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There is the age-old debate between steam and diesel locomotives, but electrics need some love too!
So, let's see your electric Trains! Posts can range from toy to real engines, old posters, interesting facts... The sky is the limit!

Every gauge, railroad, and era are welcome!

Here is a picture of my GG1:



Images (1)
  • GG1 PRR
Last edited by Oscale_Trains_Lover_
Original Post

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Here's our K-Line  EP-5, a scale rendition of the iconic electric that both Lionel and Gilbert American Flyer produced in the 1950s  The Lionel model was short and used incorrect 4 wheel F3 trucks while the Flyer unit had proper 6 wheel trucks and was better proportioned. K-Line's model is a pretty good full-scale O gauge model with TMCC and Railsounds from the Factory.



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  • IMG_5886
  • IMG_5887
Last edited by c.sam

Here's mine:

IMG_0847 A Williams rectifier, longer than the traditional Lionel version but not sure if it's scale.  K-line GN EP-5 scale like C. Sam's,  K-Line KCC GG-1 in Brunswick Green five stripe livery and a MPC era EP-5.  The E-60 below is a Williams with "B" trucks instead of "C"s like the 1/1  version.  This is destined for a fantasy GN Big Sky Blue paint scheme.IMG_0860


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  • IMG_0847
  • IMG_0860


Williams E33, reasonably close to scale except for the height of the hoods, taller to accommodate the vertical can motors:


One of several Williams MTH and a Lionel scale GG1s that I have:



Atlas AEM-7:


K-Line EP-5:


converted to two-rail; according to some, a better version than the brass one that was imported:


E44, unknown manufacturer, possibly Locomotive Workshop:

E44 PRR 2-rail-02

And an unknown scratch-built 1-D-1 chassis, this one is outside third rail:

1-D-1 power chassis unknown builder-001

1-D-1 power chassis unknown builder-002

One of several doorstop (heavy cast bronze) EP-3 and GG1 motors that own:

New Haven EP-3 0351-001

And finally, a trolley box motor built by Bill Robbins (of Nevada Short Line fame) that I now own:



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  • IMG_20160131_102907
  • IMG_20160322_181845
  • 100_2912
  • 102_0121
  • 102_0127
  • E44 PRR 2-rail-02
  • 1-D-1 power chassis unknown builder-001
  • 100_5676
  • 1-D-1 power chassis unknown builder-002
  • New Haven EP-3 0351-001
@coach joe posted:

Here's mine:

IMG_0847 A Williams rectifier, longer than the traditional Lionel version but not sure if it's scale.  K-line GN EP-5 scale like C. Sam's,  K-Line KCC GG-1 in Brunswick Green five stripe livery and a MPC era EP-5.  The E-60 below is a Williams with "B" trucks instead of "C"s like the 1/1  version.  This is destined for a fantasy GN Big Sky Blue paint scheme.IMG_0860

Joe...nice collection...BTW,I have a Williams E-60 still in the box if you need....all the best..joe

Only have a few Electrics.  Got them to stand still for portraits.

First off in 1948 or 1949 Dad brought home a GG1 from Amer's train shop.  But it kept jumping the tracks!  Howard either replaces it or worked on it.  Bur NO Joy so did not get any until much late.


All three of these have a significance.  The green 4935 in the 70's was painted back to its original scheme by F.O.G.G after Amtrak gave them the OK.  So it actually pulled Amtrak tries for about a year.  The red 4876 (then green) crashed at the DC Union station in early 50's.  It was Cut apart and out.  Rebuilt painted red.  And than there is 4829 a one and only scheme!



More modern PRR Electrics plus the NYC that ran in Cleveland, Ohio.


Had to have a neat Amtrak!

Lastly always like the NH EP-5 from the mid-50's catalogs but they did not go with my Pennsy.  Now I know that these NH EP-5's pulled mix passenger consist of NH and PRR cars.




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  • 2580E486-49FC-4971-B80A-286D18D2C81C

Here are a couple of mine :

American Flyer 3110 1928-1929, 1931

AF 3110 front quarter

American Flyer Wide Gauge 4644 1928-1933 sitting next to the #3110 in O'gauge

American flyer 12ll and 4644 - side viewAmerican Flyer 1211 and 4644 front view

A French Hornby OE-PO locomotive of 1949

French Hornby Train- close up front view [2)

The Lionel 252  1926-27

Lionel 252 side

The Lionel 256 1924-1930

Lionel 256 front view

Well there you go for me.  Remember the pictures make everything seem the same size but they are not.   The Lionel 256 is by far the largest pre-war O- gauge locomotive Lionel produced.  With twin motors, it dwarf's most of the rest and is almost as large as the American Flyer Wide Gauge 4644.

Best wishes for a great weekend everyone



Images (6)
  • AF 3110 front quarter
  • American flyer 12ll and 4644 - side view
  • American Flyer 1211 and 4644 front view
  • French Hornby Train- close up front view (2)
  • Lionel 252 side
  • Lionel 256 front view
Last edited by Don McErlean

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