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it's pretty east to make a roof access
with some scale clapboard or just some
coffee stirrer sticks and some grant line doors.
look at the o scale details on
and you will see two version that are easily duplicated
with scrap wood if u don't want to buy them
ready made. u cn also put on some chimneys with any
plastic tubing ( I use the cylinder plastic tube in the middle
of my doggie bags, one of the few advantages of having
a dog . finally,u cn add some some misc. piles of
scrap wood, tubing and newspaper scraps in the corners. finally u cn easily make billboards by printing ads from google image and building the billboard from scrap wood. look at some pictures of billboard models and you will c what I mean ( is a great source. their unique designs are ho scale but u will see how to construct the billboard from looking at their models).

Last edited by Jerrman

Here are a few things I've added to the side of a building I've built. Notice the ketchup sign, blocked up window, fire escape, air conditioning unit and pipe/stack. The pipe is there mainly to hide the seam on the side of the building. The escape, and air conditioner are scratch built and the pipe is a soda straw. The sign came from an old period magazine add.






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  • IMG_0776
  • IMG_0774

Get one bottle each of black, tan and white.  Randomly paint bricks like you will see on buildings with this type of brick.  Sometimes two or three together, etc.  Be creative and true to what you've seen and taken pictures of.  Do the white wash for mortar.  Follow with weathering chalks to tone everything down and bring it together.


I built an Atlas roundhouse as part of a layout build and had kind of like a blog thread about the build on this forum.  There are some decent pictures in it if you are interested.  I like how it came out.  That was a BIG model with a lot of brick.  Really fun to build.  If you search William 1 new layout build you'll come across it like 6 threads down. The roundhouse part is at the end of page one and the start of page two.  Just thought I'd share.

Last edited by William 1


I used a rustoleum spray paint (Regal Red #7765) for the brick color. I air brushed the fire escape with flat black and then went over it with a few light passes of Model Master Rust. The exhaust pipe is secured with 1/2 inch staples flattened and bent around a dowel rod approximately the same diameter as the straw. I drilled two small holes on either side of the pipe and pushed the staple over the straw into the building.


Pete, Thanks for the compliment.


William 1 said..'Get one bottle each of black, tan and white.  Randomly paint bricks like you will see on buildings with this type of brick.  Sometimes two or three together, etc.  Be creative and true to what you've seen and taken pictures of.  Do the white wash for mortar.  Follow with weathering chalks to tone everything down and bring it together.'


That's a good technique. I've used it on the chimney here:




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  • IMG_2417
Last edited by Mark Diff
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