Originally Posted by Reading Steam Guru:
I have always been a Lionel guy, never had any Flyer.
I'm curious about ''vintage'' American Flyer S-scale track (as opposed to any modern offerings).
What radiius curves did they make?
Looking at a Museum display-layout for the holidays, and would like to include some Flyer.
Thanks for any input.
American Flyer had only one curve for the most part, the 20-21" radius. Lionel's new S FastTrack is also this radius. AF also hade something called PikeMaster track, it was even sharper (16"r?) and not all that well made. K-Line offered a wider curve compatible with the old Flyer track, but the exact radius (27"?) escapes me at the moment.
American Models offers 21", 24" and 27" radius curves, as did the former S Helper Service (now MTH, but I doubt the track would be available in time for your project.)