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I have acquired the permanent use of a 12'x15' room from "She Who Must Be Obeyed". I have an around the wall table layout which will fit in a 12'x10' rectangle. Yes, I am only leaving myself 5'x12' on the end of the room for my chair, controllers, & visitors, but that is OK with me.

Here is my question: In the middle of the opening I want to build an independent simple oval layout on what I will call "Fantasy Island".  What is the smallest table top that I can use with Fastrack for an oval with a structure or two and some trees, one small dirt road, and a little beach?

Your help appreciated



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You need to define what you want a little better, I believe that FT now has 031, I don't know the exact width of the roadbed, but probably about 35"? So an oval with 1 10" straight section and 1/2" between the roadbed and edge would give you an absolute minimum table size of about 36"x46", how much room you want between the roadbed and edge, and how much room you want for the beach would affect those numbers, but I would think that 36x46 would be the smallest that you would get an FT "Oval" on.


Hey Doug thanks, and kudos for your tag line. I join you in your support for the 2nd Amendment.

My minimums would be 0-36, simply because I have so many. I was thinking of something approximately the size of what you get in a typical starter set. So, in hindsight, it has occurred to me to lay one out on the floor and measure the size.

Duh..... (on me)

I am slow, but eventually get there.



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