I recently picked up a special run car, I think, from an estate collection. Was this a real winery and where was it? Anyone know the history on this car? Thanks
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Right! I sure don't know about the car but, Google has some very interesting information concerning the history of Roma Wine.
The reporting marks CDLX belong to California Dispatch Line. This company also supplied tank cars for the wine industry.
Roma Wine was one of the wineries using six-compartment tank cars to ship wine. Sunset/3rd Rail made a very nice model of that car several years ago. K-Line also decorated 2-dome tank cars for Roma Wine, but I don't know if they are authentic or not.
Here's a prototype photo of a reefer that looks a lot like the K-Line model. Can't be sure of the colors, but it does show that the K-Line car has a basis in reality. The car was a catalog item in the K-Line by Lionel era.
And here's the six-dome tank car.
It is a Ca Winery,long gone.
I wish someone would make the 7 hatch tank cars for Roma Wine. They've always been in H0.
Roma Wine Co. did roster 4 10,000 gal cars per RR Gazette.
I wish someone would make the 7 hatch tank cars for Roma Wine. They've always been in H0.
I've never seen a prototype photo of a 7 compartment wine car, but Sunset/3rd Rail made the 6-compartment one in brass. You can find them on eBay. The trucks are usually rotted from zinc pest, but it's easy enough to install new trucks. Here's the 3rd Rail car - this one is painted for Ambrose rather than Roma, but the Roma car is identical except for the decoration.
Roma Wine was famous for sponsoring radio shows like Suspense. They were not famous for their wine. They made a brass six hatch tank car. They come up on E-bay once in awhile. I switched out the trucks for three rail. Also I have a Red Caboose single hatch version that was a kit. Don
thank for all the info, keep it coming, boy that sonoma car catches my eye.
I happen to know Matt has a wine cooler just for his wine cars. This is the "Red Caboose" Roma Wine single hatch car. When they come up on E-bay they are cheap. Easy kit to build and nice looking cars. Don
thank for all the info, keep it coming, boy that sonoma car catches my eye.
That was an Atlas club car a few years ago. This year's is also a wine car - Tipo Wines by Italian Swiss Colony. You can still order it on their website; it hasn't been shipped yet. The Scatena Bros. (Sonoma) car is sold out, but it shows up on eBay once in a while.
Since this topic has broadened from a particular wine reefer to wine cars in general, here's a picture of a European wine train by ETS from the Czech Republic. The cars have US-style trucks and couplers; they are also available with European four-wheel chassis and ETS or Marklin couplers.
And here are a couple of bigger wine barrel cars by Paya of Spain.