I am working on getting my grandfather’s 256 running after sitting on a shelf for 50 years. It has two motors, one I got working done, the second has a broken brush holder. Have reached out to Hennings, JLM, and a few others, no luck. Anyone have a used one or a different solution?
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Funny that I read this just as I am about to start working on a 256 same one as a matter of fact.(the one with the stamped instead of the brass plate). Mine two motors have the later brush plate which is a lot better.I hate the brush plate you have having to glue the brush in etc. Mine did not have the piece that the motors hang from so I had to buy an ebay listing which cost me 91.00 to get the piece to use as a template so I could make one. Anyway I am just rambling on here but I do have an extra brush plate you can have. I will send it to you.As far as the actual brush holder Hennings does have them(or he used to). You can Email me with your address my Email is in may profile.
Thanks Jim! will follow up with you directly in a bit. Maybe I should just go with the later brush plate? is it an easy swap?
also Henning's is out of them and said the gentleman who made them no longer has the tooling?
I was going to swap for a new brush plate but then you have to drill holes for the newer plate. If I recall there also was an issue with the armature I think because of the bushing the brush plate is too far out or something I forget.
Great! I’ll send you an email,