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I own the more recent Lionel version of a Bild A Motor from a standard Gauge 2-4-0 small steamer.  This engine has a regular E unit that is difficult to activate due to its location.  I would like to remove the E unit and set this engine up for continuous forward operation.

The side of this motor has four screws from where the  e unit were attached.  The bottom two screws go to the brushes and I assume top two go to each end of the winding.  I have set the engine on a powered track and tried, using jumper wires in various configurations between the four screws to get the motor to run, with no success,

What am I missing here?   Phil

Original Post

The basic wiring for a Lionel motor is power to one brush, then from the other brush to one field wire, the other  field wire is grounded. Lionel also did it the other way, power to one end of the field, other field wire to a brush, the other brush to ground. The idea is to get the armature coils and the field coil in series. It does not matter which end gets power and which end get grounded. If it runs the wrong way, reverse the connections to the brushes or field, but not both.

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