from them of what their expenses are. Also since York is a main reason for belonging what the relationship is between the Eastern Division and National.


I am hoping if done in the right context this should be a boost for the TCA and help with transparency


Sounds like you are passionate enough in your support for the TCA and with a bit more research you can do the article yourself. There is an offer for some pictures already and with some of the data and background information already posted here you have the basis of a good start

Originally Posted by Bob Kazian:
Allan, Are you sure you can't do this in your spare time?

I'll work it in after my next vacation, Bob.     Not sure when that might be since I've been here for six years now and haven't been able to schedule a real vacation yet, unless you want to consider a couple of days at York each year as a vacation.


I'm planning to make up for that--Alaska, Hawaii, Australia, Colorado, California, and Germany--but that will be after I retire.  Assuming, of course, that I can stay on this side of the dirt long enough for that to happen.  


Note to Ukaflyer:  Chris is pulling our collective legs with that post of his.

would be an interesting project but its a matter of time. I put in a long work week 12 hours days and two hours of commute time. Any extra time i have goes to family and the train club. Rather leave it up to the professionals and magazine crew.   C'mon Allan I can smell an OGR PULITZER PRIZE  Steve
Originally Posted by Ukaflyer:
Originally Posted by L.I.TRAIN:


In light of the recent TCA dues increase and the number of responses here on the forum, Would like to see OGR Magazine take the lead here to do an article on the TCA.  I think your readers and TCA members would like a refresher as to what the TCA stands for, does at the national and regional level and hopefully get a good accounting from them of what their expenses are. Also since York is a main reason for belonging what the relationship is between the Eastern Division and National.


I am hoping if done in the right context this should be a boost for the TCA and help with transparency


Sounds like you are passionate enough in your support for the TCA and with a bit more research you can do the article yourself. There is an offer for some pictures already and with some of the data and background information already posted here you have the basis of a good start


I have given a good amount of exposure to TCA activities in the time I've been with the magazine--far more than was ever done in the past, or by our competitor or the other publications they regularly advertise in.  When the TCA starts supporting our magazine with a bit of advertising, perhaps then I'll consider doing even more.


In the meantime, they obviously have my personal support and best wishes.

Originally Posted by Joe Hohmann:

...HOWEVER, I would not "advertise" the big draw (namely York) until the Eastern Division supplies some "official" photos of what goes on inside the halls. Until that happens, I'd forget doing a OGR "special"....

Keep in mind they are not one and the same thing.  The TCA is the parent organization, and the Eastern Division's York Meet is a part of that larger umbrella organization.  I would be happy to publish a full photo feature about the York Meet--as I have noted several times in the past--if photos were permitted to be taken there.  It is the largest event of its type in the world, and that kind of exposure would be "news" as far as the hobby is concerned.  


A feature article about the TCA itself would have to be done by someone interested in doing the article because I do not have the staff resources available to handle that project.  I will not be doing it myself, aside, perhaps, from something in my Editor's Corner column if/when I feel it is appropriate.  Better to have that kind of article done by an independent author in fairness to the other organizations out there who may feel they would also "deserve" similar treatment.


And as I've also noted above, it's not exactly inspiring to me to see the TCA place ads in a number of other hobby publications on a regular basis--some which really are a bit of a stretch as far as toy trains are concerned--and not in the magazine whose readers are perhaps the organization's most promising prospects.  But, life goes on!  


Thanks for chiming in here. From your last response I respect your decision not to dedicate ORG time and resources. I wish I had the time to devote to this but just not enough hours in the day.

Appreciate that you would be willing to publish the article if someone would write it. Maybe one of the forumites can volunteer


BTW thanks for all you and OGR do in providing this forum and allowing its members a places to communicate.




Originally Posted by L.I.TRAIN:

Appreciate that you would be willing to publish the article if someone would write it. Maybe one of the forumites can volunteer.


That, of course, would be contingent on it being a relevant article with a central theme, and not just a fluff piece, and that it be appropriately illustrated.  I'm always willing to review every submission I receive and evaluate how well it might serve the needs and interests of our broad and diverse readership.  I can't please all the readers--or potential authors--all the time, and I don't even try to attain that unrealistically lofty goal. 

What your about to read isn't all hobby trains but the actual premis certainly does apply!

 Ran into a nice older gent last night at a cruise night- he had a '48 plymouth and since I own an older one we chatted for quite a while{wait for it}...I told him about quite afew online sources for the things and questions he had and after the 4th to 5th one he stopped me and told me he doesn't have a computer...ugh!

 So, the "relative part"......we can't assume that a website such as this will reach out to all who care about the hobby simply because some folks don't have access to this site or anything on the internet for lack of a computer- so they rely on what they read in the magazine. I'd respectfully ask that, on occasion, the mag could be a reference to things such as the TCA and any other club or hobby shop references for the mag readers who have no voice nor viewing here on the website....just seems a shame that the older crowd doesn't want or have access to the web, but I can respect that as I'd bet it's just as intimidating to them as it was for me eons ago when I first started in computers.{took me over a year to figure out how to attach a photo to an email- there, I said it!} 

I know space in a magazine is precious and adds are costly but revenue, but some folks need more from time to time, just because.


Ok, I'm stepping off of my soapbox now...hope you understand that I was trying to represent the somewhat blind and silent ones without a computer...who rely on only a magazine to give them eveything they need.   


...and I can get my own coffee...

As I noted before, I have given some TCA projects--"Kids Night at the Museum," for example--ample space in the magazine--and the TCA is frequently referenced in my column and in layout features where/when the author makes note of his or her membership.  Ditto for any of the other O gauge oriented groups, large or small.


It's not that many older folks don't know how to use computers; it's more a matter of some of them preferring not to use computers or the Internet in regard to their hobby pursuits.  That is perfectly understandable and, frankly, I admire those folks for making better use of their time.


I do work with authors who are not "computer people" and who prefer to do things in a more traditional manner when it comes to writing their text or submitting photos.  Those people are increasingly few in number, but there are still some around.  That makes my job far more difficult, of course, but if it's an article I think our readers will enjoy or learn from, it's always worth the effort.

Originally Posted by cbojanower:

Even though I am not an LCCA member, I think the LCCA is doing a far better job getting their message out than the TCA.

Indeed they do, Chris, both on this forum and elsewhere.  They also advertise with us--often in a big way (full page color ads)--and I like to think that helps to expose them to prospective new members.


There is no question that the LCCA is very proactive when it comes to exposing and promoting the hobby to as wide an audience as they can possibly reach, and they deserve much credit for their efforts (and for their continuing support of OGR).

Originally Posted by C W Burfle:

Even though the TCA dropped the initiation fee, and dropped the two signature requirement, perhaps the TCA really isn't overly anxious to receive members from the general public. Just maybe they still prefer to get new members via recommendation (word of mouth).



I think you may be on to something there Mr. Burfle. First "your Executive Committee" recommended that the two signature be dropped to make recruitment of new members & income flow easier, then 15 months later the "new Executive Committee" rewards all believers with an increase in dues of 25% for both new & old loyals!


The interesting question is not where the National TCA is heading. Don't know whether it is Chapter 8, Chapter 11 ... frankly it doesn't matter which chapter & verse of Bankruptcy Law apples to nonprofit "Associations." The interesting questions will be:


1. How much longer will the Easter Division continue to operate under the auspices of the National TCA (perhaps for as long as the ED remains cash flow positive), and

2. What will become of the Museum and its contents (the TCA's only tangible assets along with its membership list).


There are of course possible road maps for each of those question (never say never). My bet is the National has as long as the next economic downturn. The hobby, the gauge, OGR Mag and the ED on the other hand will do just fine well into the foreseeable future.

2. What will become of the Museum and its contents (the TCA's only tangible assets along with its membership list).

I believe the process for the disposition of all property had to be defined in the documentation when the TCA filed to become a non-profit (I am not a lawyer and could be mistaken).

How much longer will the Easter Division continue to operate under the auspices of the National TCA (perhaps for as long as the ED remains cash flow positive)

The folks managing the Eastern Division seem happy to be part of the TCA, and donate plenty of money to National. I just do not imagine them leaving.


Originally Posted by C W Burfle:
The folks managing the Eastern Division seem happy to be part of the TCA, and donate plenty of money to National. I just do not imagine them leaving.


Indeed they are!  I'll even go out on a limb here and state that there is absolutely no chance of the Eastern Division dis-associating themselves from the TCA National.  If/when that were to ever happen, both entities would be past history, so it's certainly not something to wish for.


For Between A&B:  The the museum collection and member lists (probably worth very little now) are certainly not the TCA's only tangible assets.  You're forgetting the building...most likely the largest asset of all.


I had a terrible time sleeping last night worrying about all the OGR forum member (not to be confused with the TCA membership at large) fretting about the TCA and it's measly $15 dues increase.  NOT!   

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