Before you write off DCC, consider, all except Lenz have radio handheld throttles, no wire connection. And CVP (EasyDCC) makes a radio throttle package for use with Lenz. This system you are looking at appears to be some sort of old fashioned console like a lionel ZW. I find walking around with the handheld throttle much more fun and convenient.
A second issue is what is being used by people you know near by, if any. You might consider a system that other hobbiests in your area use. That way if you have questions, you have some one local to talk to about it. The manuals on ALL these systems are bad. Some are worse. They unfortunately seem to have been written by the techs who designed the system. these people know it very well and assume that we know things we don't. So they write manuals at their level and sometimes that is hard for us to figure out.
By the way, DCC is the most common control system for 2 rail trains in HO in the USA. So there are a lot of options and a variety of systems. As for dated, so far all have been upward compatible for the most part. CVP did make some changes when going from 2-3 digits that were incompatible but the others have not as far as I know. That means if you have a 10 year old digitrax throttle it will work with a brand new system, if thought the new system has totally new and uupgraded software and hardware. Basically components do not get obsolete so quickly with DCC.