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I recently added some Railway Post office decals to a Williams Great Northern baggage car using Micro-Sol to get the decals to settle around the rivets.  One side came out great the other side required additional application of micro-sol to settle properly.  The additional application of the Micro-sol soften the decal and of course i wrinkled the decal.  Now I need to replace the decal.  What is the best way to remove the deformed decal?  Will it come off if I wet it with water or do Ineed to use something else?



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Depends on how much MicroSol you used and how thin the decal was.  Microscale decals are very thin and can actually get embedded in the paint.  I've had some luck using more MicroSol to soften the decal and then used a synthetic bristle paint brush to "scrub" the decal off ( a "soft" bristle toothbrush should work).

Chuck’s advice is good.
When applying decals the secret is do one side at a time and let them dry before you disturb them. If after the are dry and they need to settle down more, prick the air bubbles with a pin then apply more Micro-So and let them dryl. The decal may wrinkle at first but will lay flat when dry. If the surface has lots of rivets you may have to repeat the process again.

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