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I wasn't sure if if I should post this in Tin Plate. I bought a Lionel set, 6-51009, slightly used on OGR a couple of years ago. I have unpacked it recently and started running it on my temporary floor layout. It has 261E steam locomotive.

The major issue is I can't get what I assume is an e unit to work consistently. I am operating with a PW ZW and am using TMCC conventional. When I try to cycle through N-F-N-R etc, much of the time the unit doesn't cycle. I have not taken anything apart yet. What I've tried is to move the reverse lever on the loco back and forth which sometimes helps cycle it. Sometimes I have to turn everything off and on and that might get the system to work. Sometimes it just sits there and doesn't respond. And sometimes I can get it to work. I'd like to get some ideas of how to approach this.

The other issue, which I could live with, is the TrainSounds sound system. It works but it sounds like too much static. Any ideas to check on this?

Thanks in advance


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