Thank you all for the photos of your Standard Gauge Christmas trains. Beautiful!
In late September I took the California Zephyr to visit the California State Train Museum in Sacramento. At the museum, I went bonkers over the O Gauge Tinplate displays and immediately thought about the Lionel/MTH reproductions I had ignored for a decade or more. I r-e-s-p-e-c-t the originals as wonderful and valuable, but I run DCS and Legacy exclusively, lovin' the control and sound. So, ahem, as I was buying used O Gauge reproductions, I accidentally bought a Standard Gauge spotlight car that needed repairs. OOPS!
Clearly the only logical solution was to get some standard gauge, too. Now I have both, with MTH PS-2, but no track. (I am torn between US Track and Gargraves 5-rail.) For now, it's likely that the spending on tinplate reproductions will put a hold on track purchases for a while, but I can run the o Gauge on my layout anyway.
Here's the spotlight car, disassembled (except for the couplers), rewired, painted, baked, and re-assembled. (Had it been original, I doubt I would have repainted it.)